Welcome back to the Kingdom of Loathing, Noob


Here is a script that I've been working on today that really takes the sting out of the earliest part of a run. It has two parts. The first does some no-brain pulls out of Hagnk's and does your eating for you. Then the second part runs around Seaside Town and unlocks all the quests that it can without entering combat.

You're probably going to want to customize the first part to meet your own specifications. Foodwise, I am pulling three chow meins that benefit the stat of your class, and boozewise I am pulling two 4D drinks and two 3D drinks that boost your stats as well (although there is a flag there that lets me pull three 4D and one 3D if I think that I'm going to clear the Friars in time to take advantage of it). The library has support for mushroom wines and TPS drinks so that it should be pretty easy to work your way around grabbing the stuff that you will actually use, and the whole thing supports restricted diet runs without modification. In addition, the script pulls (and uses) a Meat Maid, a dictionary, a cottage, and the common familiar item for the familiar you have equipped at the moment. Again, you shouldn't have any trouble making modifications if you do things a bit differently.

For the second part, the script will visit the Toot Oriole, open the letter, and then unlock the Pretentious Artist, the Crackpot Mystic, and the Untinkerer. To get the final one to work, the script goes through the first two tests of your guild so that the meatcar owner opens up and gives you the recipe (which is, of course, what gets the Untinkerer talking). I am assuming here that your primary stat is high enough to pass the first two tests, but this should be fine as long as you did any sort of sensible eating and drinking in the first phase. In addition, if you happen to have ascended under a Muscle sign, the script will then talk to the Mayor and pick up the screwdriver from Degrassi Knoll.

So, with any luck, you can start right in with equipping your weapons and taking on triffids and rushing bums! Hope that it takes a few tedious minutes off your runs like it did for me!


That's funny:
void first_pulls_and_eating(boolean I_am_1337)
if "I_am_1337" is true 8) it pulls 3 TPS drinks, if false it pulls DB drinks. I think if I use that, I'll change it to "I_am_1335" in which case it would pull 1 tps drink, then I can farm the ingredients to make more since I try to hit the menagerie on day 1 anyway, and it saves 2 item pulls.

I just had to reply with the humor I saw in the variable name ;D
If you've got a sword, you're a heck of a lot more 1337 than me! ;D But, yeah, I guess it does make sense to do something like 66/43/6 or 66/61/6 if you've got the swords instead of my choices of 4433/4 and 444/43/4 (if you know what I mean). Me, I'll be semi-1337 in the next run or two, but I still need every last adventure to make it through the Friars. Maybe 1337-ness should be an integer variable that goes from 1 through 11, which would be single barrel whiskey and especially salty dogs. :D

Now what I need to do is to brush up my "Are you really ready to ascend" script so that it makes sure that I have these silly drinks before I jump through the gash. My testing was a bit fubared by forgetting to pack any drinks at all for my char today.