bumcheekcity's Ultimate Manipulating Relay Appropriating Technical Substance


Active member
I've made verion 0.6. It's got a few changes, but it's mainly there to get interest up again and remember what the fuck I was doing in the first place :D


Active member
Yeah, this is a pretty buggy script, but I plan on having this as my primary work from here on in, as the ascend script is where I want it to be now, and just requires relatively minor bugfixes and updates to handle changes from Jick.

Thanks for the report, it'll be fixed in 0.8.


keeps saying new version
line 491:
	if (index_of(visit_url("http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=3886"), "0.6</b>") == -1) {
should be
	if (index_of(visit_url("http://kolmafia.us/showthread.php?t=3886"), "0.8</b>") == -1) {


New member
Just curious, is there anyway to get this to work with the Character Info Toolbox script? I can only seem to get one working at a time, would be nice to use both.


Just curious, is there anyway to get this to work with the Character Info Toolbox script? I can only seem to get one working at a time, would be nice to use both.
i 2nd this. i miss using chit. i tried messing around with these scripts to get chit to work with it to no avail. id love if someone figured it out and could get me my chit charpane back in addition to using all the awesome feature this one gives
I have both working together, but my Bumrats is heavily modified...

Make these changes to BUMRATS:

1. Just under the beginning comments, after the */, add this:
import <charpane.ash>

2. Find and replace all instances of load_current_map with load_current_map_bum

3. Then near the bottom, find
case "charpane.php" : bumcheek_charpane(); break;
and replace it with
case "charpane.php" : chit(); break;

4. Lastly, somewhere above (around line 1960):
void main() {
add this:
void chit()
	buffer page = visit_url();
	page = modifyPage(page);


That should get it to work. If not, let me know and i'll find what else I modified...
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redownloaded both scripts again to be sure to start from scratch. getting this:
Function 'load_current_map( string, ItemImage [string] )' defined multiple times (bUMRATSv0.8.ash, line 72)
Not that I can find.

I should clarify something. My version of BUMRATS is based off 0.5. I'll try updating to 0.8 and see if i can make it work with that.


Zlib is imported in charpane.ash and it contains a load_current_map function.

In BUMRATS, find and replace all instances of load_current_map with load_current_map_bum
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awesome! thanks so much. ive missed chit something awful. bumrats can have my other frames but i love chit. well actually, my chat frame has activechat, but the main and topmenu are all bumrats!


Active member
I've managed to integrate chit into bUMRATS. I'll wait until next week, for the guy to voice any opposition should he have it, because I don't think it's cool to take open-source code without at least asking, but it'll also take a short while to iron out a couple bugs. But it's working well.


The top menu override removes the mafia dropdown that shows the relay_*.ash scripts and I kind of need access to those. It might be nice to have some settings, I'll never use the clan hopper for example.

Also the top menu is never re-sized so a lot of the links are clipped.


Active member
No it doesn't, the drop-down is right there, right of misc. Well, it is for me, anyway.

Can you check if the <select> tag appears in the HTML of your topmenu?


That drop-down for me is the normal topmenu function drop-down. I don't have any other topmenu overrides or greasemonkey scripts or anything running so idk.

Edit: It's because my top-menu style was set to drop-downs instead of links or icons. Crisis averted.


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my shore page keeps listing that i have 2 of each item, even though i dont have any.

Distant Lands Dude Ranch Adventure - (Stick of Dynamite - 2 in inventory)
Tropical Paradise Island Getaway - (Tropical Orchid - 2 in inventory)
Large Donkey Mountain Ski Resort - (Barbed-Wire Fence - 2 in inventory)