Bug - Fixed Wrong stats for Ed displayed in browser


Staff member
This character does not have Manuel.
Here is what monsters.txt says about Ed:

Ed the Undying    473    ed.gif,ed2.gif,ed3.gif,ed4.gif,ed5.gif,ed6.gif,ed7.gif    BOSS NOCOPY Atk: 180 Def: 162 HP: 1 Init: -10000 P: undead
Ed the Undying (1)    0    ed.gif    BOSS NOCOPY NOMANUEL Atk: 180 Def: 162 HP: 256 Exp: [75+ML/3] Init: 10000 P: undead
Ed the Undying (2)    0    ed2.gif    BOSS NOCOPY NOMANUEL Atk: 180 Def: 162 HP: 256 Exp: [75+ML/3] Init: -10000 P: undead
Ed the Undying (3)    0    ed3.gif    BOSS NOCOPY NOMANUEL Atk: 180 Def: 162 HP: 128 Exp: [75+ML/3] Init: -10000 P: undead
Ed the Undying (4)    0    ed4.gif    BOSS NOCOPY NOMANUEL Atk: 180 Def: 162 HP: 64 Exp: [75+ML/3] Init: -10000 P: undead
Ed the Undying (5)    0    ed5.gif    BOSS NOCOPY NOMANUEL Atk: 180 Def: 162 HP: 32 Exp: [75+ML/3] Init: -10000 P: undead
Ed the Undying (6)    0    ed6.gif    BOSS NOCOPY NOMANUEL Atk: 180 Def: 162 HP: 16 Exp: [75+ML/3] Init: -10000 P: undead
Ed the Undying (7)    0    ed7.gif    BOSS NOCOPY NOMANUEL Atk: 180 Def: 162 HP: 8 Exp: [75+ML/3] Init: -10000 P: undead    Holy MacGuffin (n100)

Here is what the DEBUG log says:

<img  id='monpic'   src="https://d2uyhvukfffg5a.cloudfront.net/adventureimages/ed2.gif" width=100 height=100></div></td><td valign=center>You're fighting <span id='monname'> Ed the Undying</span></td><!-- MONSTERID: 473 -->

It is MONSTERID 473 (duh). It is ed2.gif. He SHOULD have 256 HP - but KoLmafia says he has 1 HP.

Here is what KoLmafia displays in the Browser:

Screen Shot 2022-08-22 at 2.44.17 PM.png
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Staff member
Ha. Notice how we gave all of the variants monsterId of 0. That is necessary, since we have a map from monsterID -> MonsterData, and for Ed, we don't want the last-listed variant to be what you get when you look up monster #473. Unfortunately, it confuses fight processing when KoL gives us MONSTERID=473.

I have a fix. I was able to fight Ed #2 - #7 with correct monster stats shown. I'll submit it, by and by.