Unable to connect with repository


New member
When i logged in today, all the scripts i've installed to mafia are failing to run, telling me that they're unable to connect with the relevant repositories, and showing the following error text
"svn: E175002: connection refused by the server"
I don't understand a lot of how scripting for mafia works, and what this means is happening. But if someone could tell me what's going wrong and how i could fix it, well i'd sure be pleased and I'd sure be grateful!
The problem is caused by SourceForge not working.

The reason that your scripts aren't working is zLib. A lot of script rely on zLIb and won't work without it. zLib insists on updating itself and when zLIb fails to update itself other scripts aren't able to run.

To fix this, open zlib and wack line 206. It looks like this:

      cli_execute("svn update " + proj);

Just put a hashtag # in front of it to comment it out. Or delete it if you want to be sure.
Alternately, comment out the top-level check_version call (line... 844?).
Just put a hashtag # in front of it to comment it out. Or delete it if you want to be sure.

Thanks for the info. But that is not a hashtag, you whippersnappers! ;) *shakes fist at cloud*

BTW, Universal Recovery has a check at line 1835 that I had to remove to get things moving again.

EDIT: I wonder if there is a need to precheck to see if the site is available before a script tries to update its version?
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Thanks for the info. But that is not a hashtag, you whippersnappers! ;) *shakes fist at cloud*

At first I wrote octothorp, but then I remembered that most people wouldn't know what an octothorp is so I decided to call it by a name that would be more informative. ::shrug:: Language changes.
I had to edit zlib and Universal Recovery :-(

There have been numerous discussions about unconditional or automated script updating. Since we have now had a couple years experience with scripts and SVN and scripts that have dependencies will update those as needed, perhaps it is time to deprecate the idea the the script writer knows more than the user and thus is entitled to check for updates whether the user has chosen to do so or not.

Is it time to gather the peasants with pitchforks and torches and storm the BatKing's castle?
There have been numerous discussions about unconditional or automated script updating. Since we have now had a couple years experience with scripts and SVN and scripts that have dependencies will update those as needed, perhaps it is time to deprecate the idea the the script writer knows more than the user and thus is entitled to check for updates whether the user has chosen to do so or not.

I actually hadn't remembered that UR still did that. I think you're right.

We used to be so proactive about that because it was so hard for users to even know if they should update (before SVN support) that we worked hard to prompt them. It has been a hard habit to shake.
Is there a way to add a bit of logic to zlib and UR (or any other script) to say "svn update" but if the update fails, proceed on anyways?

Or would that itself be a bad idea?
