bumcheekcity's Ultimate Manipulating Relay Appropriating Technical Substance


Yeah... just put whichever files you want into the relay folder, and skip the ones you don't. :)

Yup, that definitely qualifies as easy. Thanks.

Regarding adventures per food/booze, I'd suggest looking into the EatDrink.ash script if you aren't trying to go for a specific consumption trophy currently... and if you are, the specifics don't matter as much, since you're just consuming regardless. I wouldn't imagine though that it should be too difficult to add in the average numbers, since EatDrink displays the numbers and will create better food/drink for you if need be.

I've been mostly using the Item Manager to figure out what I want to use, but an in-inventory method would just be a good reference. I'll check into EatDrink tonight and see how it looks. Thanks again.


Active member
EatDrink will automatically consume whichever items are best for you, based on settings. If you're working on something specfic, you can even set favourites... but if you don't really care, you can just let it automatically figure out what your best possibilities are... Also, depending on if you have sim on or off for consume, it'll either just tell you what it suggests, or do it automatically for you. :) My entire consumption consists of 2 aliases, eatdrink and eatdrinkod (for overdrinking at the end of the day). If there's room left, I know I need to go adventure more either in the Haunted Kitchen (if below ~120 moxie) or the Ballroom. :)


Thanks for the update. Does the new version have variables that you set for determining which aspects of it you want to use, or is it pretty much just comment out the stuff you don't want in the switch statement?

(I've looked at the script a bit, but am about to get on a plane and my laptop battery is running low, so I haven't had a chance to go through it in depth yet.)
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When using this as the masterRelayOverride, none of the relay_ scripts launch from the dropdown in the topmenu. If that is by design, I'd much rather have several ash files in my relay folder instead of giving up all my other relay_ scripts.


Active member
Best possible (?) eventual version of this would likely be to have the bcc relay files as individual files, and a master file that can be directed to use them all in concert... anyone who wants to only use a few along with other scripts can. Currently, if they want to add individual additional relays to the main relay they can, but most likely aren't going to be able to figure out how to make them actually work. Considering that it's already difficult for many to figure out how to copy them into the right folder... :)


Active member
Different in that the master file calls the relays, and calls the specific relays it wants based on which file is loading... If you want to have 3 different relay scripts running against the same page, you can do that with a master relay, just pick your functions and go...

Pre-master, you get one relay per page... whatever's got the same name. With a master, you can have as many as you want. :)


Theraze: I think IceColdFever is talking about something else. He's talking about User Interface Scripts, that you launch from the drop-down in the top frame (the ones that start with 'relay_'), not about Relay Override Scripts that are named like the page the process.
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Active member
Hmmm... I would have thought that they wouldn't be affected by the master relay, though confirmed that they're not working. This is a bit of a pain, actually, as I like mine. Is this an issue with the patch to Mafia, Theraze, or my script? Is there a way I can add a passthru to the script for relay_*.ash stuff?
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Active member
They weren't broken when I tested it pre-release (I ran master scripts against some of those relays to poke the names and amuse myself), so I'm guessing it's something about how the switch is running? I'll do some testing tonight with the latest BCC relay and let you know.

Edit: Verified and it's broken for me too. Spun a patch that skips master relay on anything that starts its name as "relay_" and put it as a new bug report.
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I'm having some issues with the equipment page. Whenever I equip something through the relay browser, it hides the equipment that I'm using until I refresh the page.


I've narrowed it down and confirmed it only happens when I'm using bUMRATS. It doesn't happen in mafia without bUMRATS and it happens with bUMRATS regardless of whether I'm using GM scripts or not.

Any ideas?


It's possible. I've been looking through the bUMRATS code, and I'm not seeing anything that would affect it (I'm not seeing anything that has any effect whatsoever on how things are equipped), so now I'm guessing it might be something in default mafia that is possibly having compatibility issues with the masterRelayOverride-ness of bUMRATS.


Active member
Easy way to check... try using the non-master version, see if it still happens. inventory.ash was one of the pages modified by the relay before...

Or you could just load in inventory.ash with your master turned off and see if it happens, don't need to dump in the full set.


I'll try that. Glad I decided to bring my mafia folder with me to work.

Edit: Confirmed that it still happens with the non-master version.
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Active member
It's a bUMRATS bug. I should have checked for ajax=1 in the URL and not applied the patch if so. Hold on, I'll spin a patch.

Eidt: Patch to fix that, as well as a "settings" page to come soon. Couple of days, tops.
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