Bug - Not A Bug Cant run MAC version after install.


New member
I tried to download both the 16.2 and 16.1 release versions for mac and in both cases, after moving the .APP file into my applications folder, clicking the app to start it results in a message saying the file is corrupted and that it cannot be run. Can someone verify whether these versions are corrupted or give me a pointer to how to properly install it?
I downloaded KoLmafia-16.2.dmg from Sourceforge
I found the .dmg file and double clicked it
- The disk image expanded and mounted
In the disk image I dragged KoLmafia-16.2.app to the "Applications" link
- The system copied the file to /Applications
I found KoLmafia-16.2 in Applications
I double clicked it and it opened just fine.

What version of OS X are you running?
What version of Java do you have installed?
And in case it's relevant, what is the exact error message? Things like error codes can make it easier to track down an issue, and even the exact wording for a vague message can make it easier to search the internet for relevant information.
And in case it's relevant, what is the exact error message? Things like error codes can make it easier to track down an issue, and even the exact wording for a vague message can make it easier to search the internet for relevant information.

"KoLmafia-16.2.app" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

It's definately a system message and not one from mafia code...
Yeah. I don't imagine we will be able to "sign" our OS X applications with any sort of "official" signature to convince the OS that it is trustworthy. Especially if we put the signature into the Open Source build tree so that anybody who wants to download the source, install malware, compile and build it, and release a signed OS X app with our code and additional garbage and our signature will have an easy go of it.

Can't say I've looked closely at the new OS X "signature" stuff, but it doesn't seem to play well with Open Source software...
Reading up a little, it looks like someone would have to pay the $99 to get the Apple Developer ID, then anyone who was doing a release would just have to have access to the key to sign the dmg with.