Edscension - Your #1 Karma Farming Script

Why won't the script use the florist? I am half-way thru my second run with it and I have yet to see it plant a single thing. Is there a setting I need to turn on?

Also- I keep getting the error "Our prediction for Muscle was not correct." Any way to fix it other than doing manually what the script failed to do? (chateau painting and boo peak being the main culprits)
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Now that I've gotten a few skill points stocked up, the script no longer needs to be babied through the first day. However, I still have to get rid of any accessories beyond 3, as I have been completely unsuccessful in modifying it to force equip the personal ventilation unit after maximizing when going to the secret govenment laboratory. I have added an equip line everywhere I found a reference to adventure there, and it still occasionally gets stuck in a loop whenever I get a fourth accessory. I don't understand, especially as there appears to be a block of code specifically devoted to adding the pvu to the maximizer string.

Other good news is that it seems to no longer wait until it has 35 spleen before buying any actual spleen items. Since the script has not been changed in that regard, I can't say as to why.
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I just downloaded the script today, but I can't seem to get it to work. This is the error in my CLI:

> call scripts\Edscension\ed_ascend.ash

Bad monster value: "clingy pirate" (ed_combat.ash, line 416)

I don't know anything about scripting at all, so can someone ELI5 what I should do?
I haven't been paying attention to what's going on in this thread 'till now, but apparently Zen00 hasn't updated the script since August of last year. To fix various bugs (including that one), Chown has created another repository with an improved version of the script. What a mess. Should that be the official version of this script now?

Boometh, What you should do is to delete Zen00's version of the Escension script entirely and then install Chown's version. To do that follow these two steps. (There will be confirmation dialogs. When those appear, just agree.)

  1. To delete the old script, copy/paste the following blue line into the text box at the bottom of the CLI (Command Line Interface) and press enter. (Capitalization counts!)
    svn delete Edscension

  2. To install the new version, copy/paste the following line into the CLI and press enter. (Just like the previous command.)
    svn checkout https://github.com/wmarkham/Edscension/branches/master/

Zen00, if you read this, what do you want to do about the issue? Update your script? Make Chown's the recommended version? As things stand, it confuses new users.
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Thanks Bale. Rewriting this so that I understand it and can maintain it is an ongoing project of mine. When that completes, or is at least ready for public consumption, I will almost certainly rename and rehost my version. I consider it abandonware and I'd be fine with either removing it completely from the SVN list or replacing the SVN entry with the newer version. That said, it is my fervent hope that someone will return from exile and decide to maintain their script.
Whoa, that was a very fast response! Thank you for that - I feared I would be sitting at Day 1 of ascension for a while.

I replaced the old version with chown's new version, and this is what I got:

> call scripts\Edscension\ed_ascend.ash

Hello Boometh, time to explode!
This is version: chwone.1
This is day 1.
Turns played: 0 current adventures: 40
Hold it pardner, this script is meant for mummies only. Come back after you've dried out a bit!

I feel like I'm missing something very obvious here (I also haven't been playing the game for a while, are mummies a new thing?), but I don't know what it is. What should I do here?

Does it have to do with my starting choices? I picked AT | Astral Shirt | Astral Spleen | Vole.
Hold it pardner, this script is meant for mummies only. Come back after you've dried out a bit!

That means the script thinks you are on a path other than Actually Ed the Undying. If that makes sense to you then you know you need to ascend and choose Actually... as the path. If it makes no sense then we should probably step back and talk about the State of the Game so you have context.

FWIW I find the messages from this script tend towards clever and humorous rather than informative. The key to parsing it is to understand that Ed The Undying is a mummy.
Actually Ed the Undying is a specific challenge path, and apparently this script is not intended to be used outside of that path.
Does it have to do with my starting choices? I picked AT.

LoL! Yep. That's the problem right there! This script will not work for Accordion Thieves! It never occurred to me until this moment that a new player could very well have trouble finding "Actually Ed the Undying" amongst the huge list of challenge paths. Ed was so hugely popular that it was unlikely anyone at the time would miss the reference that "Edscension" is about ascending as Ed the Undying. That is even only barely alluded to in Zen00's opening post. In retrospect I cannot blame a new player for making this mistake.

I'm going to edit Zen00's opening post to inform a new user that this script is dedicated to a former challenge path so that this confusion is less likely to be experienced by other new players.
Ohhohohoho dear.

So, I actually was around for the Ed days. I didn't play as him myself, was never a fan of most of the game's challenge paths. Yes, Ed is, in fact, a mummy. Had I known that this was a challenge run-based script, I would've figured that much out.

I ended up picking AT due to it being the primary pick for another ascension script. But that one didn't seem to work for me, either.

I don't know - I'm really lost. Would anyone here be willing to point me in the direction of the current normal-core normal-path ascension script that people use these days?
I encountered this error while using the script for the first time. Is there a way to overcome this error?

> call scripts/Edscension/ed_ascend.ash

Bad monster value: "clingy pirate" (ed_combat.ash, line 416)

Alternatively, are there more recent Ed scripts that require no IoTMs?

EDIT: Fixed the issue by following this post.

I haven't been paying attention to what's going on in this thread 'till now, but apparently Zen00 hasn't updated the script since August of last year. To fix various bugs (including that one), Chown has created another repository with an improved version of the script. What a mess. Should that be the official version of this script now?

Boometh, What you should do is to delete Zen00's version of the Escension script entirely and then install Chown's version. To do that follow these two steps. (There will be confirmation dialogs. When those appear, just agree.)

  1. To delete the old script, copy/paste the following blue line into the text box at the bottom of the CLI (Command Line Interface) and press enter. (Capitalization counts!)
    svn delete Edscension

  2. To install the new version, copy/paste the following line into the CLI and press enter. (Just like the previous command.)
    svn checkout https://github.com/wmarkham/Edscension/branches/master/

Zen00, if you read this, what do you want to do about the issue? Update your script? Make Chown's the recommended version? As things stand, it confuses new users.
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So, I adventured for a bit and unlocked the basement of Spookyraven. Now my script searches for the basement and endlessly adventures in the Ballroom...

I don't know enough to check the code to fix it.

I have deleted the script and installed Chown's version, as in the post above, but it still loops forever... It just started happening this time.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!