Feature - Rejected Show Estimated Damage


I would the relay browser to show how much damage can be done by a skill. This would really be helpful, for example when basement diving it can tell you which action would give the most damage. If it better to use Moxious, Hobo Skill, Or just hit with your weapon
I've thought about this a bit too. It'd be easy to show damage ranges/estimates, especially for spells. However, it would not be easy to show it cleanly. There's not a lot of real estate on the screen where it'd fit without looking horrible. It's also just a lot of things to show as well, as there are a whole lot of skills/spells/attacks out there. Then you've also got monster resistances/immunities/whatnot.
I think that they should show up right above the attack button, but only show up when the skill is selected
I was going to link to zarqon's relay override for fight.ash too, but I'll just add that it's not an officially released script yet, so all the usual precautions apply.
It won't actually *do* anything, it simply displays info, so no danger here - and from what I have seen the info seems correct - but the "cheapest" skill listed will not necessarily allow you to kill the monster before the 30 round limit for example.
Personal note of confusion - I see the 'Implemented' tag as meaning implemented by mafia - available in main code without any additional outside things being needed. These FReqs being made irrelevant by BatManRE or other scripts seem more like the features being added to base mafia was rejected instead.

Just how I read the tags. :) Feel free to keep ignoring that.
I agree with that.

An open "Bug" is marked "Fixed" if we changed something in KoLmafia to make it not happen.
If KoL evolves to make it irrelevant - or we decline to fix it for some other reason - it goes to "Won't Fix", with a note explaining why.

An open "Feature" is marked "Implemented" if we changed something in KoLmafia to provide it.
If somebody writes a script which provides the functionality - or we decline to implement it for another reason - it goes to "Rejected", with a note explaining why.

Personally, I am uninterested in running BatManRE, so if I, personally, want a feature that it provides and am interested enough to spend time on it, I'll add it to base KoLmafia and mark it Implemented. If I am not interested enough to implement it and somebody wants to point to BatManRE as a reason to mark it Rejected, I can hardly complain, since I'm not interested enough to implement it myself. :)
OK. I will train myself that implemented/rejected apply specifically to KoLmafia itself and not to what I call the KoLmafia ecosystem.

In an attempt to remember that, I started a wiki page here, because I couldn't find the information elsewhere. Having done so, I realize that there are a lot of wiki formatting tricks I don't know, so I will not be upset at all if someone edits or cleans up the page.
In doing a bit of bug cleanup today, I found myself wanting "Obsolete" (my efforts weren't at all comprehensive). Instead, I marked them as "Won't fix", which is probably good enough. I personally wouldn't mind renaming it to "Rejected" for uniformity, since it broadly means the same thing across report categories.

Also worth noting is that while one dev may reject a feature, another may very well decide to implement it anyways (e.g. Veracity's discussion at the end of page 1 of this thread) and then change the tag. That's perfectly fine.