Sorry to ask (automatic sticker applying)


New member
I'm sure this has already been brought up, and someone possibly has already made a script for this but i can't for the life of me find it through the search feature or looking through the threads myself. (hell it could possibly already be a feature in mafia i just can't figure out or find)

Is there a way to have mafia automatically re apply stickers from the sticker tome to the sword or crossbow once they run out? If it is already out there and i'm just not seeing it feel free to delete my thread and point me in the right direction. Again im sorry for posting this because im almost positive this idea or script has already been brought up somewhere else.
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Yeah, it has been asked repeatedly, but the method is unique and not very intuitive so I think it deserves to be on a FAQ and I expect to see it asked again.

revision 6600 said:
Adds a "stickers <st1>, <st2>, <st3>" command to the CLI, which applies
stickers in currently empty slots only. This is intended for use as the
command of an unconditional mood trigger; for example, "stickers wrestler,
wrestler, wrestler" will keep your stats maximized as stickers wear out.

That was created to help out crimbo levelers. ;)
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I'm sure this has already been brought up, and someone possibly has already made a script for this but i can't for the life of me find it through the search feature or looking through the threads myself. (hell it could possibly already be a feature in mafia i just can't figure out or find)

Is there a way to have mafia automatically re apply stickers from the sticker tome to the sword or crossbow once they run out? If it is already out there and i'm just not seeing it feel free to delete my thread and point me in the right direction. Again im sorry for posting this because im almost positive this idea or script has already been brought up somewhere else.

on unconditional moods under command type in sticker upc,upc,upc
or whatever sticker you need