Feature - Rejected War Auto Abort


Like how mafia auto-aborts upon finding a hobo code at a zone, can it also stop when automating adventuring at the hippy war when a sidezone is unlocked, e.g. after "The Nunnery is now accessible in this uniform!". Usually the goal for automating at the battlefield is to reach the next zone unlock or to fight till the end of the war so this makes sense. Or at least add the preference to do this?


auto-aborts for zone unlocks in the war? Seriously? I'm not exactly opposed, but you should know how many turns it takes to unlock a zone. That number is easily computable, so just adventure for that many turns. Right?

Anyway it would be a little troublesome having to add a condition to skip the auto-abort for the farm since I never do that one on the hippy side. (With my skill set, it's fastest to do Arena, Junkyard, Sonofa Beach. 8 turns to Orchard. 8 more turns to Themthar Hills. Then 26 more turns and I'm done.) An auto-abort would only get in my way and doing the Farm would add extra turns to my run.
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New member
It seems to me that since Zarqon's one click Wossname prints test and alters behavior based on battlefield image, it is possible to use that as a basis for a script that would do what you want.


I don't think he wants a script. He just want to be able to auto-adventure in the Battlefield for all of his adventures without bothering to figure out how many to the next zone unlocks.

One thing that makes this different from all other auto-aborts is that those abort on a specific adventure. He's asking for mafia to abort based on a calculated value of how many soldiers have died in the war. Considering all the ways that can be skewed, it is definitely inappropriate.
edit: Sorry, didn't notice this topic was 8 days old...

The OP's suggestion seems like a decent enough idea.

Mafia already makes a big Printout that says, "Zone Whatever is now available for X uniform". However, you are extremely unlikely to catch it since it scrolls by very quickly.

As a compromise, how about a 3 second pause instead when a new battlefield zone is opened up? It would show that same printf on the status bar, wait 3 seconds, and then continue on. That way it would not auto-abort, but it would make it obvious to someone who is even sort-of paying attention to the statusbar that something of significance occured, then they can do a Stop Now or Stop After if desired. However a 3 second pause would not be long enough to make people think there is a problem or that it is stuck.

I am a little surprised about wanting the user to just calculate the number and adventure for that many turns. Mafia is all about making life easier for people and dealing with counters and such so that the player can concentrate on strategy elements instead. By the same logic, we don't need Mafia's built in fortune-cookie logic because you can easily figure it out yourself and then just adventure for that many turns. I do understand that you can't have mafia do EVERYTHING for the user and auto-abort is probably a bit much. But I think a compromise could work. What do you think?


It would be nice to have something in the Relay Browser to show how many turns left until the next unlock (nice idea for a relay override maybe?), or maybe have a sort of 'unlock war sidequest' as a goal (but the goals doesn't seem to be something either Veracity or Jason are willing to dive into).


Staff member
As a compromise, how about a 3 second pause instead when a new battlefield zone is opened up?
FWIW, I am not a big fan of pauses. Several scripts I run have "countdown type" pauses and I find them useless and annoying. I will regret that the one time the script is about to do something I realize is stupid and can't abort in time, but so far that hasn't happened.

It seems to me that if you are not using a script you would be using the relay browser so that would be the place I might consider displaying the information about opened zones. mafia also prints statements to the effect that "you can now wear x" and they flash by as well so maybe the ultimate solution is to have a way to make all such messages less transient.


Old freq here. I'm going to reject this. Auto-aborts are not for common things such as this. There needs to be a good reason to stop automation.