VYKEA Furniture Builder

Hmm, I had been meaning to get myself a companion today, so I figured I might as well give it a try. However, 'vykea stench light' doesn't do anything (it aborts with 'couldn't figure out what you were trying to build'). Looking into the code, I can't see why it fails to recognise the stench, but I did notice you incorrectly labelled the lamp as cold.

Edit: it fails on 'vykea dishrack light' too.
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I usually just use CLI commands to make my furniture. Like: create level 5 frenzy couch

I've never had need of a script for this.

[COLOR="#808000"]> create level 5 couch[/COLOR]

Verifying ingredients for level 5 couch (1)...
Searching for "VYKEA instructions"...
Search complete.
Purchasing VYKEA instructions (1 @ 6,500)...
Purchases complete.
Searching for "VYKEA rail"...
Search complete.
Purchasing VYKEA rail (5 @ 400)...
Purchases complete.
Searching for "VYKEA dowel"...
Search complete.
Purchasing VYKEA dowel (37 @ 270)...
Purchases complete.
Searching for "VYKEA plank"...
Search complete.
Purchasing VYKEA plank (5 @ 100)...
Purchases complete.
Searching for "VYKEA bracket"...
Search complete.
Purchasing VYKEA bracket (5 @ 100)...
Purchases complete.

[13344] VYKEA instructions
Encounter: Some Assembly Required
Encounter: Some Assembly Required
Encounter: Some Assembly Required
Successfully created level 5 couch
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Guess it's kind of pointless if create already does that. Though I had absolutely no way of knowing it did that...
Guess it's kind of pointless if create already does that. Though I had absolutely no way of knowing it did that...

Well, mafia doesn't make use of all the fancy keywords your script allows. I'd have to actually look up which companion does stench damage on the wiki if I want to know that.

Also, the create command fails if you don't have a VYKEA hex key in inventory. Mafia won't automatically acquire one. Your script could get that key if it is missing and then act as a user friendly front end for the create command.
Also, the create command fails if you don't have a VYKEA hex key in inventory. Mafia won't automatically acquire one.
Well.... yes and no.

r16449 | veracity0 | 2015-11-10 13:39:53 -0500 (Tue, 10 Nov 2015) | 7 lines

Adjust VYKEA companion recipes so that they explicitly include the VKEA
instructions. Other prerequisites - hex key, and the mandatory 5 each of
planks, rails, and brackets - no longer make VYKEA creation method invalid if
they are not in inventory; they have to be "accessible". The VYKEA companion
creation request will now "retrieve" hex key, mandatory parts and all the
actually consumed ingredients before constructing the companion.
Unlike the planks, etc., it won't buy one from the mall, because:

		else if ( !InventoryManager.hasItem( ItemPool.VYKEA_HEX_KEY ) )
			ConcoctionDatabase.EXCUSE.put( CraftingType.VYKEA, "You do not have a VYKEA hex key." );
InventoryManager.hasItem() checks if it is "accessible". Considering that actual creation does this:

		// Make sure your VYKEA hex key is in inventory
		if ( !InventoryManager.retrieveItem( ItemPool.VYKEA_HEX_KEY, 1 ) )
			KoLmafia.updateDisplay( MafiaState.ERROR, "You need a VYKEA hex key in order to build a VYKEA companion." );
It will use any method that "acquire" is authorized to use - the mall, the clan stash, etc. - except the other check requires the key to be "accessible". That could easily be characterized as a bug, since we will simply "acquire" planks, etc. without that requirement.

I think the point of that was to not have Creatables all cluttered up with VYKEA companions if you don't have an easy way to get a hex key. I could remove that restriction, at the expense of clutter.

Your script could get that key if it is missing and then act as a user friendly front end for the create command.
Friendly front ends are good.
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It will use any method that "acquire" is authorized to use - the mall, the clan stash, etc. - except the other check requires the key to be "accessible". That could easily be characterized as a bug, since we will simply "acquire" planks, etc. without that requirement.

I think the point of that was to not have Creatables all cluttered up with VYKEA companions if you don't have an easy way to get a hex key. I could remove that restriction, at the expense of clutter.

I don't think that mafia's method is wrong or else I'd have filed a feature request long ago. It's easy to simply keep a key in inventory if you want to use companions and if you do not, mafia prints out a nice red message explaining why it fails. I'm good with that.
While it would be nice to have mafia companion creator in the Daily Deeds section, much like the pull-down for cheating at cards, I'm just one of those lazy dreamer types. When I'm thinking more clearly and have the parts to make the companions, I find it's just as easy to use the Item Manager's "Creatable" section and then select what you want to have Mafia build for you.