Emergency Maintenance 3/5


Staff member
I had some issues with the server and had to do a complete wipe of the server, if you see any issues let me know. The auto builds will be down for a bit until I can get the rest of the server setup.
There was about ten minutes panic on my part seeing the 404. Now I am assuaged. Here's hoping everything turns out fine. Good luck, fewyn!

flying across greased ice
There was about ten minutes panic on my part seeing the 404. Now I am assuaged.
I swear, everytime I see someone use that word, I always think "You're a sausage?" I know what the word means but my brain keeps messing with me.

Of course, given your avatar, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually meant sausage...
Um, seeing this:
Latest EXE Build: KoLmafia.exe (Built Nightly at 12:30 AM)
Latest Jar Builds (Built Once An Hour): 
The cgi-bin link gives a 403. I'm guessing it shouldn't be showing.
Yeah it shouldn't be showing. I ended up with about 4 hours of sleep so far in the last 24 hours. Hopefully will have everything back up soon.
Sleep first! If a game kills you, it's not worth it.

Well, maybe Fluxx is, but other than that, no! ^^
Hopefully will have everything back up soon.

It's been 24 hours since that post, so I'd like to point out that hourly builds are still not being compiled. The latest build available for download is only r13854, but mafia should be up to r13857 now.

If you are aware of this, then I'm sorry for nagging you.
Builds should be running again after beating OpenJDK into submission over the last hour.
It looks good now. It's got that same problem with the release notes not always being show, but that's an old problem.

I think I may have actually fixed that right now. We'll see, if it disappears again let me know.
That's great news. I'll let you know if the verdict turns out negative, but it is working perfectly at the moment.
I think I may have actually fixed that right now. We'll see, if it disappears again let me know.

Release notes are currently not on the daily builds page, so... Oh, well. Page text follows:

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<table class="tborder" cellpadding="" cellspacing="" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
	<td class="tcat">Builds</td>
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</script></div>Latest EXE Build: <a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia.exe" title="">KoLmafia.exe</a> (Built Nightly at 12:30 AM)<br />
	Latest Jar Builds (Built Once An Hour): <br />
	<a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13913.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13913.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13912.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13912.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13911.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13911.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13910.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13910.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13909.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13909.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13908.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13908.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13907.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13907.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13906.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13906.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13905.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13905.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13904.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13904.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13903.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13903.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13902.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13902.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13901.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13901.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13900.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13900.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13898.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13898.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13897.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13897.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13894.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13894.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13892.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13892.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13891.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13891.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13890.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13890.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13889.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13889.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13888.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13888.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13887.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13887.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13886.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13886.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13885.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13885.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13884.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13884.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13883.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13883.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13882.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13882.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13881.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13881.jar</a><br /><a href="http://builds.kolmafia.us/KoLmafia-13880.jar" alt="">KoLmafia-13880.jar</a><br /></td>
	<td class="tcat">Last 30 Changes</td>
<td class="alt1">
You caught it just as it was writing the file that it pulls it from as it's back already.
I'm not sure of that. The problem persisted for at least 5 minutes before I reported it.

It is probably back ow since it runs every hour and it has been an hour since I reported it.