What is causing this to auto-abort?


Whenever I run the attached script it doesn't necessarily abort but mafia freezes... I can click stuff but it won't respond with any action so I have to restart it.. Any idears?

EDIT: Problem fixed.


To on debug logging, run the script, when it's frozen, stop debugging logging. Hopefully it'll trace the path of the script and you can see what's going on. Without more info besides "it's freezing" it's difficult to look at the script and figure out what's going on (I did do a quick look-through). Maybe an infinite loop somewhere?
Do what I do and spew print() statements **everywhere**

If you insert print statements before and after every function call, it should be trivial to figure out where it's goofing up at.
Ok, after a little bit of tinkering I found out the problem... It was actually with another script, but thanks for the debug on/off idea, that is eventually how I tracked it down.