New Content - Implemented New-You Club Membership Form

At the astral gash, the drop down for current Eudora shows nothing. I know that there's no real support yet, but I just wanted to mention this anyway.
Have submitted a bug report as it seems to me that whichpenpal does not get set to 4 in the API when you select New-You Club, but is set to 1. This could actually be a different bug, as it sets back to Pen Pal when you do anything, so probably not an API issue !

So r18009 probably works, it just won't til KOL does.
Message in /messages.php?box=Correspondence : (I guess we'd want to only capture the most recent one message, is that safe, or do we have to match date?)
<p>You should focus on self-empowerment today.  Cast Stream of Sauce against a junksprite sharpener 14 times (look in The Old Landfill).</div>
Message when using the right skill:
<p>You're really sharpening the old saw.  Looks like you've done 1 out of 14!<table><tr><Td></td></tr></table>
When you've used it enough:
<p>You did it!  Your saw is so sharp!<table><tr><Td></td></tr></table>
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Have submitted a bug report as it seems to me that whichpenpal does not get set to 4 in the API when you select New-You Club, but is set to 1. This could actually be a different bug, as it sets back to Pen Pal when you do anything, so probably not an API issue !

So r18009 probably works, it just won't til KOL does.

And now KoL is fixed.
Become Superficially Interested (-combat) can be toggled in its description (charsheet.php, POSTing action=newyouinterest and pwd=$PWDHASH) to Become Intensely Interested (+combat), and vice versa (same URL).

2289	Become Intensely interested	foldednote.gif	4dedd7ca824340c7267ce393292dd1e9
Effect	Become Intensely interested	Combat Rate: +5
18013 adds a "toggle [effect]" command. My goal was to make the command a little more generic than something just for this one effect (even though there's no current use case), but for now you don't need to actually specify an effect.

This isn't perfect. If you tell KoLmafia to automatically acquire the -combat effect when you have the +combat effect, it's just as likely to use another affirmation as it is to toggle. There's no knowledge of how to get the +combat effect if you don't already have the -combat effect. The maximizer will suggest toggling to get the appropriate effect, but it doesn't know that doing so will also remove the other effect (giving a +10 bonus instead of +5). I don't have any ideas for addressing that.
Pep Talk [Boris skill] and Iron Palm Technique [Traveling Trader skill] (and, arguably, all the flavour of magic skills) can be toggled on/off at will, although that's via casting a skill.

Regarding maximizer: Smooth / musk, Boris / dread songs, and facial expressions come to mind as mutually exclusive effects, where acquiring one (through conventional means) will remove any others that are active. I admittedly haven't really looked at maximizer code in depth, but I don't think there's an easy way to go about implementing something like that.
I dunno why, but I suspect it's some stupid typo: the maximizer currently doesn't suggest the collecting affirmation when trying to maximize for item drops, while it does so for meat drops.
Things that should be supported for this IotM:

  • Session log! Report the line about saw sharpening!
    • "You're really sharpening the old saw. You've done [number] out of [number]!"
    • "You did it! Your saw is so sharp!"

  • Track New You Quest! It's in the quest log after all...
    • Preference for if the Quest has been completed today. (Update this from the saw sharpening response.)
    • Preference for Monster to sharped your saw against.
    • Preference for sharpening skill.
    • Preference for how many times to sharpen my saw.
    • Preference for how many times I have sharpened my saw today. (Update this from the saw sharpening response.)
  • Add skill, Incredible Self-Esteem.
  • Add preference to tell if the Incredible Self-Esteem skill has been used today.
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Good point. I edited it into my preceeding post.

It seems that lost has just added the Incredible Self-Esteem and _incredibleSelfEsteemCast property in r18058.
Become Superficially Interested (-combat) can be toggled in its description (charsheet.php, POSTing action=newyouinterest and pwd=$PWDHASH) to Become Intensely Interested (+combat), and vice versa (same URL).

2289    Become Intensely interested    foldednote.gif    4dedd7ca824340c7267ce393292dd1e9
Effect    Become Intensely interested    Combat Rate: +5

Become Superficially Interested shows up in the maximizer when maximizing for -combat and owning the requisite item (Daily Affirmation: Be Superficially interested), but Become Intensely Interested does not show up when maximizing for +combat when owning the item. Toggling between the skills does show up when maximizing for +combat and having Become Superficially Interested active.

It would be really nice if it also showed up when you just own the item, though if this is very tricky to implement, I can see why you won't.
though if this is very tricky to implement, I can see why you won't.

That's what my post in the first page of the thread covers. I might be able to get it to show up, but then I could imagine a new one being used before toggling instead of just toggling the existing effect in some weird cases. It's enough of a mess that I don't plan to tackle it.
Mind Master's 80-turn banish isn't recognized by "banishes" or "prefref banish".
At least, I heard it was 80 turns.
r18382 adds quest tracking.
Lightly tested as I was in Noob when I got the quest, but I am not now, so can't use the skill!
So only test done is against one monster name reading from quest log.
Would be good to know if regex for that is robust, and if fight tracking works.