Bug - Fixed Rustic Nightstand Choice

Can we get a feature request to support skipping the non combat (choice 6) if choice 4 isn't present instead of mafia halting every time it can't find 4? In the meantime, is there a hack I can do with a script, cuz.. well... just cuz. :)
I just checked this, and setting the Rustic Nightstand to "skip" sets choiceAdventure879 to 6 just as you desire. I don't see your problem. Maybe you need to describe much more clearly what behavior you perceive and what you would have liked to happen.

Can we get a feature request

You're asking permission? Sure. I'll move this thread to the correct sub-forum and mark it as a feature request. Done.

In the meantime, is there a hack I can do with a script, cuz.. well... just cuz. :)

Sure. Just select the correct option from the choice drop-down or else set it from the CLI with this:

set choiceAdventure879 = 6
Setting it to 6 wouldn't lead to successfully getting sausages and you otherwise. I could see setting it for moxie rather than skip though. Skip seems pointless if moxie doesn't take turns.
OH! I didn't realize this thread was about the option for Sausages and You. I'm glad I passed it on as a feature request.