barrelSmash -- Smashes all of the Barrel God's barrels


New member
I ended up getting a stockpile of a few hundred of the new barrels, and gave up part way through smashing them all by hand. It was way too much work. I wrote this to start a barrel smashing party and iterate through every one of the dropped barrels, smashing them all. After it is done, if you got any of the "rare" barrel items it will tell you which ones you got and how many of them.

svn checkout
There's actually no reason to enter smash party instead of just using all of the barrels, it just adds a server hit each time.

I posted a script earlier that did the same thing (but without the output at the end) and had that pointed out to me.
There's actually no reason to enter smash party instead of just using all of the barrels, it just adds a server hit each time.

I posted a script earlier that did the same thing (but without the output at the end) and had that pointed out to me.

Are you sure? I just commented out line that starts the smash party, and then I ran the script to test. No barrels were smashed. After uncommenting the line and running the script again it worked fine.

Also sorry, I didn't know someone else had made a script for this already! Didn't mean to try and intrude on that front.
I use a simple alias for this. It works quite nicely without using the smash party:

alias smash => ashq for x from 8568 to 8577 { item barrel = to_item(x); if(item_amount(barrel) > 0) use(item_amount(barrel), barrel); }
You can use( item_amount(it), it ) instead of messing with choice.php. Completely different URL path, since it uses inv_use.php instead.

It's also a LOT shorter than your script.

Half of the posted script is to print rare results at the end.