waiting for a buffbot?


I'm trying to automate my pre-adventure routine, and I'm curious about automating a buffbot.

Right now I buff myself from an alt, but I realize that would be hard to sync with automation, so I figured I'd start using a buffbot.

I'm just not sure how to get that to sync either. I could be inelegant and just hardcode a set wait time in between kmailing the meat and continuing... but is there a better way?

Is it possible to have an ash script pause until a buff comes in? (I'm guessing not, but I thought I'd ask.)
This is how I do it
I define a buffbot depending on who's on and then define the buff amount at the beginning of my script, then i use this to kmail them and then wait till I get the buff

   if (have_effect ($effect[Scarysauce]) < my_adventures()) 
      { kmail (scarysaucebuffer, "", scarysauce);}

   if (have_effect ($effect[Scarysauce]) < my_adventures())
      repeat { wait (5); refresh_status ();
      } until (have_effect ($effect[Scarysauce]) > my_adventures());
I'd ask that you be kinder the the server and extent your wait(5) to at least wait(15) or preferably wait(30). Lag is nobody's friend so we try to be gentler.
I wrote a function to do this, but I'm having trouble with it.
I pass it this:
waitforit("Ode To Booze", 0);

and this is the function:

int waitforit(string buff, int turns)
print("buff ="+ buff);
print("turns ="+ turns);
	if (turns == 0){
      		repeat { wait (10); refresh_status ();
      		} until (have_effect ($effect[buff]) > 0);
   		print ("done waiting for "+ buff +"any turns");
	else if(turns > 0){
      		repeat { wait (10); refresh_status ();
      		} until (have_effect ($effect[buff]) < my_adventures());
   		print ("done waiting"+ buff +" more than myadv");
return 0;

But it never seems to trigger. I'm guessing the "have_effect($effect[buff])" doesn't work right. What did I do wrong?
I figured it out. The effect datatype makes me f'ing crazy. I never know how to use it.

I changed the call to the function to:
waitforit($effect["ode to booze"], 0);

and the function to:
int waitforit(effect buff, int turns)
print("buff ="+ buff);
print("turns ="+ turns);
	if (turns == 0){
      		repeat { wait (10); refresh_status ();
      		} until (have_effect(buff) > 0);
   		print ("done waiting for "+ buff +"any turns");
	else if(turns > 0){
      		repeat { wait (10); refresh_status ();
      		} until (have_effect(buff) > my_adventures());
   		print ("done waiting"+ buff +" more than myadv");
return 0;
With your former one, instead of have_effect($effect[buff]) it would probably have worked with have_effect(to_effect(buf)) instead...
Your problem was that $effect[buff] does not make use of a variable. It is a constant. What you wanted to use is to_effect(buff). If you'd checked for have_effect(to_effect(buff)) it would have worked perfectly.

[COLOR="#808000"]> ash print( $effect[buff] )[/COLOR]

Surreally Buff
Returned: void

$effect[buff] did a fuzzy match on "buff" and so you were checking to see if your character had the buff "Surreally Buff". Unsurprisingly you did not ever have that effect.
This is how I do it
I define a buffbot depending on who's on and then define the buff amount at the beginning of my script, then i use this to kmail them and then wait till I get the buff

   if (have_effect ($effect[Scarysauce]) < my_adventures()) 
      { kmail (scarysaucebuffer, "", scarysauce);}

   if (have_effect ($effect[Scarysauce]) < my_adventures())
      repeat { wait (5); refresh_status ();
      } until (have_effect ($effect[Scarysauce]) > my_adventures());


I tried modifying your code but was unsuccessful. Basically, I wish to send meat to Kolabuff until I have sufficient Ode to the Booze and then drink booze. Could someone tell me whats wrong? Thanks!

if (have_effect ($effect[ode]) < 29;
{ kmail (kolabuff, "1", ode);
kmail (kolabuff, "1", ode);
kmail (kolabuff, "2", ode);
kmail (kolabuff, "2", ode);}

if (have_effect ($effect[ode]) < 29)
repeat { wait (30); refresh_status ();
} until (have_effect ($effect[ode]) > 29);

equip 1 tuxedo shirt
drink 1 rockin wagon
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The Zlib kmail() function you are trying to use accepts:
boolean kmail(string to, string message, int meat)
So, unless kolabuff is a variable with the name of the buffbot you are sending meat to, you should change
kmail (kolabuff, "1", ode);
kmail ("kolabuff", "ode", 1);
Many things are wrong with that code.

  1. The biggest problem is that kmail is not an ash function. I suspect that an old version of ZLIB (click that link!) is being used or else it is a custom function. I'll assume that it is zlib, so that will only work if you download zlib and the first line in your script is:
    import "zlib.ash";

  2. if (have_effect ($effect[ode]) < 29;
    You do not use a semi-colon after a conditional statement. Also, you forgot a closing parenthesis:
    if (have_effect ($effect[ode]) < 29)

  3. { kmail (kolabuff, "1", ode);
    kmail (kolabuff, "1", ode);

    That is not how zlib's kmail() function works. Perhaps it is an old version, so you'd need to change it to this:
    kmail ("kolabuff", "ode", 1);
    That will send 1 meat to kolabuff with a message "ode". Also, you had the line doubled for some reason. You only need to send a message ONCE!

  4. equip 1 tuxedo shirt
    drink 1 rockin wagon

    Whoa! Big problem with those two lines! That's CLI which cannot be easily mixed into an ash script! You'd need to do that like this:
    equip($item[tuxedo shirt]);
    drink(1, $item[rockin wagon]);

  5. You need to end your filename with the extension .ash since it will not work if you use .txt. Yeah, I'm guessing at that one, but I bet I'm right. :D

Edit: Minor ninja by slyz. He missed stuff.
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