as the number of skills/spells that burn adventures (i.e. simmer, hibernate, al dente etc) increases, it might be worth putting in a hook that throws a "you're about to use turns spellcasting" warning dialog similar to those that pop when cooking/mixing things.
this popped to mind today because modifier maximizer (r13614/winxp/java 7u51) suggested transcendent al dente and simmer both when maxing for MP regen, but didn't warn about turn consumption before executing those choices from the list. in the past when maxing other things (i.e. +ML), if one of the choices would have required cooking a potion (like cologne of contempt), a popup happened asking if i wanted to use a turn cooking something before completing executing the choice in question, so i know it's possible. question becomes difficulty/utility, i imagine, which is why i'm posting this as a feature instead of a bug.
regardless of whether y'all take this up, thank you for all the work you put into mafia. it's appreciated.
this popped to mind today because modifier maximizer (r13614/winxp/java 7u51) suggested transcendent al dente and simmer both when maxing for MP regen, but didn't warn about turn consumption before executing those choices from the list. in the past when maxing other things (i.e. +ML), if one of the choices would have required cooking a potion (like cologne of contempt), a popup happened asking if i wanted to use a turn cooking something before completing executing the choice in question, so i know it's possible. question becomes difficulty/utility, i imagine, which is why i'm posting this as a feature instead of a bug.
regardless of whether y'all take this up, thank you for all the work you put into mafia. it's appreciated.