Prototype Florist Script (flower.ash)


Active member
The Florist is a buff, right?

I've no illusions this script is any good, but it's a start and I expect someone else to post a much better script soon enough. So, no version numbers and no SVN archive. It's finally good enough to save me time and it's not bad on server hits, so it's time to share.

INSTALL: Download and save into your scripts. Edit the top part for the flowers you want to plant. Add an unconditional trigger in your mood(s) calling it. That's it.

You'll want to have it called in every mood. I've been using it with BumCheek's ascend script and that only took a one line change to his awesome script. This margin is too small for that line.

Because there's no clean way to be sure where you last adventured when calling this scripts, it stores your location in the prevAdventure property (violating all sorts of naming conventions). Next time it's called, hopefully you've actually adventured there (by KoL's definition) and if a flower need to be planted, the script double checks with the Florist your previous adventure location, then plants flowers if it can. (I clearly suck at documentation, but this part is the messiest)

I detect and report all the problems I could think of. Flower spots already filled with the wrong flowers. Flowers unavailable, because they'd already been planted that day. And more. There's no flexibility about which flower is in which slot. The script will complain over and over if the flowers at a location are planted in the wrong order by someone else, even if it's exactly the right set of flowers.

Feel free to discuss flower planting strategy too. The ones I put in there are mostly what I planted manually in BIG! with one or two more added. I make no claim to them being right for anyone, not even me. I'm not sure it's going to be easy (or possible) to find a set of plantings that covers a significant percent of people.

Take my script, please!

EDIT: I forgot. Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to put all the support functions into mafia. Seriously, that's the hardest part, for sure. This script is just some glue.


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I always expected this type of script to be run as an afterAdventureScript instead of from a mood.
Moods are nice, because you can have more than one, but honestly, I've no idea what mafia functions are best. I wrote this script, because I was sick of doing it by hand and when I tried to explain why it couldn't work, I ran out of excuses.
Okay, I made another prototype script. This one's for the super-lazy non-ascender. You pick three flowers for each zone type and run it every day. It arbitrarily finds an adventure location in each zone type without any flowers and plants the trio you requested there. I figure why not plant the +25% item flower everywhere! The idea here is, when you don't have time to mess with flowers it plants some. Be warned, it can use up to five turns and if you want underwater flowers planted you'll need to be able to adventure underwater.

Yes, it's a silly script, but it works for me.

EDIT: This script will plant flowers is places without combats. I should fix that.


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If I needed this (Which I almost do) I would definitely use it. Seems great for players that stay in aftercore for more than 15 minutes :D
Re. your initial script: That is exactly what I was looking for, but I just keep getting three "Wanted to plant at <wherever>, but florist says we're at none". Has anything changed lately that would explain this, or am I missing some step?
KoL changed some URLs to use place.php which caused some trouble. Taking a quick look at the script...

Change: forestvillage.php?action=floristfriar
To: place.php?whichplace=forestvillage&action=fv_friar
Re. your initial script: That is exactly what I was looking for, but I just keep getting three "Wanted to plant at <wherever>, but florist says we're at none". Has anything changed lately that would explain this, or am I missing some step?
Oh, sorry. I did fix that on my local copy, but didn't think anyone else was using it. I've made a number of changes to my "aflower" script as well.
Oh, sorry. I did fix that on my local copy, but didn't think anyone else was using it. I've made a number of changes to my "aflower" script as well.
Someone sweetly requested updates for this script. I updated the first post.

Changes are better last adventure tracking (not hacked any more), more locations added (thanks Cannonfire for the recommended plantings) and some mafia mismatch detection.