bumcheekcity's Ultimate Manipulating Relay Appropriating Technical Substance


clancy was working when i used bales modification, but its just showing familiar none now in bumrats
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Looking at it, some of his code is improved over the original CHIT, but he didn't make as many modifications for an awesome Boris experience. Mine is definitely nicer for the user. I even provided an equipment switcher for Clancy.

bumcheekcity, do you mind if I steal some of your changes to use for my version of CHIT, which I would probably post as updates in the CHIT thread? I think you made some nice improvements to the code.


Active member
Looking at it, some of his code is improved over the original CHIT, but he didn't make as many modifications for an awesome Boris experience. Mine is definitely nicer for the user. I even provided an equipment switcher for Clancy.

bumcheekcity, do you mind if I steal some of your changes to use for my version of CHIT, which I would probably post as updates in the CHIT thread? I think you made some nice improvements to the code.

Not in the slightest. I'm planning on a quick v10 to make Boris a bit nicer, than major changes in v11 to tidy up the CHIT code, which is very long for what it does. I'll probably end up borrowing the equipment changer :p

Out of interest, is there a reason you're using specific overrides rather than bUMRATS? Do you have your own personal overrides, or are there features that you don't like in bUMRATS or aren't present that you feel you want? I'm not saying you should, just trying to gain an understanding of how it can be made better.


Since you ask, I strongly dislike your top menu and use my own relay script for that. While I could disable your top menu by commenting out a single line that would not allow me to use my own top menu relay unless I copy/pasted it into your script. I have a good number of my own personal overrides. Mostly they're just different, not better or worse. For instance, my woods.ash looks like this:

// Get continuum transfunctioner automatically, originally by Alhifar
// Modified and MUCH added by Bale

boolean no_legionknife() {
	if(in_hardcore()) return false;
	foreach it in get_related($item[Loathing Legion knife], "fold")
		if(available_amount(it) > 0 || storage_amount(it) > 0) return false;
	return true;

void main() {
	if(form_field("action") != "") exit; 
	buffer crack = visit_url("woods.php");
	if(available_amount($item[continuum transfunctioner]) == 0) {
		crack.insert(crack.index_of("<center><a href=\"main.php\">"), 
		  "<div style='color:#0000CC;'>You stop off at the Crackpot Mystic's Shed and listen to a long boring story.<br />"+
		  "<b>You acquire an item: continuum transfunctioner</b></div></p><p>");
		if(no_legionknife() || knoll_available()) {
				crack.insert(crack.index_of("<center><a href=\"main.php\">"), 
				  "<div style='color:#0000CC;'>The untinker needs you to run some errands.</p><p>");
		if(knoll_available()) {
			crack.insert(crack.index_of("<center><a href=\"main.php\">"), 
			  "<div style='color:#0000CC;'>The untinker needs you to run some errands.<br />"+
			  "<b>You acquire an item: rusty screwdriver</b><br />"+
			  "After returning the screwdriver to the untinker he swears eternal servitude!</p><p>");

I like that it gets the screwdriver and continuum transfuctioner without my needing to have to press a button as in your script. I find it more convenient.

There are a few missing features. I have relay scripts that link KoL's pop-up descriptions to the wiki. I like that a lot. For instance, here's my desc_item.ash

//Wiki Links v1.0
//By IceColdFever

void main()
	buffer results;
	int start = index_of(results, "<b>");
	int end = index_of(results, "</b>");
	string name_of_item = substring(results, start+3,end);
	name_of_item = replace_string(name_of_item, " ", "_");
	insert(results, start, "<a target=_blank href=http://kol.coldfront.net/thekolwiki/index.php/"+name_of_item+">");
	int new_end = index_of(results, "</b>");
	insert(results, new_end + 4, "</a>");

It's totally sweet to be able to go from an item description to its wiki entry in a single click. I've got similar overrides for effects, familiars and skills. That's something you might want to add. With a master override it would be a lot easier since it only takes one function to handle all the descriptions.
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Active member
I may indeed steal these. It would be a nice idea (in general) to have some way of having a master override but it not running when you have a separate .ash file for a given page. Perhaps a feature request is necessary - I imagine there are a few in your boat, with a couple of overrides they don't want, or with topmenu dislikes, etc.

And those changes sound pretty neat, and I'd like them for myself, so they're something I might take for v0.10 :d
I have a bunch of my own overrides too, but I still use bumrats and cut and paste most of mine into bumrats and change all the switches at the bottom to point to my own functions for the ones I wanted to change. I kind of wish there was another way to use some of my own scripts without so much modification.

I'll post some of my changes to bumrats here later.


Active member
Oh, and the bUMRATS works a little differently to the other scripts. I keep the different version numbers as separate files in sourceforge whereas for the other scripts, there's just the bumcheekascend.ash file on sourceforge, then I copy+paste a new version, rename to include the version number and upload manually.

I completely accept that it's not fantastic version control :p

tl;dr: It's not that important. You'll just extract the bUMRATS files only to the /relay/ directory.


New member
I really want to get this script to run, but for some reason it just won't work for me. I'm on Kolmafia V15.0, google chrome, and I've downloaded the script to my relay folder, typed "set masterRelayOverride = bUMRATSv0.9.ash". I've also tried with v0.7.ash, but no luck there... Is there anything I'm missing?


New member
Ah ok, now i've got a slight change; however it still doesn't seem to be working, there is only a change in the charpane.


P.S. When i try turning on the CHIT, the char screen doesn't load at all.
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