Feature - Implemented void faxbot(monster) function for ASH


Staff member
I can never remember the names for faxes (lfm? lobster? lobsterfrogman?), so I can't really get much mileage out of the CLI command. If there were an ASH function for this, I'd be able to write code like
monster fax_target = some_function();
instead of
string [monster] faxbot_data = some_function_that_does_a_lot_of_stuff();
string fax_target = faxbot_data[some_function()];
cli_execute("faxbot " + fax_target);
r13618 - Adds Boolean faxbot( monster ) function for Ash. You need to make sure chat is open, as per other mafia fax functionality.

Returns true if it succeeds, otherwise false, but does not say why it failed. I'm not a great fan of script commands that try to do something important but don't return values to say if they succeeded or not.

Made possible as faxbot now includes an actual_name field in their xml.
Returning true/false is a nice improvement over the CLI command, beyond the stated feature request. It makes me wish I automated faxes so that I could use this command. :)
And since the site where the xml resides is blocked in category "games" by my work proxy I can now again get a fax without having to remember code word for said monster :)
And since the site where the xml resides is blocked in category "games" by my work proxy I can now again get a fax without having to remember code word for said monster :)

Probably not, as Mafia needs that xml to work out the command to use given the monster.
Probably not, as Mafia needs that xml to work out the command to use given the monster.

Ahh. Any chance the xml could be cached and if the file cannot be reached use the cached one? I tend to copy files from my home computer and back anyway.