Bug - Fixed Wrong quality for 2 AoJ ingredients


Active member
> ash $item[cons sour].quality

Returned: decent

> ash $item[cons sauer].quality

Returned: decent
consummate sour cream

How can you tell if sour cream has gone bad, am I right, ha ha anybody here from out of town?

Type: food (crappy)
Size: 1
Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item
consummate sauerkraut

Some people say that even the best sauerkraut is still just rotten cabbage. But Jarlsberg was an optimist, and believed that the best sauerkraut is the best rotten cabbage.

Type: food (crappy)
Size: 1
Cannot be traded or discarded
Quest Item
These are the only 2 ingredients that are crappy rather than decent. I did also check each of the other ingredients/cookbook recipes and the rest are all right. This does explain though why my 'no crappy foods' selector still takes the sauerkraut/sour cream.