Why is this thread locked?


Why has the zlib thread been locked?

Considering the amount of people who use zlib and the usefulness of zlib and for that fact all of z's scripts, This seems like slightly over zealous moderation (due to the ascend.ash discussion within the thread perhaps?)

I suppose it's really someone elses place to ask this not mine, but it seems like a mistake to me!
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By the wonders of AJAX, a minion can lock a thread by an accidental double-click on a list of threads amongst many other thread locking maneuvers. Isn't AJAX wonderful to make such things so easy that they can be done by accident?

One of our minions, who I'll leave nameless to protect his reputation, made such an error.

I've unlocked the thread. I'll also change the title of this thread so that our membership can report it if such a problem ever happens again. As a rule of thumb, if the last post in a thread did not explain why the thread is locked -- Report it here and it will be fixed!
One of our minions, who I'll leave nameless to protect his reputation, made such an error.

Holy Cr*p! I'll plead guilty but it was an accident, Your Honor, and I have no idea what I did. I replied to the thread, previewed my response a couple of times but I did not even look at any of the Administration options. Maybe there are several ways to inadvertently lock a thread?
Maybe there are several ways to inadvertently lock a thread?

  • Click on the "What's New" button at the top of the forum. See that list of thread with new replies? Note the big icon in front of each thread? The one that looks like a stuffed envelope. Double-click it... Oops. Now that you've locked a thread double-click it again to open it.

  • There's also a check-box you can click when making a new post. Checking that box will allow you to post and lock at the same time!

  • I'll let you search out the remaining methods yourself, but they are unlikely to be done by accident.

I know all these horrors because I used to be one of the head moderators for an extremely active vBulletin forum.
Regarding locked threads... the default goal on Greater than Sign thread was locked because it was resurrected by someone who got verbally abusive. I tested it yesterday using mafia's default handling as jason and Veracity suggested, and while it did get the plus sign, visit the oracle, and took my 1000 meat, it didn't stop when the Oracle visit happened. Normally I like this behaviour, as I run my script to unlock the DoD, but because of the lack of aborting, it means if not attentive, you'll use up all the adventures you told it to try to spend to figure out what's next.
My suggestion as a better default goal... 1 plus sign, 2 choice adventures? Unless the plus sign doesn't count as a choice adventure, in which case 1 plus sign, 1 choice adventure should abort properly.

Should posts like this regarding locked threads be added here, or should (hopefully valid) bug reports regarding locked bug threads be resubmitted as new bug reports? If it should be reported as a new bug, I can do such. I note it as a bug rather than a freq, as it isn't behaving the way the developers intended with it aborting at the Oracle.
I KNOW. I hate right-click options for similar reasons. So easy to accidentally right click instead of left click and then do something you don't even know you did. Better to have it hidden away as a hotkey that nobody knows about than to have it be an easily accessible context menu!
From looking at the code in KoLmafia.recognizeEncounter(), lines 2465-2481 of KoLmafia.java, if you hit an auto stop adventure (or a glyph/badmoon adventure), Mafia only goes into a pending state if your conditions are empty. Would this be the cause?
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Ah, that sounds logical. So yes, it needs to be changed to the 1 (or 2) choice adventures to stop properly, since the way it's designed to work is that the conditions will never be empty.
Should posts like this regarding locked threads be added here, or should (hopefully valid) bug reports regarding locked bug threads be resubmitted as new bug reports? If it should be reported as a new bug, I can do such. I note it as a bug rather than a freq, as it isn't behaving the way the developers intended with it aborting at the Oracle.

The later option. If a thread is locked on purpose, and the thread you mention was clearly locked on purpose, then it is dead, not pining for the fjords, stick a fork in it.

This thread is only for those times you need to ask WHY the thread was locked.