casualascend.ash - high setup casual ascension automation


New member
NotJim's casualascend.ash

with thanks to:
bennieloohoo for initial thoughts/setup
bumcheekcity and associates for script components (particularly for barr/insults!)
Alhifar for major (impromptu) help throughout initial script development
cannonfire40 and KingBobson for updates to level 11 quest components

I developed the initial version of this script back in the beginning of 2013. The main intent of this script is for repeated use for whatever purpose one needs casual ascensions for, hence the high amount of setup required.

The current implementation of the script should run anywhere between 15-30 minutes depending on the quality of your internet/customised tweaks to the script/whatever other reason. (May be a little longer these days, especially with large level 11 revamp.)

As stated, this is a very high setup ascension script (and it pretty much completely consists of ugly hardcoding throughout - I can not pretend to be a software engineer in the slightest) - I have provided sparse notes throughout the script in comments, but it is up to the user to tweak the script manually to one's particular needs - diet, equipment, etc.

To install, unzip the link below. It should just contain the main script and the two ccs's used in the script.


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You no longer need to have 120 max MP for Awesome Balls when you have Super Skill (as of 20 minutes ago).

It isn't necessarily worth changing, but you no longer need to spend 1 turn in the Palindome before starting the war.

For // LIGHTS OUT you can just set lightsOutAutomation to 1.

Not a bad script.

Yeah the dome change I'm too lazy to switch seeing as the script works anyway with or without.
NotJim's casualascend.ash

The current implementation of the script should run anywhere between 15-30 minutes depending on the quality of your internet/customised tweaks to the script/whatever other reason. (May be a little longer these days, especially with large level 11 revamp.)

As stated, this is a very high setup ascension script (and it pretty much completely consists of ugly hardcoding throughout - I can not pretend to be a software engineer in the slightest)

It can actually get down to 12 minutes right now, last timed speed attempt was like 12:17 on my connection (WR, I think!)

Also, haha, you left all my shitty comments in.

Anyway, "// You can do 'shortcut' route, but this is much easier implementation IMO" in the cellar -- my current version of the script does the speedier route because it's speedier -- any reason in particular you went for this? It wastes tatters...
As much as I love scripting KoL, I'm not in the 1% who does this kind of run. However, I'm totally in love with NotJim's cat, if that counts for anything.