Today's birthdays


Staff member
Captain Kirk (2012), Yvain (2012), tripwood (2012), antimarty (2012), turtlebomb13 (2012), GhettoTrucker (2012), jayleesummers (2012), johngnash (2012), quechanmok (2012), illarion (2012), Paragon (2012), Cheese Loaf (2012), Xenthes (2012), lordnapalm (2012), ozoneb (2012), PartyBasher (2012), Terrabull (2012), Metraxis (2012), HojoHominygrits (2012), DerDrongo (2012), GValko (2012), Ferdawoon (2012), Poki (2012), Terion (2012), NotJim (2012), garjon (2012), psly4mne (2012), Tom Sawyer (2012), flamin_scotsman (2012), dfens (2012), LaRoni (2012), deusnoctum (2012), MsNicole (2012), kain (2012), Yendor (2012), Ethelred (2012), ereinion (2012), bigevildan (2012), Crowther (2012), slyz (33), ckb (2012), AlbinoRhino (2012)
Whooo. So, slyz is 33 years old on New Year's day, and the rest of you are 2012 years old?
Who knew?
Whooo. So, slyz is 33 years old on New Year's day, and the rest of you are 2012 years old?
Who knew?
We're all multiple parts of a very old being.

It's odd the forum includes a default date and defaults to displaying it. Then when I try to hide my fake birthday it refuses, because it doesn't consider it's own default to be valid.

So, I'm now born today, but you wouldn't know that, because I hid it.
Some of us have hidden the YEAR of our birthday (just because) but have, at least, entered the correct Month and Day.
And a lot of us are just part of the 2012 year old hive mind that trolls these forums.
Its a little strange to have all those voices in your head, but at least you are never alone.