So I played around with the script last night and had a few questions about it.
1. Can_adv is not properly considering where my character can adventure. For the castle in the sky, it says that I can not go there when in fact I can (I go there almost every day). I suspect it is probably from my character being really old or something and can_adv doesn't know what to do with him. Either way, I could just change this up and get it to look at all locations? Well maybe not *all* locations because after setting it to that it wanted me to go to unattainable places like CRIMBO. Maybe just the ones that I could get too if I change something reasonable like putting on cold gear to go to icy peak or opening Hobopolis but not special places like trick treat or CRIMBO.
2. How do I get it to report more locations? I simulated it normally and it shows that Thugnderdome would be the best location for me. However, it thinks the clockwork keys drop 5% of the time while the wiki says 1.6% of the time. After spending ~150 adventures, I concluded the wiki was way closer to the truth
. So, I would like to see the runner up locations, but I have no idea how to get it to show those results. I suppose I could add the Thugnderdome to the "do not go" list and then it wouldn't consider it thereby showing me the next best place but seeing top 5 or so all together would be nicer.
1. Can_adv is not properly considering where my character can adventure. For the castle in the sky, it says that I can not go there when in fact I can (I go there almost every day). I suspect it is probably from my character being really old or something and can_adv doesn't know what to do with him. Either way, I could just change this up and get it to look at all locations? Well maybe not *all* locations because after setting it to that it wanted me to go to unattainable places like CRIMBO. Maybe just the ones that I could get too if I change something reasonable like putting on cold gear to go to icy peak or opening Hobopolis but not special places like trick treat or CRIMBO.
2. How do I get it to report more locations? I simulated it normally and it shows that Thugnderdome would be the best location for me. However, it thinks the clockwork keys drop 5% of the time while the wiki says 1.6% of the time. After spending ~150 adventures, I concluded the wiki was way closer to the truth