Version 16.8


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link. Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason. If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 15018
Fix item parsing bug

Revision: 15019
New Mr. Store items

Revision: 15020
Crimbonium Mine and Camp

Revision: 15021
Basic (ie not Adv/stats) data for gamma nog and neutron lollipop

Revision: 15022
Crimbot Schematics

Revision: 15023
Fix spacing

Revision: 15024
(educated) guess at drop rates in new zone.

Revision: 15025
Wand of Nagamar is now a quest item

Revision: 15026
When you win a PvP fight, don't incorrectly parse user messages for items gained

Revision: 15027
More Huggler Radio messages

Revision: 15028
Track which BittyCar you have used today in _bittycar

Revision: 15029
Remove a stick of minin's dynamite when mining uses one. Untested

Revision: 15030
Since KoL subscription links cannot work through KoLmafia, make them unclickable

Revision: 15031
Xiblaxian Residence Cube support, untested.

Revision: 15032
Add summon proxy field to skills.

Revision: 15033
Advent Calendar food

Revision: 15034
gamma nog and neutron lollipop stats

Revision: 15035
Recognize Currency Exchange transactions in Mr. Store

Revision: 15036
Some consumption spading.

Revision: 15037
Parse familiar actions in fights to recognize item and Meat gains

Revision: 15038
Rain Dancin' works outside of Heavy Rains

Revision: 15039
Match "A hidden surprise!" notes with line breaks

Revision: 15040
ComboBoxes can have a selected index of -1. The Daily Deeds panel should not
take an ABE when such occurs.

Revision: 15041
Trim out empty spans from chat messages

Revision: 15042
Crimbot Factory items

Revision: 15043
flask of tainted mining oil. Add comment to modifiers.txt for Crimbo Credit

Revision: 15044
More Crimbo items

Revision: 15045
efactor CoinmasterData: there is now a buyURL and a sellURL (allowing two
different shop.php) and there is now a sellItems list of AdventureResults.
Added the skeleton of a Crimbo14 Coinmaster.
Don't remove schematics unless they are successfully used.

Revision: 15046
Fix item removal for sneaky wrapping paper

Revision: 15047
mining oil, tainted or not), is multiusable

Revision: 15048
maximum casts for Rainbow Gravitation now checks accessible items, not only
inventory, and will now retrieve the wads from stash, closet, or stash, if
those sources are "accessible" to you.

Revision: 15049
Crimbot Power !

Revision: 15050
Can walk away from Build a Crimbot!

Revision: 15051
Add Crimbot Crimboutfit and toy Crimbot skills. No outfit bonus yet revealed.

Revision: 15052
Add Summon Holiday Fun! to breakfast

Revision: 15053
Outfit modifier

Revision: 15054
Provide infrastructure to allow a particular coinmaster to deal with multiple
currencies, by returning an appropriate AdventureResult with item/count
associated with a particular bought or sold item.
Add buttons to the Mr. Store coinmaster in the Coinmasters Frame to convert
between Mr. Accessory <-> Uncle Bucks.
Display current Uncle Buck count in the title bar for Mr. Store.

Revision: 15055
New schematics

Revision: 15056
Add Crimbo 2014 coinmaster

Revision: 15057
Crimbot schematic plurals

Revision: 15058
Remove a fuel rod from inventory when you build a crimbot

Revision: 15059
Parse item names in coinmasters.txt as AdventureResults.

Revision: 15060
When parsing Mr. Store inventory, notice the currency for each item. The
Coinmasters Frame now shows each Mr. Store item with the correct currency and
enables or disables it depending on whether you have enough of the specific
currency required to buy it.

Revision: 15061
Fix tab in modifier. Fix location of choice adv for adding machine.

Revision: 15062
No NPE when parsing a response from a coinmaster with no shopid

Revision: 15063
Crimbo skills added.

Revision: 15064
Make purchaseable Crimbo 2014 items return true for is_coinmaster_item()

Revision: 15065
Fix the CoinmasterPurchaseRequest to handle different multiple currencies in
a single coinmaster

Revision: 15066
The Coinmasters Frame now lets you buy something using a secondary currency

Revision: 15067
Move autosatisfy and breakfast preferences from GLOBAL to user

Revision: 15068
Flasks of (tainted) mining oil can only be used 100 at a time

Revision: 15069
Add 2 dirty Crimbot ROMs

Revision: 15070
In the Purchase Summary line of the Mall Search Frame, correctly pluralize the
item being bought and correctly name (and pluralize) the currency being spent.

Revision: 15071
Add rest of Crimbot schematics

Revision: 15072
Add familiar hatchling to the crimbo shop

Revision: 15073
21st Dec Advent item

Revision: 15074
Add Mini-Crimbot

Revision: 15075
Some plurals

Revision: 15076
Choco-Crimbots use the chocolate counter

Revision: 15077
Fix plural for Crimbot schematic: Rollerfeet

Revision: 15078
When resetting global daily settings, look in list of global settings, not user

Revision: 15079
Ignore bogus "I am a fish" WIki plurals

Revision: 15080
Crimbo Plurals and Tiny Plastics

Revision: 15081
Parse the Crimbo Shrub's decorations when logging in, account for stat gain tuning and count progress toward a PvP fight based on those decorations. Decorations are not yet tracked when they are changed.

Revision: 15082
Clean up the Mini-Adventurer expression with the new pref() syntax

Revision: 15083
Update Crimbo Shrub decorations when you change them

Revision: 15084
Track whether you have decorated the Crimbo Shrub today in _shrubDecorated

Revision: 15085
Fix PvP fight progress for Crimbo Shrub

Revision: 15086
Crimbot Power -> Crimbot Outfit Power. Add last Crimbo advent calendar items.
Add Crimbomega award. Eationalize "noted" for PvP fight generating items.

Revision: 15087

Revision: 15088
Add WikiUtilities module to deal with looking up stuff on the WIki. For now,
it just has a utilitiy to return the URL of a page. Make ShowDescriptionList
and DebugDatabase use this.
checkplurals no longer prints "default" plurals (i.e., item name + "s") for
items that you have in inventory for which it can use api.php

Revision: 15089
Add Wiki Name modifiers for Item #13 and zmobie

Revision: 15090
When converting names to Wiki names, simply omit # characters

Revision: 15091
Add a few Wiki Name modifiers. Strinp out italic markup when getting WIki URLs

Revision: 15092
Fix Wiki lookup for 5 problematic items

Revision: 15093
Throne familiar effects

Revision: 15094
outfits.txt now has a column to hold the outfit image (tatto).
checkoutfits now outputs outfits.txt, much as checkitems outputs items.txt
The Wiki does not require - and, in fact, does not reliably work - URL encoded
punctuation. Therefore, WikiUtilities no longer URL encodes

Revision: 15095
Fix some plurals and multiusability

Revision: 15096
Remove unnecessary indirection from user-submitted URLs.

Revision: 15097
More equipment can give blindness for the Falls From Sky hard mode fight

Revision: 15098
Fix ShowDescriptionTable to use WikiUtilities. For items, Wiki lookup must use
the data name, not the annotated name.

Revision: 15099
red and green rain stick

Revision: 15100
Improve logged output when you spy on parents through the portal to include sins

Revision: 15101
If you have a Spinning Wheel in your workshed, use it during Breakfast.

Revision: 15102
Add ASH functions:
string [int] all_normal_outfits() -> returns map out all outfit names index by
outfit number.
string outfit_tattoo( string name ) -> returns image file name of outfit tattoo

Revision: 15103
Add missing message to RumpleManager

Revision: 15104
When deterining whether we can craft, we use ConcoctionDatabase.getFreeCraftingTurns(). Therefore, use that same function in deciding if we need to autoRepairBoxservants.

Revision: 15105
Some items. Standard is path 22.

Revision: 15106
Antagonistic Snowman Kit & iceSwagger

Revision: 15107
Allow sushi creation again

Revision: 15108
The Crimbo Shrub has no annotations to show if you don't have PVP decorations

Revision: 15109
Updated copyright notices to 2105

Revision: 15110
Today is both a Loathing holiday and an Earth holiday. Both holidays are given
by HolidayDatabase.getHoliday(). Therefore, users of that information need to
use contains(), not equals().

Revision: 15111
New choice adventures in Castle Ground Floor and Black Forest. new quest items

Revision: 15112
When rendering list cells, use List.selectionForeground (if selected), rather
than textHighlightText.

Revision: 15113
Fix 1 more renderer to deal with color of selected items better

Revision: 15114
Set settings that determine whether each seasonal item is available in the
Swagger shop whether or not the item is available in the current season.

Revision: 15115
Parse Chateau furniture when viewed and at login. Make it available through get_chateau(), and handle modifiers for the ceiling items.
Add chateauAvailable to track whether you have it (currently only updated by visiting the Mountains), chateauMonster to track the monster in the painting, and _chateauMonsterFought to track if you have fought it.
Recognize that painting fights are not semirares.
No handling for the shop currently.

Revision: 15116
Recognize telescope output again, and store it as before. This isn't actually used yet.
There is no way to recognize more than 5 telescope pieces, but if telescopeUpgrades is set higher then it will not be reduced.

Revision: 15117
Update chateauMonster when using an alpine watercolor kit

Revision: 15118
There are multiple URLs for Chateau resting

Revision: 15119
Conspiracy Island. Track control panel daily usage in _controlPanelUsed. Track omega level in controlPanelOmega.

Revision: 15120
Add ASH holiday() function

Revision: 15121
Remove ascension reminders for getting an easter egg balloon, and for blowing up a chef/bartender

Revision: 15122
Update telescopeUpgrades when looking at Starry-Eyed

Revision: 15123
Recognise "That item is too old to be used on this path" when eating, drinking or spleening. Untested as I'm not in a Type69 path.

Revision: 15124
Do not show currently restricted consumables on the Usable tabs in the
Item Manager

Revision: 15125
Fix (hopefully) Omega tracking

Revision: 15126
Marked star chart reusable so it is only used up when something is made with it.

Revision: 15127
Chateau Mantegna consumables.

Revision: 15128
Don't leave modified if Java compilation fails

Revision: 15129
Food/Booze spading

Revision: 15130
polyester parachute

Revision: 15131
World's Best Adventurer sash & Confidence!

Revision: 15132
Handle ice steins and ice-cold six-packs

Revision: 15133
Fix arena parameters for Mini-Crimbot

Revision: 15134
Standard is path 22. When use ice steins, retrieve sufficient ice-cold six-packs

Revision: 15135
Wine Cellar Drop Rates

Revision: 15136
In the restricted list, Swimming Pool => Clan Swimming Pool

Revision: 15137
Simplify retrieval of best buffing tool in Hardcore/Ronin; do not unequip it
if it and a weaker tool are both equipped.

Revision: 15138
Rumplestiltskin's Workshop is now a place.php location. Log it correctly.
RumpleManager now decorates the workshop in the Relay Browser to remind you
what you saw when you looked through the portal and what advanced materials
are needed for each item you can offer to them.

Revision: 15139
When we visit Chez Snootee or the Gnomish MicroMicroBrewery, the daily special
can be an unknown item. Register it.

Revision: 15140
The (awesome) food quality is not a modifier, even if it is blue in the desc.
Add bowl of topioca

Revision: 15141
Fix completion of Bat quest by fixing council text.

Revision: 15142
Parse reanimator parts when you equip it, regardless of how.

Revision: 15143
porcelain police baton

Revision: 15144
Cosmetics Wraith is in Bathroom

Revision: 15145
Clear RelayAgent's error request whenever adventure, fight, choice, or place is

Revision: 15146
SpecialOutfit.pieces is now a TreeMap so that items are ordered by slot.
If a new item is part of an outfit, register the new outfit

Revision: 15147
Add items and outfits for the Noram & Hardcore Standard Ascension rewards

Revision: 15148
Track Xiblaxian holo-wrist-puter drops in _holoWristDrops, and progress toward the next drop in _holoWristProgress.

Revision: 15149
When deriving pulverization data, look up modifiers with data name of item

Revision: 15150
When you drop the weapon in your prime hand, you also drop a weapon in your

Revision: 15151
topiary nugglet items

Revision: 15152
Don't assume that image paths start with http:// when loading HTML in to a
RequestFrame. Item Descriptions do not have that, for example.

Revision: 15153
Accommodate change in Terrarium HTML

Revision: 15154
Add Aggressive Snowman Kit, Summon Carrot, Aggressive Carrot, and so on.
3 choice adventures in the new lair have only a single choice.

Revision: 15155
Type69 -> Standard

Revision: 15156
porcelain powder

Revision: 15157
Missed Type69 -> Standard file

Revision: 15158
Remove star hat and weapon from default goals for Hole in the Sky.
ASH get_campground() now includes your current dwelling.
The "picture of you" is a known dwelling furnishing.
Maintain a list of "transient" dwelling furnishings which are destroyed when
you change your dwelling.
Remove your current bed when you change your dwelling.

Revision: 15159
Speed up terrarium parsing.

Revision: 15160
Track opening of Conspiracy Island Shops. Opens appropriately when visiting bunker (tested), should open when keycard is used (untested) or bunker door clicked on when keycard in inventory (untested) which should also remove keycard from inventory.

Revision: 15161
When you break Ronin in a restricted path, you should get your terrarium back

Revision: 15162
polyesterene powder

Revision: 15163
Maids are not transient dwelling furnishings.
Calculate hasResult based on the full URL string. Do it only once, when the
final URL is already known.

Revision: 15164
The topiary nugglet is not "usable" via inv_use.php.
Mazel Tov! has only one choice option and hence has a default of 1
Add spoilers to the 8 rooms of the Hedge Maze where you go left or right

Revision: 15165
Remove a bunch of dead code from SorceressLairManager.
The "telescope" command now decodes what it sees at the new tower and prints
appropriate spoilers

Revision: 15166
Shrub skills

Revision: 15167
Very preliminary monsters from new Sorceress lair

Revision: 15168
Arthur Frankenstein

Revision: 15169
When you look low through your telescope, save settings nsChallenge1 through
nsChallenge5 with the string representation of a stat or element

Revision: 15170
parse the response to skillz.php the same as a response to runskillz.php

Revision: 15171
Add image for Shrub skills

Revision: 15172
All locations in the Naughty Sorceress's Tower in which you can fight a monster
are now adventuring locations and log reasonably.
When you insert a key into the tower door, remove it from inventory.

Revision: 15173
Since the build.xml declares Java 5 compatibility at the source level, ensure that LockableListModel still compiles under JDK5.

Revision: 15174
If you are suddenly logged out (from logging in at another computer, perhaps), do not let chat requests log you back in

Revision: 15175
Add a new section for breakfast skills where being in-run is not relevant to using them. Currently only has Summon Annoyance.

Revision: 15176
Add "test adventure URL" CLI command to see how we translate the given URL
Add Strongest Adventurer Contest and Hottest Adventurer Contest - and the other
stats and elements. Choose the correct one, based on nsChallenge1 and
nsChallenge2 settings, as determined by telescope.
When visit the contest booth (choice 1003), parse text and set those settings
as appropriate.
Add various Adventurer Contest monsters to their respective locations.
Ditto for Hedge Maze and Tower monsters.

Revision: 15177
Track which keys have been used on the Sorceress Tower door in a setting:

Revision: 15178
Automation of Paranormal Test Lab

Revision: 15179
New skill numbers for bookshelf skills

Revision: 15180
More skill number updating

Revision: 15181
Temporary fix for bookshelf skill casting

Revision: 15182
Fix use link for star chart. Create use links for freshwater fishbones and
topiary nugglets

Revision: 15183
box of old Crimbo decorations is reusable

Revision: 15184
Recalculate modifiers when you change something in the chateau

Revision: 15185
Protect against empty responses to chat requests

Revision: 15186
Better logging for actions in the Chateau. Register it as an NPC shop

Revision: 15187
When you buy a room furnishing in the Chateau Gift Shop, it doesn't actually
enter inventory. Add it to the list of Chateau furnishings and remove any items
it might have replaced. Recalculate modifiers when you do so.
Simple visits to NPC shop.php do not need to log the URL.

Revision: 15188
KoL sometimes uses "chateau_rest" and sometimes it uses "cheateau_rest".
Accommodate either.

Revision: 15189
Log all rests in the Chateau bed with the turn number in the run, since we
cannot tell from the submitted URL if it will be free.

Revision: 15190
Add "restUsingChateau" setting. If true (the default), this will use the
chateau, rather than your dwelling, for the "rest" (and "rest free") command
and for the "free disco rest" options in HP and MP restore lists

Revision: 15191
Setting _chateauDeskHarvested trakcs whether you have looted the item on your
desk yet today

Revision: 15192
Detect correct URL for sorceress fight and the prism, given new sorceress lair

Revision: 15193
Remove a lot of dead code relating to the old Sorceress Lair.
Hardcore PVP warning detects new prism URL. Untested
Missing wand warning given before Magic Mirror and Sorceress Fight. Untested.

Revision: 15194
More sorceress contest monsters. Clicking on Chateau ceiling or nightstand
need not log the URL.

Revision: 15195
Since there are more sources of free rests, change name of HP and MP restorative
from "free disco rest" to "free rest".

Revision: 15196
Preemptively assume that if you use a universal key in the Tower Door, the
response text will contain the string "universal key".

Revision: 15197
Add Topiary Nuggletcrafting Coinmaster

Revision: 15198
Since the "fishbones" shop was my model for the "topiary" shop, and it was
missing a few missing checks to register properly, fix both shops

Revision: 15199
When you speculate about a familiar, speculate about the familiar you actually
own, not about a hypothetical 1-lb. familiar of that type (unless you don't
actually own the familiar, in which case a 1-lb. familiar is dandy.)

Revision: 15200
Add plural for polyester pettipants. Decorate desert exploration with progress

Revision: 15201
Fix wand and hardcore PVP warnings. Fix setting challenges when visiting the
registration booth at the Sorceress's tower

Revision: 15202
Add new FOTYs and their familiar items

Revision: 15203
Tales of Spelunking

Revision: 15204
Some IotY Familiar stuff

Revision: 15205
Tales of Spelunking and Powdered Gold drop tracking.

Revision: 15206
Powdered Gold is not multiusable (yet)

Revision: 15207
Rooms 2 - 9 of the Hedge Maze are "deferred choices" which get individually
logged with adventure numbers, much as choices in the Gourd's Psychoses do.

Revision: 15208
Some Spelunky Stuff

Revision: 15209
Guess at shotgun weapon type

Revision: 15210
Speluck and Spelunker of Fortune

Revision: 15211
Set the default for choice 1003 to "4" - which collects your reward, if you have
won all of the Adventurer Contests, and otherwise acts as Manual Control.
If a weapon does not have a type, EquipmentDatabase.getItemType now returns
"weapon" rather than null.

Revision: 15212
If a combat leads to a choice adventure, continue deferring use links

Revision: 15213
rusty staff needs weaponsmithing, not armorsmithing

Revision: 15214
black labels are auto-used when drinking base booze

Revision: 15215
Rename "Internal Database" to "Encyclopedia".
Remove "Subjunctive KoL" since it has not been updated since before ND-13.

Revision: 15216
Speluck skill

Revision: 15217
Don't try to pull items that are too old for Standard

Revision: 15218
Spelunker's Guild prize sack

Revision: 15219
Fix "meat" stick adventure gain.

Revision: 15220
Some Spelunky rewards, thanks to Bale/KingBobson.

Revision: 15221
Spelunker's Gear is an outfit

Revision: 15222
EVE Quest automation

Revision: 15223
Let the SorceressLairManager take responsibility for logging various visits
and choice adventures associated with the Sorceress' Tower

Revision: 15224
Make banishers match plural monsters

Revision: 15225
You can walk away from the Summoning Chamber when summoning a demon.
Put a blank line in front of "friars" and "summon" commands in session log
The Summoning Chamber is only an adventure location when fighting the boss
If you've already fought the chateau painting monster, subsequent clicks on
the painting need no logging.

Revision: 15226
Fix logging for visiting various locations on the big island

Revision: 15227
A few more Spelunky bits

Revision: 15228
Add as a place holder (heh) for place.php requests that we
don't handle elsewhere. Provides registerRequest and parseResponse.

Revision: 15229
More place.php logging

Revision: 15230
Fix Daily Deeds display for Tales of Spelunking

Revision: 15231
Whack a lot of code to use the new PlaceRequest class

Revision: 15232
More place.php logging tweaks

Revision: 15233
Use correct choice # for The Last Temptation

Revision: 15234
If an adventuring area has no environment associated with it, return "none".
Recognize trying to go to the Mist-Covered Peak or Empty Black Market

Revision: 15235
Add buffer run_choice( int ) command. When in a choice adventure, use this to submit the selected option. With -1 as imput, it will automate the rest of the choice using existing settings.
Also add run_turn(), which will work as run_combat() or run_choice( -1 ) depending on whether you are in combat or in a choice.

Revision: 15236
When fixing links in the responseText of a specialCommand so that the
"Adventure again" link works, in addition to not munging a link that starts
with "http", don't touch one that starts with "javascript"

Revision: 15237
SkillBuffFrame not only registers for all the preferences associated with
individual skills, but also for tomeSummons, since that affects tome skills
whn you cannot interact.
ValhallaManager defers firing Preference Listeners until it has finished
resetting preferences.

Revision: 15238
Some more Spelunky support. Detect Spelunky limit mode from character pane and API and do not do recovery, moods or mana burning. Provide limit_mode() function that returns (currently) null or spelunky. Detect upgrade perks and report in preference spelunkyUpgrades. Detect (some) unlocks and status and report in preference spelunkyStatus. Log shop transactions. Log upgrades when obtained. More items, locations and monsters.

Revision: 15239
Add "test dump_disabled_skills" to the gCLI to aid upcoming debugging

Revision: 15240
When you clear or reset all your skills, rest and update the disabled skills in
the SkillBuffFrame.

Revision: 15241
Add new Chateau desk item

Revision: 15242
When updating the combo box for the Ocean Destination from settings, create the
menu before setting the selected index

Revision: 15243
Add remaining known unlogged place.php actions

Revision: 15244
Track how many writing desks you have defeated toward getting Lady Spookyraven's necklace in writingDesksDefeated, and display it when you defeat one

Revision: 15245
Add currentHedgeMazeRoom to track where you are in the hedge maze.
Add choice spoilers to the Tower Mirror.
It's "Mr. Alarm's Office", not "Mr. Alarms's's office"

Revision: 15246
The "again" link of a fight that leads to choice.php does not look like a choice
that leads to choice.php. In either case, the simple presence of "choice.php" in
the responseText should tell us we are not ready to show deferred use links.

Revision: 15247
When we experience the effects of a trap in the Hedge Maze, remember the
element involved in nsChallenge3, nsChallenge4, or nsChallenge5; if you
failed to survive, at least we now know the element...

Revision: 15248
What the... fix a typo.

Revision: 15249
Add Hot Adventurer #2. Add PeKaJe's Chateau nag for the Astral Gash.

Revision: 15250
If you completed The Daily Dungeon outside of KoLmafia, recognize that when you try to adventure there

Revision: 15251
Auto-select correct item (if you have it) for wall of skin and wall of bones

Revision: 15252
When you find a present under your Crimbo Shrub, log who sent it to you.

Revision: 15253
Remove obsolete built-in Sorceress quest scripts from menu bar, CLI, and ASH.

Revision: 15254
fancy calligraphy pens are now free pulls

Revision: 15255
Add Cereal Arsonist to Hottest Adventurer Contest

Revision: 15256
Finish removing those ASH functions...

Revision: 15257
If you have selected an oceanDestination, when you front the Meat and set sail,
pre-fill the Longitude and Latitude input boxes with your chosen destination.

Revision: 15258
When you acquire the Spookyraven necklace, navigation link to Lady Spookyraven
When she gives you the ghost of a necklace, remove Spookyraven necklace
When you find all of Lady Spookyraven's dancing duds, navigation link to her
When you talk to her, remove those items from inventory
When you acquire the jar of baby ghosts, navigation link to Lady Spookyraven
When she gives you ghost formula, remove jar of baby ghosts.

Revision: 15259
Baby Z-Rex and Topiary Skunk are combat familiars.
Fix remembering last anticheese day.

Revision: 15260
CreateItemRequest.makeDough is now a lot smarter about making wads of dough and
flat doughs: it will retrieve from closet, as needed, buy exactly the minimum
necessary number of was of dough to either use as the result or ingredient, and
so on.

Revision: 15261
Some Spelunky Datafile updates.

Revision: 15262
When we look at the Sorceress's Tower, based on the image, set questL13Final to
unstarted, step1 ... step11, finished. Update existing code to use that scheme.

Revision: 15263
Recognise limitmode ("spelunky"), and use CharPaneRequest rather than API. In limitmode, inventory and skills are restricted to spelunky ones. Unavailable Inventory can be seen in a new "unlimited" category so you know it isn't lost! Only spelunky equipment can be seen in gear changer, and only spelunky valid slots are active. A number of spelunky tracking preferences added, including number of kills since last non-combat, expected phase of next non-combat, number of sacrifices. Transitions from normal play to limitmode and visa versa should be handled, login during limitmode should work. Spoilers added for Spelunky. In Gear Changer, weapons, hats, pants and offhands that cannot yet be equipped do now appear in dropdowns, but greyed out.

Revision: 15264
Spelunky tracking tweaks plus shopkeeper

Revision: 15265
If no Crimbo Shrub decorations are found when checking it (because it has not been decorated yet this ascension), set all non-stat decorations to blank values

Revision: 15266
Rewrite some parts of LowerCaseEntry to rely on the saved key/value rather than the underlying original entry.

Revision: 15267
Fix compilation error in Java 5, where AbstractMap.SimpleEntry is not public API.

Revision: 15268
Add new settings - nsContestants1, nsContestants2, nsContestants3 - to track
how many contestants remain in each contest.
Fix logging of the Hedge Maze choice adventures which each take a turn.
Update pregress of the questL13Final setting as you progress through the tower.
Minor tweaks to logging in various places in the Sorceress Tower.

Revision: 15269
Add arena parameters for topiary skunk

Revision: 15270
Fix location checking for quest tracking

Revision: 15271
Add a chasm link for snow boards

Revision: 15272
When you get the ghost of a necklace, add "Go talk to Lady Spookyraven on the
Second Floor link".
When you dance with Lady Spookyraven in the Ballroom, add "Go talk to Lady
Spookyraven on the Third Floor" link.

Revision: 15273
Allow using a grimstone mask to "start" a gnome game even if you didn't bother talking to the parents previously

Revision: 15274
Add chateu desk daily deed, thanks to PeKaJe

Revision: 15275
In familairs.txt, store name, not itemId, of familiar larva

Revision: 15276
If you try to adventure in the Naughty Sorceress's Tower and it does not
redirect to a fight or a choice, you can't go there. You may not be to that
point yet, or you may be past it; without accurate Quest tracking, we can't
tell. For now, simply say "YOu can't adventure there" and stop automation.

Revision: 15277
Whenever a call to place.php?whichplace=nstower simply returns a responseText
(as opposed to redirecting to fight.php or choice.php), assume it is showing
you the tower and use that to deduce where you are in the quest.
If you are past step1 in the quest, then set nsContestants1, 2, and 3 to 0,
since you have won those contests.

Revision: 15278
Each choice you take towards the beehive takes a turn. Make sure log records

Revision: 15279
Whack retrieveItem: bail early if the item is restricted, do not every buy
items made via combining Meat, etc.

Revision: 15280
Allow creation of "restricted" items, even though you cannot obtain them in
any other way.
When we look at the Tower Door, reconstruct the list of already used keys.

Revision: 15281
The EquipmentDatabase may not consider familiar items to be "equipment", but
the ItemDatabase should. Don't accidentally exclude the "familiar" radio
button in Equuipment panels of the Item Manager. When rendering items of
equipment, the hover text includes modifiers. Do that for familiar items too.
When retrieving items, do not look in equipment slots or on familiars unless
the item is "equipment".

Revision: 15282
The plural of "swagger" is "swagger". Use custom AdventureResult that
overrides the getPluralName() method, in order to enable that.

Revision: 15283
Just as KoL tells you "You acquire a clan trophy" - but it doesn't go in to
inventory, you acquire "7 Years of Bad Luck" when you shatter the mirror in
the Sorceress's Tower. It's a joke. Ignore it.

Revision: 15284
Various item drop numbers from kolspading

Revision: 15285
For choice decisions that take an extra turn - looking in to the tower mirror,
heading towards the beehive, fighting the remains of a jilted mistress - the
spoiler now includes a "(1)" to let you know that it will take a turn.
Register the fight with the mistress with a turn number & location, like other
things that take a turn.

Revision: 15286
When you find crumbling wooden wheels, give a navigation link to control room

Revision: 15287
Don't increment non-combat count when shopkeeper beaten

Revision: 15288
First cut at providing Sorceress Tower quest scripts: the HedgeMazeScript
has 4 options: traps, gopher + duck, chihuahua herd +kiwi, and nugglets.
(Only the nugglets have been tested so far). the Tower Door script will
look at the door, "acquire" any missing keys, open the locks and turn the

Revision: 15289
Only look for results in the body of the response text.
Really ignore 7 Years of Bad Luck. It's just a superstition.

Revision: 15290
Arena parameters for Golden Monkey & Adventurous Spelunker.
Don't use combat key (canonicalized name) as last monster

Revision: 15291
Roll back setting last monster name not using encounter key until I figure it
out better.

Revision: 15292
Only increment spelunkyWinCount if you actually win the fight

Revision: 15293
Whenever possible just use the real KoL monster name, rather than a munged
version of it.

Revision: 15294
Handle Spelunky tracking with Hostile Work Environment.

Revision: 15295
LOLmec Statuette

Revision: 15296
Use real capitalization of some monster names when checking quest progress

Revision: 15297
When calculating effect of Travoltan Trousers and Five-Fingered Discount on
NPC prices, round to an an integer rather than truncating

Revision: 15298
Monster stats (Atk, Def, HP) for contestants at the Naughty Sorceress Tower,
courtesy of Yendor

Revision: 15299
Spelunker of Fortune (used)

Revision: 15300
Take two at discounted NPC prices, since KoL will truncate them.

Revision: 15301
Take three

Revision: 15302
Fix typos for two of the tower contestants.
Provide ability for PlaceRequests to automatically follow redirects. Use that
when seeing the the Florist Friar is available and when turning the Tower Door

Revision: 15303
Fix getting a Hatter Buff; need to automatically follow the reirect to choice.php
before submitting the desired choice option.

Revision: 15304
In theory, the Secret Canadian Mind Control Device and auto-completing the "find
the Untinker's screwdriver" quest should work again.

Revision: 15305
Fix the names of the PM and DB Nemeses. MacGuffin diary and volcano map are
reusable. When you find the volcano map, give it a "use" link, not a "guild"
link. When you find either a crumbling wooden wheel or a tomb ratchet, the
use link is now "[x+y]", where x is # of wheels and y is # of ratchets.
(What you really care about is getting a total of 10 of either, not a specific
number of the one or the other.)

Revision: 15306
Fix auto completion of untinker quest

Revision: 15307
Check for correctly capitalized monster that dropped the Mer-kin lockkey

Revision: 15308
Yomama, thanks to Yendor. Fix parsing of stats in Spelunky when not buffed. Fire (skill) listener when skill gained as well as when skill lost. Several Daily Deeds now listen for (character) events, such as when we enter or leave Spelunky. As a result Daily Deeds can be considerably shorter during Spelunky (though there are still many things that should vanish in future).

Revision: 15309
When you get the secret tropical island volcano lair map, automatically use
it to open the volcano. If you found it in a fight in the Relay Browser, force
a topmenu refresh to put a "volcano" link there. Decorate the map with a "read"
link that goes to volcanoisland.php?intro=1, so you can see the introduction.

Revision: 15310
Most quest log entries for Naughty Sorceress quest now update quest tracking. Steps changed to bring them in line with other quests (step1 now started, stepN now stepN-1). Untested. Remove more Daily Deeds in Limitmode that cannot be accessed in Spelunky. Link to Altar when discovered (untested).

Revision: 15311
Set warProgress based on reading Quest log in case it is missed in earlier triggers. Lightly tested

Revision: 15312
When we start tracking a monster's stats, save the original health, attack, and
defense. When you win the fight, use those figures as its "current" figures,
for the purpose of annotating the monster in the Relay Browser.
Fix detecting usage of Jung jars.
Have a "council" link for the batskin belt and skull of the Bonerdagon, as

Revision: 15313
Wadbat hasn't logged in for over a year, so remove it from Pulverize Panel.

Revision: 15314
The Red Zeppelin ticket can be purchased with meat

Revision: 15315
Need to include password hash in uselink for hacienda key, even though it is on

Revision: 15316
Fix PvP stat loss parsing when either person's message contains " lost "

Revision: 15317
Fix the previous commit so stat loss parsing won't break for people with " lost " in their name

Revision: 15318
Remove Spookyraven toys when you get jar of baby ghosts.
picture of you is NOT removed when you upgrade your housing.

Revision: 15319
It's Lump. It's Lump. does not advance the noncombat counter in Spelunky

Revision: 15320
When determining how many turns crafting will use, take the sauceror's triple
reagent ability into account.

Revision: 15321
npc_price() of a Speakeasy drink returns the correct price for it, or 0 if you
can't get it from your clan (no clan, no VIP key, no Speakeasy, no drink...)

Revision: 15322
When you switch clans, reset clan-specific details and fetch the new clan id and
name, which will trigger looking up hot dogs and speakeasy drinks.

Revision: 15323
Accomodate variance in format of the Clan Hall

Revision: 15324
availableSpeakeasyDrink() needs to validate that the argument really is a
speakeasy drink

Revision: 15325
Fix the check for beating a black pudding

Revision: 15326
Fix tybo

Revision: 15327

Revision: 15328
Add ash function creatable_turns, which returns number of turns needed to create it. creatable_turns(item) returns number of turns to make one item, not taking into account free crafting turns from items/skills/inigos. creatable_turns(item, int) returns the number of turns to make that many items, without taking into account free crafting turns. creatable_turns(item, int, boolean) is the same, but takes account of free crafting turns when boolean is true.

Revision: 15329
When we go to bigisland.php?action=bossfight, remember that this is an island
war fight (for the purpose of recognizing it is finished) and log it nicer.
Slight refactoring creates ClanManager.changeClan( clanId, clanName ).

Revision: 15330
Remove duplicate definition of creatable_turns

Revision: 15331
Dimemaster and Quartersmaster save lastCampVisited for use by IslandManager.
'Allo correctly logs as Hedge Maze (Room 1)
Eliminate extra logging for the hedgemaze; only the choice adventures need it.
"head toward beehive" always needs a (1) on the spoiler.

Revision: 15332
Fix NPE in FightRequest when finding bounty and last visited location is null.

Revision: 15333
Better fix for Bounty Item NPE.

Revision: 15334
Rename DvorakDecorator to DvorakManager; it already has more than a decorator in it

Revision: 15335
bottle of lovebug pheromones

Revision: 15336
Change the order of registration to let PlaceRequest come before other handlers
of specific place.php locations. This allows us to use a PlaceRequest to visit
any place, even if there is a specific class that handles it.

Revision: 15337
Choice adventure 617 now 1056.

Revision: 15338
Track lovebug unlock in preference "lovebugsUnlocked".

Revision: 15339
Improve Hidden City logging. Still not quite right, but recognizes tiles you
jump to based on response text, at least

Revision: 15340
If you require an item with Modifier Maximizer (+equip X) then don't consider other items in that slot, or outfits that would take up that slot. Makes maximization with one or more specified items much faster.

Revision: 15341
Formatting tweak for Monsters that always get the jump in Area Combat Data.

Revision: 15342
Suppress logging to simple visits to otherwise unclaimed place.php locations.
Save them in a set and show them with "test places"

Revision: 15343
Don't add items to the item pool if +equip requirement has already added them.

Revision: 15344
Tracking for evilness and oil pressure reductions from love bugs. Untested.

Revision: 15345
As always, use_item.php redirects without ajax and does not redirect with ajax.
Fix Jars of Psychoses to work with both situations.
Fix typos in Sorceress Door locks and elsewhere.

Revision: 15346
In maximizer, if you force equip a watch, treat it as a watch, not an accessory.

Revision: 15347
Refactor CoinmastersFrame to depend on listeners, rather than having non-UI
components explicitly telling it to update.

Revision: 15348
CoinmastersFrame automatically registers a preference listener for each
coinmaster that uses virtual tokens (counted in a property) rather than items

Revision: 15349
Dispatch more place.php requests

Revision: 15350
Specify number of hot dogs or speakeasy drinks drunk in session logs.

Revision: 15351
Rename and/or move some constants from GearChangeFrame and EquipmentRequest to

Revision: 15352
When processing results, do not pull out and process items wrapped with "rel"
strings first. Locate such items and process the rel string to detect unknown
items, multiusability errors, etc, but unless the item is going to storage,
defer thae actual "add to inventory" - an associated logging - for the rest
of item processing. This preserves the logged order of acquisitions.

Revision: 15353
Yet More Work on making PlaceRequest do exactly as much as it should for
logging otherwise unhandled place.php requests.

Revision: 15354
Move "equip all familiars" function from the FamiliarTrainingFrame to a new
module: FamiliarManager. Let ASH use it via boolean equip_all_familiars()

Revision: 15355
Hopefully fix Lovebug Evilometer updating

Revision: 15356
Improve logging of Nemesis battle in volcano.
Improve logging of Hidden City opening
Hopefully improve logging of beehive

Revision: 15357
Make "use * ITEM" work as a mood trigger, whether or not you happen to have any
of the ITEM when you create the trigger

Revision: 15358
When maximizing, do not remove and equip items that you intend to have equipped. Do not show maximizing options that are unavailable in Spelunky,

Revision: 15359
Remove debugging code

Revision: 15360
Stop evilness going negative. Untested.

Revision: 15361
Fix Chihuahua + Kiwi script

Revision: 15362
Remove minus sign

Revision: 15363
Some more shops now use shop.php

Revision: 15364
Fix a row number

Revision: 15365
Fix the dispensary

Revision: 15366
Unbreak stealing items from other familiars.

Revision: 15367
Guildstores and Tavern now use new shop too

Revision: 15368
Fix case on Mer-kin rustler.

Revision: 15369
Check maximum uses of specific items before checking for restoration maximum uses.

Revision: 15370
If the network gives us a null responseText for some reason, don't take an
exception while ptrying to process it.
KoL decided to have two sets of head/body sections in the response text for
creating something using your last star chart. Is that legal? Regardless, Cope.
Remove extra code for processing results of pixel and star chart creations,
since they are just normal "row" style shops these days.

Revision: 15371
Now restoration maximum is checked after individual items, ensure individually limited restorers check restoration maximum.

Revision: 15372
Allow expression effect(effectName) to also use effect(effectId). Note that this is converted internally to name as we don't use IDs as unique identifiers in mafia at present. So you may get some unexpected results if you use effectId to specify an effect whose effectName is not unique.

Revision: 15373
Lots more shop.php, hopefully all of it

Revision: 15374
More shop.php cleanup

Revision: 15375
More shop.php cleanup

Revision: 15376
Fix typo

Revision: 15377
Fix use link for when you get the dingy plans to buy dingy planks, not
glittery mascara

Revision: 15378
FotY throne modifiers

Revision: 15379
Coolest Adventurer -> Coldest Adventurer

Revision: 15380
Fix logging for getting a beehive to show each step that takes a turn

Revision: 15381
Evilometer progress from lovebugs and from the monster you kill can be for different areas

Revision: 15382
Fix typo

Revision: 15383
Don't set Quest.MANOR to "step3" when you get a wine bomb; do it when you
actually penetrate the suspicious masonry in the cellar, using either the
wine bomb or the mortar-dissolving ingredients. Remove whchever ingredients
you used when you break through the wall.

Revision: 15384
solid gold jewel

Revision: 15385
Spleen items are now a thing. Various changes revealed by checkitems.

Revision: 15386
inv_spleen.php is now a thing, too.

Revision: 15387
Fix use links for spleen items

Revision: 15388
Armory and Leggery utensils

Revision: 15389
Add the Armory and Leggery items to the shop. Parse whichrow values and print them for new items.

Revision: 15390
Recognize spleen items used from chat

Revision: 15391
Just as we skip learnSkill for food and drink, skip for spleen.
In case anybody still cares, skip use links for spleen items with B in Beecore

Revision: 15392
Assume that spleen items are multiusable. Get the correct URL for using them.

Revision: 15393
Changes to Ccmpact Side Pane in graphical client. Main obvious changes will be lack of gaps in status panel in classes without class meters or when hippy stone unbroken, but it also only displays appropriate information during Spelunky. Also better parsing of gold in Spelunky and supression of disco combat helper if you are a Diso Bandit with Rave skills but currently are playing Spelunky.

Revision: 15394
Fix errors revealed by checkitems. Update mallprices.txt

Revision: 15395
Bump version to 16.8
Yes, I understand that the new Avatar path is coming out in just a few days.
You don't need to second guess my decision to release this now.
Thank you.