"conditions not satisfied after 1 adventure"


Every now and then, KoLmafia gets into this mode where it auto-adventures one time and then quits. I don't even really know what to ask since I can't really figure out a pattern for when this happens, but does anyone else run into this or can they explain it? I don't think it's a bug, it's more likely I am doing something silly. I have the goal checkmark cleared and set a number of adventures more than 1 and less than the number of adventures I have remaining.
That happens if you set it to automate more adventures than your currently available adventures left for the day.
If you forget about mafia and it idles out while you have a condition set, it will get VERY confused when you try to automate again and run a single adventure before cancelling all of your conditions and spitting out that message.
If you forget about mafia and it idles out while you have a condition set, it will get VERY confused when you try to automate again and run a single adventure before cancelling all of your conditions and spitting out that message.
I've wasted a number of adventures due to this. I know to watch out for it now, so it's been a while. We all know that, "This quest should have finished ages ago" feeling that comes with automation.