bumfantasy.ash - We All Wear Masks Automation


Active member
bumcheekcity's Fantasy Script

With thanks to Pantsless for coming up with the name!

This script is in a very early phase, but will automatically get the cindy vomiting trophy from the FOTY 2014 content. At the current moment, you need to use a grimstone mask manually, and select the Stepmother option. Then run the script, and type "cindy-vomit" at the prompt. The script will adventure and get you eligable for your trophy.

Options (and intended options) for the script:
  1. cindy-vomit - To get the "Thar She Blows!" trophy.
  2. cindy-crime - To get the "Partners in Crime" trophy. (not yet started)
  3. cindy-kill - To kill Cindy and get the "Party Killer" trophy. (not yet started)
  4. craft - To automate the training of crafting to get the "Master Craftsman" trophy. (not yet started)
  5. cindy-high - To get the highscore on Cindy's adventure, which appears to be 28 at the current moment, if this is possible to script. (not yet started)

I'm also hoping to be able to automate very high scores on skid row, and the candy stage.

How do I Install this?
You'll need an up-to-date version of mafia, and then type the following into the CLI:

svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bumcheekascend/code/bumfantasy
He's an excellent citizen of kolmafia.us who occasionally posts spading information lacking in mafia so that we can make it better.
I am getting an error with this script:
> call scripts\bumfantasy.ash

Changing "princes restroom" to "The Prince's Restroom" would get rid of this message (bumfantasy.ash, line 8)
Changing "dance floor" to "The Prince's Dance Floor" would get rid of this message (bumfantasy.ash, line 12)
Changing "princes kitchen" to "The Prince's Kitchen" would get rid of this message (bumfantasy.ash, line 16)
Changing "princes balcony" to "The Prince's Balcony" would get rid of this message (bumfantasy.ash, line 20)
Changing "princes lounge" to "The Prince's Lounge" would get rid of this message (bumfantasy.ash, line 24)
Changing "princes canape" to "The Prince's Canapes Table" would get rid of this message (bumfantasy.ash, line 28)
Function 'visiturl( string )' undefined. This script may require a more recent version of KoLmafia and/or its supporting scripts. (bumfantasy.ash, line 92)

Is this still being supported? I'd be willing to donate a Mr. A to the cause to get this script up and running :)
Is this still being supported? I'd be willing to donate a Mr. A to the cause to get this script up and running :)

I see that not only isn't it supported, but it barely ever was supported. Only the option to get the "Thar She Blows!" trophy has ever worked at all. I feel bad that he put up a list of proposed features with only one feature implemented and then didn't take care of the others for half a year.

Tell you what, if I'm offered a Mr. Accessory, I'll make the high score function work, I'll have it automate a score of 32.
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Having spent some time with this script and not got it to work, my suggestion for anyone who would like to automate their step-mothering activities is to try the scripts on this Alliance from Hell page instead.

The one by Lotsofphil called cinderellaVomit.ash runs, makes you eligible for the trophy, nets you six odd silver coins, one leftover canap?s and a glass slipper. And scores 16 points.
You'll want the one from Antipasta, further down the page, which gets the magnum of fancy champagne as well. I've got another solution which achieves the same result.
Just to note, lower down the AFH page is also a cinderella32.ash script. This appears to be the maximum possible.