Version 16.1


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link. Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason. If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 12121
Fix Jelly Combed, add Net Gain

Revision: 12122
Don't show available free runaways from familiars in BIG runs

Revision: 12123
don't remove counters immediately after warning about them. still only warn once.

Revision: 12124
Add skills from sea outfits and gladiator weapons. Add outfit item skills to your current skills when you equip them.

Revision: 12125
track which merkin dropped the lockkey in merkinLockkeyMonster
default choice for Drawer of Chests semirare

Revision: 12126
Keel-haulin' knife drops from a gritty pirate

Revision: 12127
add a Go To Store... context item to Purchases tab right-click menu

Revision: 12128
Moxious Maneuver is no longer a skill. Default value for Welcome to the Great Overlook Lodge choice adventure.

Revision: 12129
Track sea lasso training in lassoTraining

Revision: 12130
When a mer-kin lockkey drops, set Into the Outpost to pick up a stashbox

Revision: 12131
The cooldown for using a dolphin whistle is gone

Revision: 12132
Add Nemesis Assassin window counters

Revision: 12133
Shadow Jarlsberg is Your Shadow

Revision: 12134
Don't throw a NumberFormatException when parsing a number larger than MAX_VALUE or smaller than MIN_VALUE

Revision: 12135
arena parameters for gelatinous cubeling

Revision: 12136
Give a link to adventure at A-Boo Peak when you use A-Boo clue, and a link to shop at The Black Market when you use the black market map

Revision: 12137
Conjoined Zmombie is a special monster in The Defiled Alcove

Revision: 12138
Fix parsing of jarlsberg's pan and boris's helm being folded from the relay browser

Revision: 12139
Recognize that the beanstalk was planted when an enchanted bean is used, and update the URL to look for that indicates an already-planted bean

Revision: 12140
Do not check for being in BOTH Boris and Jarlsberg when deciding to grow
a blackbird.

Revision: 12141
add svnkit library.
experimental svn support. commands:
svn checkout
svn update
svn list
svn delete
(these will be better documented somewhere)

Revision: 12142
use ${lib}/jar instead of lib/jar

Revision: 12143
use java 5 method of cloning a stack

Revision: 12144
also include zipgroupfileset in ant daily

Revision: 12145
fix svn command NPEs for "list" and "delete" if no projects are installed

Revision: 12146
print a message if the user does "svn update" with no installed projects

Revision: 12147
don't throw NPE if svn/ folder does not exist

Revision: 12148
one more NPE check

Revision: 12149
comment out unused methods in SVNManager

Revision: 12150
use non-deprecated svnkit API calls

Revision: 12151
pop up a warning if svn checkout will overwrite extant local files

Revision: 12152
also handle UPDATE_ADD SVNEvents when doing svn update

Revision: 12153
add svnUpdateOnLogin (global, default false), which runs svn update before breakfast/loginScript. This could be useful if your loginScript has svn dependencies.
Add a ticky box for svnUpdateOnLogin in general preferences. I think eventually svn will have enough associated preferences that it can get its own tab, but it's there for now.

Revision: 12154
improve svn command help text

Revision: 12155
Rudimentary attempt to get svn working with proxies. Untested.
Allow svn to write to ccs/

Revision: 12156
Add some plurals

Revision: 12157
new commands:
svn increment <projectname>
svn decrement <projectname>
moves an installed svn project up/down one revision, respectively.
"svn update" can also take a <projectname> argument or a <SVNURL> argument. Or just be blank to update everything.

Revision: 12158
A-Boo clue drop rate

Revision: 12159
fix NPE for svn update projectname

Revision: 12160
allow blank svn proxy user/pass settings

Revision: 12161
improve svn exception logging

Revision: 12162
remove redundant code for setting proxy manager, svnkit was already doing this in client manager initialization

Revision: 12163
use the client manager to create repo drivers in case the server challenges us for auth credentials

Revision: 12164
Remove the model airship when you use it to complete the quest

Revision: 12165
Remove the mer-kin lockkey when you use the mer-kin stashbox

Revision: 12166
code reorganization, minor logging improvement

Revision: 12167
command "svn sync"
Looks through your working copies for modifications, then checks if that file differs from the local copy. If it differs, the WC file is copied over the local copy one. Note that this is very different from "svn update" and indeed does not contact the repository server at all.
If you are unsure if you want this feature, this is only for people who maintain modifications to the files in their svn/ folders that they want merged in with updates from the repo. If you are just doing checkout/update operations and don't know what this "merging" business is about, you don't need this feature.
Users who want to automatically sync after update operations can set syncAfterSvnUpdate = true.

Revision: 12168
if we catch an svn error during an update-all operation, go on to the next project rather than punting entirely.
update sourceforge regex so you can use dashes and whatnot in the URL.

Revision: 12169
add googlecode regex to svn UUID generator

Revision: 12170
when invoking a script without a fully-qualified name, throw a runtime exception if there are multiple matches for the scriptname being searched. This is consistent with how we parse other things - if you try to define a variable twice in the same scope, we throw an exception there too.
Note that the search namespace includes scripts/, relay/, plots/, and the root directory, so some users may be surprised that they were supplying ambiguous scriptnames.

Revision: 12171
don't double-count partially-qualified scriptnames when searching

Revision: 12172
if an absolute path to a script file was specified (ex. on windows C:\kolmafia\scripts\myscript.ash) do not bother searching for it, just return whether it exists or not.

Revision: 12173
workaround for sourceforge "atomic initialization" bug: retry the update operation up to 3 times.
Obviously it would be better if sourceforge didn't throw bogus svn errors, but c'est la vie

Revision: 12174
Fix FDKOL shop

Revision: 12175
Don't switch into an aerated diving helmet to buy from Big Brother when other equipment already lets you breathe underwater

Revision: 12176
svn up/down does the same thing as svn increment/decrement. Because typing stuff is hard.
(elsewhere in svn-land, "up" is a synonym for "update", but who wants to do what /other/ people are doing)

Revision: 12177
up/down become inc/dec. Same net letter consumption, less convention-breaking.

Revision: 12178
Mer-kin prayerbeads are no longer single equip

Revision: 12179
let svn reuse repository drivers (they were already being cached, this just lets svn use them)

Revision: 12180
Bento boxes are sushi

Revision: 12181
add preference simpleSvnUpdate (global, default true)
if true, simply checks if the root of your working copy is at HEAD, skipping it if so. Speeds up the average update operation by 75% (and is probably nicer on servers). Advanced users who have done something like a non-root "svn switch" or are using svn externals should know whether they want to turn this off.
Again the ticky box goes at the bottom of general preferences, it is soon time for these to be moved to their own page.

Revision: 12182
Mer-kin dreadscroll cannot be used with Ajax.
Remove sushi doily from inventory when consumed by eating sushi
Add "workteaClue" per-ascension setting to hold clue revealed by have Mer-kin
worktea in inventory when consuming sushi. Remove worktea in that case.
Fix bento boxes that have Mer-kin weaksauce.

Revision: 12183
print worktea clue to CLI and session log as well as storing in a setting

Revision: 12184
Mark sushi doily as a "food helper" so it show up on Food panel of Item Manager.
Mark bento boxes as EPIC, since they provide >5 adv/fullness

Revision: 12185
don't punt out of entire svn update operation when an error is encountered, just move on to the next project.

Revision: 12186
Refactor "consuming" a concoction: if it is an "item" (i.e., it doesn't come
from a cafe) but it doesn't have an item number (i.e. you consume it by
"creating" it), don't look for it in inventory and don't expect UseItemRequest
to "acquire" it.

Revision: 12187
Restore zap and sushi links to inventory. Adapted from heeheehee's patch.

Revision: 12188
add global preference _svnUpdated
only do login svn update (mediated by svnUpdateOnLogin) at most once per day.

Revision: 12189
another regex change for sourceforge urls - handle subprojects

Revision: 12190
use a one-off implementation of getMatchingNames in SVNCommand so that directories can be substring matched in a case-sensitive way.

Revision: 12191
Recognize Snow Suit effects

Revision: 12192
Screambats don't have normal encounter rates

Revision: 12193
Fix El Dia counter creation

Revision: 12194
The barest beginning of Mini-Adventurer support: the larva, the familiar item
and a placeholder for the familiar itself.

Revision: 12195
improve error message when trying to do svn update on a project that's not already checked out

Revision: 12196
handle updating the gCLI command field directly in the swing Event Dispatch Thread, since dispatching a worker thread can create a race condition.

Revision: 12197
When a monster has attack, defense, or HP equal to 0 (according to Manuel), handle it differently than a new monster with unknown stats

Revision: 12198
new ash svn functions:
boolean svn_exists( String projectname ) - returns true if a valid working copy named projectname exists in the svn/ folder
boolean svn_at_head( String projectname ) - returns true if projectname exists, is a valid WC, and is currently at the same revision # as the repository. This will hit the repo server, so be nice.

Revision: 12199
Account for Unconscious Collective free rests when using automated free rests

Revision: 12200
support for choosing the model airship in random lack of an encounter, thanks

Revision: 12201
fix regression bug that wasn't allowing https: addresses in some svn commands

Revision: 12202
Generalize the code for available free rests, and really account for the Collective everywhere. Free rests don't take a turn.

Revision: 12203
Update the Mind-Control Device for the updated Little Canadia

Revision: 12204
code refactoring: wrap svn update/checkout operations in Runnable and run them through RequestThread.postRequest. This should, among other things, update continuation state (i.e. sidebar color) and respond to abort requests appropriately.

Revision: 12205
don't double-display error messages when using simple update behavior.

Revision: 12206
initial support for automatic svn dependency installation.
global preference svnInstallDependencies (default true) controls whether svn will try to install dependencies.
Scripters are now allowed to place a file called dependencies.txt in the top-level of a project. Calling it anything else will fail validation, as before. This special file will not be "pushed" to anywhere locally, it will just remain in the working copy folder. On each line of dependencies.txt, you specify one URL to another SVN project.

Revision: 12207
move svn options to their own panel in OptionsFrame

Revision: 12208
provide more diagnostic output when trying to get an interpreter for a script that has multiple namespace definitions

Revision: 12209
Fix 9th anniversary item entry, add 10th anniversary item. CSA fire-starting kit can be autosold.

Revision: 12210
Pocket square of loathing is single equip

Revision: 12211
preference svnShowCommitMessages (global, default false) controls whether you want to see new commit messages from svn update operations.
add the above and svnSyncAfterUpdate to the SVN OptionsFrame panel, and restructure it a bit.

Revision: 12212
Add adventure locations in Le Marais Dègueulasse

Revision: 12213
maximizer: don't try to summon demons that we don't know the name of

Revision: 12214
Items from new Canadia quest

Revision: 12215
add ash function: record svn_info( String project )
record has the following fields-
String url: the url that the project was checked out from
int revision: the revision that the working copy is at
String lastChangedAuthor: the author who committed the last change
int lastChangedRev: the revision that most recently modified this working copy (note, not necessarily the same as revision field)
String lastChangedDate: the date/time when lastChangedRevision happened
This function will not hit the repo, its data reflects last known info as of the previous svn update operation.

Revision: 12216
Initial support for Florist Friar. Modifiers are updated when the Plants Previously Planted table is viewed and when a plant is planted or removed.
Plants are not yet tracked across sessions or updated when logging in.

Revision: 12217
Fix some stuff with Florist Friar tracking

Revision: 12218
when an svn update for a file fires, instead of just looking for the file in its default spot, perform a namespace search equivalent to invoking that script at the command line. If a unique matching file is found, update -that- file; otherwise, warn/note that we couldn't find a file. This means that you can freely move around (but not rename) svn-installed scripts into subfolders and such.
checkout undergoes a similar process, popping up a warning if it is going to overwrite a local file appropriately.
Also, fix an issue where commit notes were not being displayed if a new file was added/deleted in a revision.

Revision: 12219
if an external svn tool interferes with deleting an svn metadata file when doing "svn delete", dispatch a background thread to wait a bit and then clean it up.

Revision: 12220
don't fuzzy match exact matches in svn commands

Revision: 12221
Assume Big Brother has been rescued if you have a bubblin' stone, an aerated
diving helmet, or any of the Mer-kin masks

Revision: 12222
even though data/ is not in the searchable namespace, look there for existing files when doing svn update

Revision: 12223
When you use a Mer-kin wordquiz with a Mer-kin cheatsheet, track vocabulary
mastery in "merkinVocabularyMastery" setting and dedecut both items.
Track aquisition of all eight Mer-kin dreadscroll clues.
Eight settings: deadscroll1 .. dreadscroll8 hold the option number (1-4) that
corresponds to the clue, or 0, if you have not found it.
Add "dreadscroll" command to list the status of your dreadscroll clues
Enable GRANDMA as a crafting method

Revision: 12224
print conflict information in red so it stands out from the rest of svn output

Revision: 12225
Fix effect name: "Deep-Tainted Mind" not "Deep-Tainted"
Deep-Tainted Mind cannot be removed
Do not decorate unremoveable effects in the charpane with remove links
Load phrase dropdowns in Mer-kin dreadscroll with correct values, based on
clues we have learend.

Revision: 12226
Adjust DataUtilities, FileUtilities, and MallPriceDatabase so that logging the
use of an override file is done only once - at the time when it happens.

Revision: 12227
Add quest items from Canadia Quest (courtesy of Bale), monsters from Canadia
Quest (courtesy of Darzil), and monster images for many monsters (courtesy of
Note that monster.txt version is bumped to 5 since the monster image is now
in its own field.

Revision: 12228
Adjust the war hero windows slightly

Revision: 12229
Using 100 d4s takes a turn. Add shaking skull.

Revision: 12230
thread safety for SVNManager

Revision: 12231
Parse seahorse name from the quest log at login.
Recognize taming a wild seahorse in combat
Add "test fight [round]" command to do fight processing on a saved html file
previously loaded via "test load [filename]" to simplify debugging things
like the above.

Revision: 12232
Use a more sophisticated locking scheme to manage svn concurrency

Revision: 12233
Add support for 31-character hats for the Tea Party buff

Revision: 12234
Make Half-Eaten Brain removable by Tongue of the Walrus

Revision: 12235
You can only wear one papier-masque. Add Skunkulated.

Revision: 12236
Remove appropriate swamp item from inventory when you give it to Marty.

Revision: 12237
Update the Little Canadia stat gym

Revision: 12238
Add _floristPlantsUsed as a comma-separated list and florist_available().
Add "florist plant [plantname]" to add a plant. [plantname] is case-insensitive, but otherwise must exactly match KoL's name for the plant.
Check what is currently planted when you log in.

Revision: 12239
Fix Blue Swayed

Revision: 12240
code refactoring: reduce visibility of getClientManager and SVN_LOCK, provide a doInfo wrapper for callers outside of the svn package.
Remove an unnecessary optimization in ShowDescriptionTable/LockableListModel.

Revision: 12241
Fix parsing of Florist Friar plants

Revision: 12242
Capitalization matters with sushi now

Revision: 12243
Halls Passing in the Night consumes a Mer-kin hallpass

Revision: 12244
Add string [location][int] get_florist_plants()

Revision: 12245
actual reality goggles are now a free pull

Revision: 12246
Added envyfish egg.
Track with _envyfishEggUsed & envyfishMonster preferences
Added Daily Deed to track usage and monster

Revision: 12247
modify the "rebase" behavior of SVNManager: only perform namespace searches for files that are in relay/ and scripts/ (i.e. files in data/ are exempt), and still check for namespace uniqueness even if the file exists in its default location

Revision: 12248
pogo stick

Revision: 12249
Replace the link to use another tomb ratchet with a link to the Lower Chamber when appropriate

Revision: 12250
Don't process the 'monpic' or Manuel's table in Fight HTML

Revision: 12251
Reset ChoiceManager.action to PostChoiceAction.NONE before calling the
specified post choice action method, to avoid infinite recursion if the
method ends up calling another choice.

Revision: 12252
Track progress of gladiator combat moves in gladiatorBallMovesKnown,
gladiatorBladeMovesKnown,, and gladiatorNetMovesKnown

Revision: 12253
Refactor learning combat moves to be table driven

Revision: 12254
Tomb servants drop ancient ice cream scoops

Revision: 12255
Experimental support for Dad Sea Monkee - untested in-game.
- When we first see Dad Sea Monkee, parse the clues and solve for them.
- "dad" CLI command lists the elemental weakness (and spell) for rounds 1-10
- element dad_sea_monkee_weakness( int round ) ASH function for consult scripts.

Revision: 12256
Add support for no-pull items

Revision: 12257
Don't automatically make any Mr. Store purchases through the maximizer

Revision: 12258
Skip extra "The " when parsing Dad text.

Revision: 12259
Remove debugging prints. Sigh.

Revision: 12260
Handle items with no ingredients when considering everything for maximizing

Revision: 12261
Things "crack open" for Dad Sea Monkee...

Revision: 12262
Experimental: when you fight Dad Sea Monkee in the Relay Browser, auto-select
the appropriate Hobopolis spell to attack his weakness, based on combat round.

Revision: 12263
Simplify, clarify, and robustify some of the code in the Dad Sea Monkee solver

Revision: 12264
Change lots of location names in KoLmafia to match KoL

Revision: 12265
Update location names used in battlefield island parsing

Revision: 12266
When auto-selecting the correct Hobopolis spell when fighting Dad, search for
the appropriate "option" selector in the Skill dropdown, rather than the name
of the spell.

Revision: 12267
When selecting Dad weakness spell, work only within the "skill" form of the
fight page, deselect last used skill, and select correct skill for this round

Revision: 12268
Move code from DadManager to FightDecorator to select a specific skill in the
fight page. Add code to select the correct skill for Mer-kin balldodgers,
bladeswitchers, and netdraggers that counter their special moves.

Revision: 12269
Fix cut/paste/fail-to-edit

Revision: 12270
Deselected already selected skills can move the desired skill in the buffer

Revision: 12271
When we see "New Area Unlocked", look up the adventure zone. If we find it, make
both the image and the name of the new zone be links that take you to adventure
in the new zone.

Revision: 12272
Make filling the Extreme Meter an auto-stop encounter

Revision: 12273
Print zarqon's "friendly message" when ASH detects a type constant that required
fuzzy matching to parse

Revision: 12274
Ignore case when making sure ASH type constants match

Revision: 12275
Add "environment" proxy value for locations. This will be a string with the value "indoor", "outdoor", "underground", "underwater", "none", or "unknown".
Change the version number for adventures.txt.

Revision: 12276
The trapper can unlock multiple new locations at once.
You only need to use 0 or 1 sushi-rolling mat

Revision: 12277
Give "friendly warnings" for abbreviated plural typed constants, too

Revision: 12278
Fix character entities for Cadaver monsters.
Unicode decode user-supplied string in "friendly warnings"

Revision: 12279
Add some Hot Dog Stand items and effects. Update a location name.

Revision: 12280
Fix Dad Sea Monkee parsing when only a single bit is set in word 7.
Back to html entities for El Dia monsters

Revision: 12281
Recognize the Clothing of Loathing bonus from wearing multiple pieces. Thanks to psly4mne.
Update a few more location names.

Revision: 12282
"Friendly warnings" now escape commas with backslashes

Revision: 12283
Only escape commas in the names of elements, not elsewhere in the message

Revision: 12284
Fix the hand chalk warning in The Haunted Billiards Room

Revision: 12285
Update more location names

Revision: 12286
Add shaking skull recipe

Revision: 12287
fix npe for svn_info if you don't have an svn/ directory

Revision: 12288
Mark HP/MP restore items from the GameInformPowerDailyPro as such.

Revision: 12289
Change more location names

Revision: 12290
Add Clan hot dog stand

Revision: 12291
Fix boss bat warning; zone name changed

Revision: 12292
When looking for the New Area Unlocked location, if we fail to match the given
name, try again with "The " in front (if not there previously) or with "The "
removed from the front (if there).

Revision: 12293
If goofballs are free then provide link to get them on the Valhalla page.

Revision: 12294
Add GenericRequest.abortIfInFightOrChoice(). Call this in the run() methods of
EquipmentRequest, FamiliarRequest, UseItemRequest, and CreateItemRequest to
avoid an unnecessary server hit which will fail anyway.

Revision: 12295
Only add "new location" links to pages that have a chance to teach you about
a new location: choice.php, council.php, forestvillage.php, guild.php,
monkeycastle.php, and place.php

Revision: 12296
revert Revision 12293

Revision: 12297
Change some more location names

Revision: 12298
BIG!'s monster bonus does not raise a monster's attack or defense above 300

Revision: 12299
Add a Daily Deed to check for a defective Game Grid token

Revision: 12300
Do not stop auto-adventuring at Under the Knife if you have chosen to skip it

Revision: 12301
Fix some bugs revealed by checkeffects and checkitems. Improve New Area linking

Revision: 12302
Add some Hot Dog Stand and Mini Adventurer items/effects. Update another location name. Add GOTO drop rate.

Revision: 12303
You can walk away from some choice adventures

Revision: 12304
Fix optimal spreadsheet entry. The vicious spiked collar can be worn by any familiar.

Revision: 12305
The QuickBASIC Elemental is purported to be UR. Treat it as such.

Revision: 12306
Parse the furniture in the Clan VIP lounge whenever we see it.
Log when we visit the hot dog stand

Revision: 12307
Parse the Clan Hot Dog Stand when visited and call registerHotDog for each
hot dog. This does nothing, yet.

Revision: 12308
Change parsing of available Hot Dogs to pick up the item needed to unlock
a hot dog.

Revision: 12309
Bento boxes with inky squid sauce all had a typo in their name

Revision: 12310
When reading description of an item, if it is "not yet implemented", do not save
the description text in the cache.

Revision: 12311
DebugDatabase.typeToSecondary parses "combat (reusable)" from the item
description and marks the item as COMBAT_REUSABLE if found.
Mark 6 combat items as reusable.

Revision: 12312
samurai turtle is only sometimes reusable. Ditto for PADL phone and
communications windchimes. The latter two are already handled in FightRequest,
so do the same for the samurai turtle.

Revision: 12313
simplify Zombo's eye and Frosty's iceball

Revision: 12314
Staff of the Scummy sink regens HP, not MP

Revision: 12315
Update display of counters when KoL effect-extending arrows are displayed

Revision: 12316
Update display of effects with 0 turns remaining in moods when KoL effect-extending arrows are displayed. Update a few more location names.

Revision: 12317
When visiting the Clan Lounge, only print the name of the clan you are in if it is different from the clan you were previously in

Revision: 12318
Remove some code that would never get used from the previous commit

Revision: 12319
Fix monster image for QuickBASIC Elemental

Revision: 12320
Initial support for eat hot dogs from the hot dog stand

Revision: 12321
If goofballs are free then provide link to get them on the Valhalla page. (Take two. Much more sensitive to server hits, but can suggest they are free when they aren't if user gets goofballs outside of mafia).

Revision: 12322
charsheet.php CAN have a "result" when it is used to shrug off a buff

Revision: 12323
plural for novelty tattoo sleeves

Revision: 12324
New Halloween candy and effects

Revision: 12325
Add the combat modifier for halloween candy and some plurals

Revision: 12326
Impatients -> Impatiens

Revision: 12327
Add Air Blast. Add mini-sauceror buff

Revision: 12328
Fix the hand chalk warning in The Haunted Billiards Room

Revision: 12329
Remaining pvp fights is now given in api.php

Revision: 12330
Update some equipment powers and location environments

Revision: 12331
Zombies cannot supertinker

Revision: 12332
Fix "whichdog" pattern to include the minus sign

Revision: 12333
When eating a hot dog, don't be fooled by losing turns of Got Milk

Revision: 12334
When stocking hot dog stand with supplies, log appropriately and, if it
succeeds, deduct appropriate items from inventory.

Revision: 12335
Add environments for many locations, and update the names of a few

Revision: 12336
In BIG!, fix attack/defense calculation for large monsters such as Guy Made of Bees

Revision: 12337
When you eat an optimal dog, reset semirare counters and set fortune cookie
counter to 0

Revision: 12338
chatbotScript != chatBotScript. Fixed that. The preference is chatBotScript.

Revision: 12339
Add Jackass Plumber checking to breakfast. Keep the Daily Deed, but do not automatically add it to people's existing entries.

Revision: 12340
You don't lose a defective Game Grid token when using it, but you can only use it once per day

Revision: 12341
Handle commas in Manuel stats

Revision: 12342
The slightest beginning of Dreadsylvania support: adventure zones, two items,
10 curses, recognize sppooky werewolf and bugbear from images.

Revision: 12343
Get rid of extra constructors for CoinmasterData and adjust all coinmasters
to use the single remaining constructor.
Add Terrified Eagle Inn as a coinmaster whose currency is the Freddy Krueggerand
Remove extra space from Dreadsylvanian seed pod
Add items to coinmasters.txt for Terrified Eagle Inn. Unfortunately, we don't
have enough info - like actual item IDs - for all those items yet.

Revision: 12344
Fix various choices that rarely include a hot dog unlock item: give correct
spoiler when you actually encounter one in the relay browser, allow the user
to specify that they want to get the rare item by default, automatically
switch to a different option when automating if the rare item is not available

Revision: 12345
Translate rest of Dreadsylvania flunkies into their generic type

Revision: 12346
Treat Dreadsylvania like other clan dungeons for purposes of chat

Revision: 12347
missing tab in data for Dreadsylvanian seed pod.
phials -> lotions

Revision: 12348
The giant gym membership card's requirement was changed from mysticality to muscle

Revision: 12349
It really is chatbotScript

Revision: 12350
Add a bunch of Dreadsylvanian items. Actually register items available in
the Terrified Eagle Inn

Revision: 12351
When a new food or drink gives an effect, the default action is "eat 1" or
"drink 1", rather than "use 1". Fix a few defaults for some newly added items.

Revision: 12352
Fix item ids for phials in ItemPool, so basement decorator will suggest correct

Revision: 12353
Added some sea drops to the pulverize list

Revision: 12354
Add monsters to The Caliginous Abyss

Revision: 12355
Added goals for the giant pearl and long-forgotten necklace semi-rares.

Revision: 12356
More Dreadsylvania items and effects. recipes for elemental phials.

Revision: 12357
Add pattern for learning a recipe from a Dreasylvania almanac page

Revision: 12358
Add a couple more items and effects from Dreadsylvania

Revision: 12359
More Dreadsylvania items and effects. Generalize another pattern for learning
to craft a new item.

Revision: 12360
More Dreadsylvania effects. blessed large box. Generalize craft learning pattern

Revision: 12361
more Dreadsylvania items

Revision: 12362
More Dreadsylvanian items, effects, recipes. phials are apparently not SX3

Revision: 12363

Revision: 12364
Add DreadsylvaniaRequest to track feeding booze to the coachman and taking
a shortcut to a choice adventure somewhere in Dreadsylvania

Revision: 12365
When you adventure in Dreadsylvania via a choice adventure shortcut, set
appropriate adventuring zone

Revision: 12366
More Dreadsylvania items

Revision: 12367
Add a bunch of Dreadsylvania items. Fix adventure range for big Corpse drinks.
HiddenCityRequest should not take an NPE if last adventure URL is null

Revision: 12368
Dreadsylvania items, effects, recipes, ...

Revision: 12369
Add "test newitem itemId descId" command which looks up the item description
text and registers the new item, just as if it had been dound in-game.
Add 8 new outfits (not all of which have their components registered yet)
Add various new Dreadsylvanian items.

Revision: 12370
Add Dreadsylvanian's shepherd's pie

Revision: 12371
Even more Dreadsylvania items

Revision: 12372
More Dreadsylvania items

Revision: 12373
more Dreadsylvania items

Revision: 12374
Mechanical Songbird is an item drop familiar. Rest of cuckoo clock parts

Revision: 12375
Fix a couple of equip requirements. Handle weapons which are simply "1-handed"
with no type.

Revision: 12376
Frio Como Helado and Mayor Ghost's khakis

Revision: 12377
Fix item type for anger blaster:wq

Revision: 12378
Item images can be elsewhere than in "itemimages/"
Initial support for folders - items, "use" link not inline.
Don't need to when take a Dreadsylvania shortcut wince it gets logged when
you are redirected to adventure.php
skull capacitor

Revision: 12379
New Dreadsylvania items. When visit the Dreadsylvania map, parse it to figure
out which shortcuts you have discovered and set appropriate settings:
ghostPencil1 - ghostPencil9

Revision: 12380
cuckoo clock has a recipe and is a campground item. cyan folder. lucky cat
statue is a campground item. More Dreadsylvania effects.

Revision: 12381
owl folder is +500% item drop in Dreadsylvania

Revision: 12382
Update some names and environment information.

Revision: 12383
More stickers. Fix powers of various items. cool iron helmet. Fix NPE

Revision: 12384
More Dreadsylvania items and folders

Revision: 12385
When a "buy" command fails with "Desired purchase quantity not met", clear the
cached mall search for that item so that repeating the command doesn't fail
again immediately.

Revision: 12386
Add the rest of the items from The Terrified Eagle Inn

Revision: 12387
For all currently known choice adventure options in Dreadsylvania that consume
items from inventory, remove the appropriate items upon success.

Revision: 12388
Indicate KoLmafia's selections on the dreadscroll with -->clue<--

Revision: 12389
Beating hard mode Great Wolf of the Air shatters your moon-amber necklace

Revision: 12390
Add dreadful box. Gift Packages cannot be gifted.

Revision: 12391
Add Dreadsylvania monsters

Revision: 12392
Dreadsylvania ghosts are physical immune. All Dreadsylvania item drops are no
pickpocket. Fix a few typos. Remove double spaces.

Revision: 12393
Update the environment for Bugbear Invasion locations

Revision: 12394
A bunch of fixes, courtesy of cannonfire40. Thanks!
- All known Dreadsylvania hard mode boss items
- ghost shawl lost when beat hard mode Count Drunkula
- messing with loom automatically removes 10 ghost threads to give ghost shawl

Revision: 12395
A few Dreadsylvania things

Revision: 12396
Drunkula's wineglass lets you adventure while falling down drunk

Revision: 12397
Recognize key loss when unlocking the attic

Revision: 12398
Fix outfit numbers

Revision: 12399
Fix item number constant for stinking agaricus

Revision: 12400
Add Cold One and spaghetti breakfast. Two more folders. Hard mode Mayor Ghost
takes away your Dreadsylvanian auditor's badge

Revision: 12401
catfish folder only works under the sea

Revision: 12402
GameInformer restoratives are single use.
Add plural for oil slacks.

Revision: 12403
Remove ghost pencils when unlocking Dreadsylvania noncombats

Revision: 12404
Dreadsylvanian elemental loot pulverizes into elemental clusters.
Add "1C" as a selector to the pulverization panel to select things that
pulverize into clusters.

Revision: 12405
3 more folders. Remove non-equipment from pulverize data

Revision: 12406
Distinguish "spooky vampire" vs. "spooky vampire (Dreadsylvanian)"
Recognize Hard Mode bosses.
All Dreadsylvanian drops are c0

Revision: 12407
Folder #10

Revision: 12408
Fix a few item powers. add ASH item.smallimage proxy field to get an alternate
"small" image, if KoL's description image is large.

Revision: 12409
Reverse foldeRevision 1 and foldeRevision 2 small images

Revision: 12410
Teach ASH get_related( item, "pulverize" about items that pulverize into
elemental clusters

Revision: 12411
Add Outfits tab to Internal Database frame. Add elemental vulnerability to
modifiers for Great Wolf's beastly trousers.

Revision: 12412
Use the "display" name for items in the Database Frame

Revision: 12413
Log when you unlock a hot dog and remove unlocker from inventory

Revision: 12414
You can only eat spaghetti breakfast when you have an empty stomach

Revision: 12415
Disco Power Nap now removes Consumed by Fear.

Revision: 12416
Revert that

Revision: 12417
moon-amber plurals

Revision: 12418
Remove cute "haiku" annotation since not only haiku monsters lack a monstername

Revision: 12419
since get_related() is supposed to return the number of items you get by
pulverizing a million items, fix things that pulverize into clusters to
return 1000000

Revision: 12420
When script execution takes an unexpected Exception, print the message and also
the line and file where it occurred.
Throw a ScriptException for session_logs(-1) rather than taking an unexpected
exception, since that makes no sense. Do less work for session_logs(0).

Revision: 12421
Don't print confusing message when KoLmafia adjusts it's idea of the current
familiar's weight in the normal course of operation.

Revision: 12422
Add some plurals. Pile of dungeon junk gives +5 pounds.

Revision: 12423
Add some zappable items

Revision: 12424
Add "test neweffect descID" command
Fix enchantment parsing of Maximum HP Percent, Maximum MP Percent, Minstrel
Level, and Combat Rate.
Add Skills learned from The Machine and effects created by them

Revision: 12425
Do a better job of decorating Dreadsylvanian skeletons.
If you are overdrunk, own a wineglass, and do not have it equipped, pop up
a warning, offering to equip it. If you say that adventuring in a Drunken
Stupor is OK, remember that in _drunkenStuporOK setting.
puppet strings cost 103 swagger now, not 100.

Revision: 12426
Remove _drunkenStuporOK setting; if you voluntarily shose to fight Drunkula
without your wineglass - a wise decision - you don't want to lose the warning
for the rest of the day.

Revision: 12427
The wineglass warning now gives you three choices: adventure in a Drunken
Stupor, equip Drunkula's wineglass, closet Drunkula's wineglass and thereby
avoid future nags

Revision: 12428
Fix elemental coloring of monsters with no 'monname' span

Revision: 12429
Recognize when you fix The Machine and remove skull capacitor from inventory

Revision: 12430
Add support for a few Sea choice adventures.

Revision: 12431
Fix another location name, add a few environments

Revision: 12432
Add spoilers to "you're about to fight the boss" Dreadsylvania choices that
tell you the current state and/or availablility of the various items and
effects that you need to use/have to activate a "hard mode" boss. Untested.

Revision: 12433
Revert renaming of The Fun House for now

Revision: 12434
Fix Dreadsylvania boss spoilers

Revision: 12435
Refactor special encounter data into a datafile and it's own class. First pass adds location data for existing autostop, semi-rare, badmoon, hobo glyph, and clover adventures. Add known special encounters to location details. Add additional monster stats to location details. Work to follow will include adding data for turtle taming, seal figurines, and way of the surprising fist skills. Future improvements may include adding results of these encounters and adding information to the ash proxy fields.

Revision: 12436
you can't pulverize a ghost thread because it's not equipment
when you learn a new Tale of Dread, give a link to the book
When calculating buff duration, an equipped weapon trumps a better one in

Revision: 12437
Tales of Dread is a choice adventure that you can walk away from

Revision: 12438
Refactor handling of "buff tools" to allow proper use of zombie accordion and
frying brainpan.

Revision: 12439
Add consumption data for Gets-You-Drunk, white Dreadsylvanian, ghost pepper,
Add coonsumption data for Dreadsylvanian stew, white Dreadsylvanian, ghost
pepper, and Gets-You-Drunk.
Recognize usage failure for spaghetti breakfast.
The "uneffect" link for Dreadsylvanian curses and negative status effects is
not "use 1 hot Dreadsylvanian cocoa".
The "uneffect" command (and therefore effect removal via the current effects
panel and moods) for Dreadsylvanian negative status effects will use cocoa.
Note that it will satisfy via Coinmaster (if you have enabled that) or via the
mall (if you have enabled that).

Revision: 12440
Spaghetti Breakfast and Grab a Cold One can be used once a day. Track this in
_spaghettiBreakfast and _coldOne. Add both skills to breakfast summoning.
Using a Dreadsylvanian almanac page when you have all the recipes does not
consume it.
Add Brass Dreadsylvanian Flask and SIlver Dreadsylvanian Flask as built-in
(but optional) "Item" Daily Deeds

Revision: 12441
Message about inserting skull capacitor appears on The Machine's choice page

Revision: 12442
Do not try to get Ode to Booze for Temps Tempranillo

Revision: 12443
Allow ASH relay scripts to execute even if the GUI is in an error state

Revision: 12444
stinkwater is not equipment, and therefore is not pulverizable

Revision: 12445
blood sausage is not pulverizable either

Revision: 12446
plural for stinkwater, consumption data for 4 food/drink drops

Revision: 12447
consumption data for bloody kiwitini and Dreadsylvanian shepher's pie
Thanks Darzil

Revision: 12448
Don't remove Mark of the <monster> item if you already have the tattoo.

Revision: 12449
consistency for mark of the bugbear. italicive word in semirare encounter name

Revision: 12450
Fix buggy Mark detection code

Revision: 12451
Begin support for Dreadsylvania choice adventures: for each of the top-level
non-combats, provide minimal configuration through the GUI. Options are
"show in browser", "learn shortcut", and "skip adventure".
"learn shortcut" means "use a ghost pencil". If you said "learn shortcut" and
KoL doesn't offer you that option (because you have no ghost pencils) or
KoLmafia knows that you have already learned this shortcut, switch
automatically to "skip adventure".

Revision: 12452
Add a few plurals

Revision: 12453
Fix power of some Dreadsylvanian accessories.
Add consumption data to elemental cluster food/drink. Thanks Darzil.

Revision: 12454
Add weedy skirt and acquisition handling

Revision: 12455
Add Zombie Homeowners' Association (Hard Mode) drops. Fix item type parsing for new reusable combat items.

Revision: 12456
Add CLI command: taleofdread [element] [monster]
When you learn a new Tale of Dread in the Relay Browser, the "read it" link
now takes you to the specific tale that you just learned.

Revision: 12457
When you beat the HM Zombie HOA, you lose your weedy skirt

Revision: 12458
Fix typo.
- -This line, and those below, will be ignored--
M src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/textui/command/

Revision: 12459
Fix taleofdread command for tales that have embedded line breaks.

Revision: 12460
The logging axe is now 1-handed

Revision: 12461
HOA citation pad's secondary usage is "combat reusable", not primary.
Fix typo

Revision: 12462
Add weedy skirt to boss spoiler in Dreadsylvanian Village

Revision: 12463
fix some plurals

Revision: 12464
Fix command to cast Song of Starch

Revision: 12465
Add some KOLHS items

Revision: 12466
5 more folders

Revision: 12467
Lots of KOLHS stuff. On the Trail has a different image now.

Revision: 12468
Recognize KOLHS and log it when starting a new ascension

Revision: 12469
Update a location name

Revision: 12470
KOLHS characters can only drink KOLHS booze

Revision: 12471
Fix message for losing your ghost shawl vs. hard mode Count Drunkula

Revision: 12472
Add scrap metal. Remove items from the Booze section of the Item Manager if you can't drink them because you are in KOLHS.

Revision: 12473
You don't need a wand of nagamar for KOLHS

Revision: 12474
&& and || are boolean operators.
Fix item name required to get Churro Chiaroscuro

Revision: 12475
When equipping an outfit with a chefstaff, the chefstaff always goes in the
weapon slot, but KoL sometimes lists it second

Revision: 12476
Mark the Mechanical Songbird as a fairy @ weight*1.5 in Dreadsylvania

Revision: 12477
add semirare encounter for The Hallowed Halls. Sort semirare and glyph
encounters by location name

Revision: 12478
Crown of Thrones effects, Full of Loathing, KOLHS effects, The Daily Dungeon URL change

Revision: 12479
Daily Dungeon stuff

Revision: 12480
First steps towards tracking "kisses" for Dreadsylvania monsters: when you
finish a battle, look at the "kiss" span and save the number that can be
extracted from the title. Add a proxy field to a $location. So,
$location[dreadsylvanian woods].kisses will return the last observed value.
Note: untested for what happens when you LOSE a battle and lose kisses.

Revision: 12481
You can drink the steel margarita in KOLHS

Revision: 12482
When sharing mall prices, put a connect timeout on the connection.
Since kiss handling method in FightRequest is always handed a span node,
remove unnecessary munging.

Revision: 12483
Fix small folder image for two folders. Fix powers for some Dread Loot items.
logging axe -> logging hatchet. Add some new items. Remove extra tabs from
data for an effect and several items.

Revision: 12484
giant Faraday cage

Revision: 12485
Choice options are now sorted into groups by zone, rather than parent of zone.
Fix some wacky zone lineages which had been set up to get around the old
ManoRevision 0 parent is Manor, not ManoRevision 0. Ditto for ManoRevision 1 and ManoRevision 2
KOL High School parent is Town, not KOL High School
Dreadsylvania parent is Clan Basement, not Dreadsylvania

Revision: 12486
improve clipboard behavior for GUIs that employ ShowDescriptionTable

Revision: 12487
When you change clans, reset kiss levels for all Dreadsylvania zones.
When you defeat a Dreadsylvanian monster with extra difficulty, set correct
kiss level.
When you defeat a Dreadsylvanian boss, set kisses in that zone to 0
Add some conditional combat skills: Fire Death Ray, Hide Behind a Tree,
Dive Into a Puddle, Hide Under a Rock, Get a Good Whiff of This Guy

Revision: 12488
Fix supertinkering accessibility check

Revision: 12489
Extract full name of Dreadsylvanian skeletons for Encounter: in session line
Remove debug print of "1 kiss for winning"

Revision: 12490
X-fingered Shop Teacher, KOLHS thwaitgold, Mrs. K info,

Revision: 12491
Add a few effects. You can get effects from using Dreadsylvanian flasks.

Revision: 12492
KOLHS items

Revision: 12493
Recognize when you lose stats in combat - as from a Dreadsylvanian ghost.
It's the Dreadsylvanian Village, not the Dreadsylvanian Town, when recording
kiss level.

Revision: 12494
For all Dreadsylvania choice adventures, give good spoilers about what is
available behind each option.

Revision: 12495
Update a few location names

Revision: 12496
New Hidden City content

Revision: 12497
McClusky file (complete) is a SUSE concoction.
For toplevel Dreadsylvania noncombats, show items that can be made even if
you don't currently have all the ingredients in inventory.

Revision: 12498
Preliminary monster stats for Dreadsylvania monsters, based on current state
of spading. Uses new monster expression functions: KW, KV, and KC are the
last seen (or 1 if not seen) kiss levels in the Woods, Village, and Castle

Revision: 12499
Update some location names. More Hidden City stuff.

Revision: 12500
Remove extra close parents for werewolf expressions.
Add .physical_immunity proxy field to monster objects in ASH

Revision: 12501
make that physical_resistance, not physical_immunity

Revision: 12502
Add drops for Hard Mode Zombie HOA

Revision: 12503
When finding the "Adventure Again" link, don't be fooled by Manuel's
link to the questlog

Revision: 12504
Rather than duplicating common URL-parsing Patterns all over the place, move
them to GenericRequest

Revision: 12505
Add The Hidden Tavern as an NPC shop

Revision: 12506
Fix plurals and equipment power for various new Hidden City items.

Revision: 12507
Hidden City consumable values

Revision: 12508
Log visits to Jackass Plumber

Revision: 12509
Vile Vagrant Vestments gives -MP cost regardless of your current class

Revision: 12510
Add arena parameters for Nosy Nose and MiniMechaElf
Auto-select correct combat skill when Falls-From-Sky uses a special move

Revision: 12511
Only remove the Mer-kin dreadscroll from inventory when you become the
High Priest or when you try reading it after already being the Champion

Revision: 12512
Arena parameters for Mechanical Songbird

Revision: 12513
Refactor ChoiceAdventure data - the "options" list can now have either
Strings of Option objects. The latter can specify a particular decision
value or an associated item.

Revision: 12514
Remove Mer-kin dreadscroll when proessing choice response in which you are
told that you are the High Priest

Revision: 12515
Allocate array of objects to hold dynamic spoilers, not array of strings

Revision: 12516
Fix newly introduced infinite loop/heap overflow when decorating choice pages

Revision: 12517
Update images for Hidden City and Degrassi Knoll monsters

Revision: 12518
Handle gaining an intrinsic in combat

Revision: 12519
Much of new Degrassi Knoll: combined npcstore, plunger and innabox used
automatically as appropriate, different URLs to visit NPCs, new adventuring
locations, monsters moved, etc. etc.

Revision: 12520
Attempt to fix Knoll Muscle gym

Revision: 12521
More KOLHS items

Revision: 12522
You can only eat 1 spaghetti breakfast per day, even if you reduce your fullness back to 0

Revision: 12523
Do not consider turns of Inigo's remaining when deciding if Wok recipes are possible.

Revision: 12524
In a preference spinner, do not write the preference to agree with the spinner
when we are in the middle of updating the spinner to agree with the setting

Revision: 12525
Get rid of hand-crafted dropdowns on ChoiceOptionsPanel for Dreadsylvanian
non-combats. Instead use recently added mechanism which allows sparse
choice option decisions in auto-generated dropdowns.

Revision: 12526
You can wear the over-the-shoulder Folder Holder in HC during KOLHS runs

Revision: 12527
Get rid of support for Giant Castle chore wheel since it no longer exists.
Sort Dreadsylvania noncombat choice options in the expected order

Revision: 12528
Remove old Hidden City mapping and sphere identification code

Revision: 12529
It is "piece of wedding cake" not simply "wedding cake".

Revision: 12530
Remove obsolete code for the old daily dungeon

Revision: 12531
put back modifiers for oven mitts

Revision: 12532
Shore Gift Shop is a coinmaster. Fix some equipment powers. Meat globe is a
campground furnishing.

Revision: 12533
Add a comment

Revision: 12534
Handle recently expired effects in charpane correctly.

Revision: 12535
Add "chasm bridge" as a condition. It is satisfied when chasmBridgeProgress
equals 31.

Revision: 12536
Use OrcChasmRequest.getChasmProgress() to determine progress, rather than
going directly to the underlying setting.

Revision: 12537
Fix condition parsing to allow "31 chasm bridge progress", for example.

Revision: 12538
Bridge is done at 30.

Revision: 12539
Remove some old shore-handling code

Revision: 12540
The Shore, Inc. Travel Agency is now adventure.php #355 with choice #793 as
its only encounter.

Revision: 12541
More shore cleanup

Revision: 12542
Update environment for The Broodling Grounds

Revision: 12543
Steam-Powered Cheerleader. Essence of Annoyance.

Revision: 12544
Learn the Rave Steal combo on any attempt, even an unsuccessful one.

Revision: 12545
Add Steam-Powered Cheerleader item drop bonus and effects. _cheerleaderSteam is used to track its steam level, starting at 100 and decreasing to 0.

Revision: 12546
The Steam-Powered Cheerleader loses steam more slowly than previously added, so _cheerleaderSteam starts at 200. Add arena parameters.

Revision: 12547
Fix recognition of unlocking the Untinker quest

Revision: 12548
Fix choice decoration for choices with special handling - goal buttons, etc.
Preemptively mark KoLHS Pep Squad Box as a free pull

Revision: 12549
Allow X-fingered Shop Teacher to be recognized as a semirare

Revision: 12550
Recognize Mini-Adventurer modifiers

Revision: 12551
glowing fungus plural

Revision: 12552
Fix spoilers for Typographical Clutter

Revision: 12553
Hidden City support, courtesy of Darzil

Revision: 12554
Fix typo I inserted in previous submit

Revision: 12555
Add extra handling for Shadow Noodles and Carbohydrate Cudgel

Revision: 12556
Recognize when jars of psychoses are used unsuccessfully

Revision: 12557
Familiar items that say "Familiar: any" not get tagged as Generic
The tiny bowler is a Generic familiar item.

Revision: 12558
Fix Mini-Adventurer modifier calculation

Revision: 12559
The "choice" gCLI command can now have "always" added after the choice
number, to set the choiceAdventureXXX pref to make this choice
permanent. Use with caution, this has no ability to deal with choices
that vary by class or are otherwise intermittently available.

Revision: 12560

Revision: 12561
Bail early for adventures with no "location".

Revision: 12562
Do transfers to/from stash and to/from collection with ajax=1.

Revision: 12563
Look for end of shadow fight using WINWINWIN comment, rather than special
"volcano of fey force" message.

Revision: 12564
More KOLHS items courtesy of Darzil @

Revision: 12565
Choice spoilers for the 8 choices in the Crackpot Mystic's psychoses.
Track flickering pixel drops in flickeringPixel1 - flickeringPixel8.
Add "flicker" CLI command to describe all 8 pixel choices and give
current state of pixel acquisition

Revision: 12566
Add # column to output of flicker command

Revision: 12567
flickering pixel option does not appear if you don't meet the requirement

Revision: 12568
When searching for the monster name, do not let a papier weapon (which can
change "you're fighting" to "you're XXXing") mess it up

Revision: 12569
If we can't parse a result because we are wearing papier equipment, don't
behave as if the result is an unknown item.

Revision: 12570
Recognize when your clan does not have a shower, pool table, swimming pool, or
fax machine.

Revision: 12571
Improve sorting of purchase requests to favor stores that do not have a limit
over those that do, prices being equal.

Revision: 12572
Fix version number of items.txt. Bump version number of npcstores.txt (after
the fact; I added a field to it a while ago.)

Revision: 12573
Added Correct values for Artisanal Limoncello
Corrected stat loss for Bowl of Scorpions

Revision: 12574
Always perform requested filtering on item name lists before prefix pruning

Revision: 12575
Giant castle potions are now multi-usable

Revision: 12576
When parsing charpane in expanded mode, delimit patterns containing .gif
files to not be fooled by gif files that end in, for example, "mp.gif".
In particular, "dvoutfitvamp.gif" does NOT say where MP value starts

Revision: 12577
Add Crackpot Mystic skills when appropriate items worn and use up Pixel Power Cell when used successfully.

Revision: 12578
Improve Cyrpt tracking, handle using Quasirelgious sculpture and remove Evilometer if used when quest completed.

Revision: 12579
The shore does not have any special handling in WotSF. The Steam-Powered Cheerleader appears to have a bonus weight modifier instead of a bonus effectiveness modifier.

Revision: 12580
Update agua de vida gaze link to place.php after KoL change.

Revision: 12581
Handle Slim HP/MP/Meat/Adv Display images

Revision: 12582
Cyrpt.php changed to crypt.php to match KoL change.

Revision: 12583
Stop flash in Food and Booze panels with buttons that are not enabled when listener fires setEnabled function.

Revision: 12584
Handle both slim and normal charpane images

Revision: 12585
Remove support for "custom items" since it has not been updated for at least
five years and the database of participants no longer exists.
When parsing api.php?what=status, recognize and register unknown locations, as
we do when parsing the charpane.
Experimental: when the response to an internal request tells us to load
charpane.php, load api.php?what=status instead.

Revision: 12586
Update the link provided for using star charts when they drop

Revision: 12587
Tally adventures used when parse api.php?what=status

Revision: 12588
Byte is an SUSE recipe, not an MUSE recipe. Arena parameters for Unconscious
Collective. Adjust some of the spoilers for the Crackpot Mystic's psychoses

Revision: 12589
Short circuit normal reponse parsing for api.php, just as for charpane.php.
Set "turns this run" for api status requests the same way as charpane.php

Revision: 12590
Item name changes

Revision: 12591
api.php only checks for new adventure locations if they are adventure.php
When we want to pass back a 304 code, don't trasnmute it into a 404

Revision: 12592
Display remaining cheerleader steam

Revision: 12593
Ask for a status update if and only if KoL says that one is necessary

Revision: 12594
Yearbook Club Camera tracking

Revision: 12595
WotSF shore handling restored, with 5 meat cost

Revision: 12596
Two spaces following a period in a KoL button label.

Revision: 12597
Update the unopened pyramid URL

Revision: 12598
Fix recognition of Muertos Borrachos again

Revision: 12599
Fixes for Hidden City Choice adventures. Removed = from <=1 on automation for shrines, now <1. Reduced scope on a few variables. Added choices to choice options panel.

Revision: 12600
Add default goal of 1 antique machete to Hidden Park
Revision: 12601
Added giant giant moth dust

Revision: 12602
Support for eating Lasagna with Gar-ish and Martinis with Tuxedo. Updates adventure yield if present. If you have or can get Field Gar or Tuxedo when it would help you, fires an "are you sure" message like Milk/Ode. Adds two preferences, "autoGarish" and "autoTuxedo". If you set them, it'll always account for adventure yield if you can get them, and will acquire Gar-ish or equip Tuxedo as appropriate. As with any automation, don't use if you want total control.

Revision: 12603
Added skills from Dread items, skill adding code for equipping those and lots of other items, monster defense reduction for hatred equipment, new drop from giant giant moth. (untested as currently in run)

Revision: 12604
pygmies are dudes

Revision: 12605
Fix a few item attributes

Revision: 12606
Remove ingredients when you make things in KOLHS.

Revision: 12607
Basic choice adventure spoilers for Daily Dungeon, added some drops, set dailyDungeonDone on completion.

Revision: 12608
For all shop.php that trade items (rather than Meat) for items, add to
NPCPurchaseRequest.registerShopRequest & NPCPurchaseRequest.parseShopResponse

Revision: 12609
More of the same

Revision: 12610
Pull special knowledge of which shops are creation methods out of
CreateItemRequest. Those shops are big boys and can stand up for themselves.

Revision: 12611
Support for crude monster sculpture. Eating a hot dog stand hot dog uses up distended.

Revision: 12612
rabbithole.php => place.php?whichplace=rabbithole

Revision: 12613
Add spoilers to KOLHS choice adventures in relay browser. Automation not added. Tracks use of limited buffs in Saved by the Bell. Tracks uses of School Spirited through ascension. Tracks use of Saved by the Bell. Doesn't (yet) track adventures in KOLHS.

Revision: 12614
Fix effect names in KOLHS choice spoiler

Revision: 12615
Remove Bowl of Scorpions when a drunk pygmy takes it

Revision: 12616
QuickBASIC elemental stats, thanks to a tongue depressor

Revision: 12617
Added stats for Hockey Elemental from Tongue Depressor.

Revision: 12618
War Frat Streaker now identified as special in combats.txt like other heroes.

Revision: 12619
Add tracking of adventures in KOL High School (_kolhsAdventures), fis tracking of School Spirited, add automation for Cafeteria with GUI selector.

Revision: 12620
Fix spoiler for Saved by the Bell if Yearbook Camera equipped.

Revision: 12621
Added spoilers for Hidden Heart of the Hidden Temple.

Revision: 12622
A couple of fixes for Hidden Office spoilers and quest tracking.

Revision: 12623
Keel-hauling Knife isn't a 100% drop.

Revision: 12624
Familial Ties provides hidden familiar weight. When comparing out idea of
familiar weight with what KoL displays on the charpane (or the api), exclude
hidden familiar weight. Attempt to do a better job of selecting your last
adventure in the adventure select panel when you log in.

Revision: 12625
Add "debug trace on" and "debug trace off" commands. These open a TRACE
file in the same place as the DEBUG file goes which traces all interactions
between the browser and KoLmafia and between KoLmafia and KoL, withm
illisecond timestamps

Revision: 12626
Fix parsing of store logs.

Revision: 12627
Fix MP cost for Splattersmash

Revision: 12628
Beginning of support for "remove (some) from store"

Revision: 12629
Improve "RemoveAllListener" in store management frame

Revision: 12630
When attempt to remove a non-current key within a foreach, throw a
runtime error immediately, rather than waiting for a laterC

Revision: 12631
Pull in Schik's excellent combatfilter script to the standard library. Thanks Schik.

Revision: 12632
Remove chefstaves from the list of offhand items in the Gear Changer

Revision: 12633
Trace and Debug requests to KoL for file downloads - images, etc.

Revision: 12634
brain-meltingly-hot chicken wings cannot be eaten in Zombie Slayer

Revision: 12635
Consolidate mall removal buttons into a single "remove some" button, with a default value of your entire stock of the item

Revision: 12636
Update the remaining quantity of an item you have stocked when items are removed through the Store Manager

Revision: 12637
If you have all the McClusky Files and the Boring Binder Clip, and you have autoCraft set to false, you may get into a loop where you keep trying to kill the accountant for a file. Show in browser instead.

Revision: 12638
The dense liana is a plant.
For all built-in .js and .css files in KoLmafia's "relay" folder, add a
version number to the filename. When the Browser asks KoLmafia to serve
it one of those files, add Last-Modified and Expires headers so that the
Browser will know that it can cache those files and not ask for them again.

Revision: 12639
Three of our built-in .js files are modified on the fly and therefore cannot
be cached.

Revision: 12640
Open trace file correctly even if debug file is already open.
When we fetch images from KoL's image server - either for our own use or
because the user set relayCacheImages to true - KoL gives us a Last-Modified
header. Set the last modified time of the local file to that date and,
whenever the browser asks us to serve the local file, set Last-Modified to
the actual last modified date of the file. This will induce the browser
to behave exactly the same regarding our local cached file as it would
behave had it fetched the file from KoL's image server.

Revision: 12641
When the browser sends If-Modified-Since, actually compare the lastModified
date of the image file to the specified date.

Revision: 12642
When downloading a .gif file, mke sure it has the appropriate signature.

Revision: 12643
Only set index on Hidden City and KOLHS non-combat choices when index is valid.

Revision: 12644
If fight protector spectre is chosen for non-combat in Ziggurat, but you have insufficient triangles, show in browser rather than infinitely loop.

Revision: 12645
Fix "wormride" link when you get worm-riding hooks.

Revision: 12646
Reset "isCheckingModified" before parsing request from browser

Revision: 12647
set ChoiceManager.canWalkAway in visitChoice, not preChoice

Revision: 12648
Follow redirections within the no-argument version of visit_url()

Revision: 12649
Relay scripts can call visit_url with arguments to visit a different location.
Those get executed as RelayRequests, too, and therefore must follow redirects

Revision: 12650
Fix for autocreate of McClusky File (complete) when you get boring binder clip after McClusky File page 5 (moved to postChoice2)

Revision: 12651
Add check that Trash Can option exists before allowing people who've set it as their option to take to take it, avoiding an infinite loop.

Revision: 12652
Handling for Boris Day consumption exceptions, thanks to Theraze. More accurate handling of munchies pills.

Revision: 12653
Items made in KOLHS classes are now concoctions

Revision: 12654
Fix typo in claymore concoction.

Revision: 12655
Fix downloading of Pictures of Loathing playerpics

Revision: 12656
Update the Florist Friar in response to a KoL URL change

Revision: 12657
Add "cache clear" command to remove all cached images from /images

Revision: 12658
Fix "old man" link when you get damp old boot to go to new URL

Revision: 12659
New setting - lastImageCacheClear - records the time when you last cleared the
image cache. "cache" command with no arguments reports that time.

Revision: 12660
The bone abacus helps you track your progress. Save in boneAbacusVictories

Revision: 12661
A request to psychoanalyze Jick can contain a result

Revision: 12662
Add get_ignore_zone_warnings()

Revision: 12663
Add "test row" command. For shop.php that use rows, find concoctions even if
not permitted to make them.

Revision: 12664
Mark the 3 KOLHS shops as "permitted" creation methods.
In, direct user to visit the shop after school, rather
than submitting the request.
Add "test result" command.

Revision: 12665
Fix use link for visiting untinker when you acquire the rusty screwdriver

Revision: 12666
Fix untinker links as tinker now using place.php rather than forestvillage.php

Revision: 12667
Add stats and drops for Talk like a Pirate Day pirates.

Revision: 12668
Added cap to Pirate day Pirates.

Revision: 12669
Scaling monsters give stats based on your highest stat. Some bosses give additional stats.

Revision: 12670
Remove the miniature suspension bridge from inventory when it gets used

Revision: 12671
Fix some typos

Revision: 12672
Fix untinker command and parsing of untinking in relay browser.

Revision: 12673
Move response text detection for untinker into existing place.php section,
rather than creating a new section which overrides the other one and prevents
the other locations from being detected

Revision: 12674
fix vestigial reference to obsolete preference

Revision: 12675
Synchronize a bunch of methods in LockableListModel.

Revision: 12676
Same thing, take 2

Revision: 12677
Tales of Dread is a free pull now

Revision: 12678
Synchronize mirrorlist seperately in LockableListModel

Revision: 12679
Fix a deadlock in LockableListModel

Revision: 12680
More or the same.

Revision: 12681
Fix wormride link. Do not include password hash in use links for URLs that
are known to not require it.

Revision: 12682
Move updating lists of mirror image lists back into synchronization of parent

Revision: 12683
Remove the universal key from inventory when it is used

Revision: 12684
Added autostops for Shrines and Ziggurat in Hidden City.

Revision: 12685
Add "surgeonosity", which is tracked like clownosity and raveosity, to track how many pieces of gear you are wearing for The Hidden Hospital

Revision: 12686
Corrected monsters.txt capitalisation to match Monster Manuel.

Revision: 12687
More monsters.txt updates

Revision: 12688
Fix monsters.txt typo

Revision: 12689
Do not erroneously send Last-Modified header for a local file just because the
previous file handled by this RealyRequest happened to be a local image.
Handle If-Modified-Since request from browser more intelligently.

Revision: 12690
You don't actually lose the seed pod when making a weedy skirt

Revision: 12691
Since processResults no longer gets called for ApiRequest, save the JSON
string in the request object in the run method

Revision: 12692
When you eat a sleeping dog from the Item Manager, recognize that you learn
the Dog Tired skill

Revision: 12693
Visiting the throne room does not require the password hash

Revision: 12694
When performing a MallSearchRequest, make shop names into new strings so that
we don't hang on to the responseText where we found them.

Revision: 12695
Synchronize of actualElements in a LocakbleListModel and in SortedListModel
in any method which will actually change that underlying list. The
synchronoziation extends to updating the parallel visibleElements list.

Revision: 12696
Updated cases on combats.txt to match monsters.txt which was changed to match KoL. Also added monsters to zones for Bugbear Mothership, corrected gremlins in Junkyard during war, added combat rates where known on wiki.

Revision: 12697
More of the same: synchronize everywhere on actualElements. Do not need
to synchronize on mirrorList since every time that is touched, the method is
already synchronized on actualElements

Revision: 12698
Initial support for Gordon Beer's Beer Garden Catalog

Revision: 12699
More Beer Garden stuff

Revision: 12700
Differentiate choices for unlocking doors in Daily Dungeon

Revision: 12701
Add automation to door choice on Daily Dungeon (unlocks with PYEC, lockpicks or skeleton key as appropriate, uses highest stat choice), add autostop to Daily Dungeon final chest.

Revision: 12702
Fix an oops. If you have to use skeleton keys to unlock door in Daily Dungeon, use it !

Revision: 12703
Give a link to Yossarian when you get the molybdenum magnet

Revision: 12704
You lose your jar of oil when you Mingle in the Great Overlook Lodge

Revision: 12705
The image cache is no longer optional. When KoLmafia starts up, if the image
cache has never been cleared before, clear it then, so that images will be
downloaded into it and given the correct lastModified date.

Revision: 12706
Spaaace shops now use shop.php, and have rows.

Revision: 12707
Update the URL for turning in the pretentious artist's items

Revision: 12708
More pretentious artist URL updating

Revision: 12709
Detect Meat cost of a shore trip using normal "You spent" parsing; no special
post-choice processing is needed.

Revision: 12710
Initial support for A Stinking Abyssal Portal.

Revision: 12711
KoL fixed a typo, cystalline seal eye wasn't a play on cyst for a stinky seal, but should have been crystalline seal eye.

Revision: 12712
Update boneAbacusVictories when you look at the description for the bone
abacus. Use "contains" rather than "indexOf" in a few places.

Revision: 12713
Fix scout seal monsters.txt entry.

Revision: 12714
Fix tab issues. crystalline seal eye is a conditional drop.

Revision: 12715
More Beer Garden stuff

Revision: 12716
Bento boxes have veggies and dippin sauces. Other sushi has fillings and
toppings. When parsing URLs submitted from the Relay Browser, KoL sometimes
submits bogus values for components which are not valid for the base sushi.
Ignore them.

Revision: 12717
Support for day two of Abyssal Portals.

Revision: 12718
Fix typo in bulwark bull seal

Revision: 12719
When adjusting choice decisions, check for ones which will satisfy a goal
or complete an outfit first, before doing special handling which might
switch the decision again if the goal decision is not really available.

Revision: 12720
Add plural for accidental mutton.

Revision: 12721
We can now refresh storage via api.php. Do it that way.

Revision: 12722
! command lists bang potions alphatically (same as in combat item dropdown)

Revision: 12723
Apply tongue depressor to infinite meat bug

Revision: 12724
Mana curds plural

Revision: 12725
Icy Peak => The Icy Peak

Revision: 12726
Update an Untinker link

Revision: 12727
Day three Abyssal Portal support. (probably an issue remains removing abyssal plans after use)

Revision: 12728
Detection for general seal from image, removal of abyssal battle plans on win. Change Icy Peak -> The Icy Peak in encounters.txt.

Revision: 12729
Abyssal plans marked reusable so they aren't automatically thought consumed.

Revision: 12730
Absolute basic new Seal Clubber skills support - added skills to classskills.txt, added new effects. More will arrive later.

Revision: 12731
Halve price for Seal Clubber skills from Guild.

Revision: 12732
Updated modifiers for Seal Clubber passive skills, where it was simple (supported effects and not referencing Fury). Added another effect.

Revision: 12733
Split special choice handling into two parts: handle the small number of
choice handlers for which option 0 is NOT "Manual Control", and handle the
choices that require adjustment at runtime depending on character state or the
response text.
Manual control trumps going for a goal.
Once you have already completed the outfit, pick a valid choice decision

Revision: 12734
Add Folder drops to monsters. Also display "unknown drop rate" as well as "no pickpocket", "pickpocket" or "conditional" if rate is 0 (n0, p0, c0), rather than 0% for Area Combat Data.

Revision: 12735
Recognize message when an Abyssal Portal is done for the day.
abyssal battle plans are an item which redirects to a fight

Revision: 12736
Get contents of closet at login via api.php

Revision: 12737
Log the name of relay scripts when they are invoked.
When automating choices via the Relay Browsers "auto" button, strip off
action=auto from the request URL once the request is in the hands of

Revision: 12738
CDM added 9 new arg-less predicates to KoL's macro language

Revision: 12739
Added Manuel Potions to monster drops. Added Hidden City semi-rare into Hidden Park. Added monsters to The Gourd! location details.

Revision: 12740
Back items have hidden "power", so make checkpowers command check them.
Fix power of a few back items.
When eating/drinking things on the consumption queue, if the user says "do not
continue" because Ode or Milk will run out, abort processing queue and
requeue failed (and unprocessed) items.

Revision: 12741
Fix unlocking the Untinker's quest

Revision: 12742
If the consumption queue is not visible to the user - addCreationQueue is
false - do not bother putting unconsumed items back on it when consumption

Revision: 12743
Keep an actual "queue" of food/booze/spleen items to be consumed.
ItemManager Food/Booze/Spleen panel shows the queue, rather than the list of
"usable" items filtered to show only those that have things queued.

Revision: 12744
When we emoty storage, refresh both inventory and closet, in order to figure
out what went where.

Revision: 12745
Fix recognition of unlocking the Untinker quest, take two

Revision: 12746
Finish the refactoring of creation queues

Revision: 12747
Only update fullness for externally consumed sushi, since api.php will update
fullness for internal requests.
After processing the creation queue, refresh concoctions.

Revision: 12748
Arena parameters for Adorable Space Buddy. Add power for 5 items. When you
mingle in the Great Overlook Lodge, remove jar of oil from inventory.

Revision: 12749
Inventory, Closet, Storage, Stash, and Collection are all SortedListModels.
Whenever we refresh the entire contents, create an intermediate list of
items and add them all at once (forcing a sort at the end) rather than one
item at a time (forcing a sort after each item).

Revision: 12750
Mark Big Brother's Maps as Quest items since you can buy them but they never actually appear in your inventory.

Revision: 12751
Spoiler the choice option that goes from punk rock giant to steampunk giant

Revision: 12752
Create "images" directory at KoLmafia startup, in case this is the first time

Revision: 12753
Choice 679 is Keep On Turnin' the Wheel in the Sky

Revision: 12754
level 10 seal clubber skills not half price, but 6000 meat.

Revision: 12755
When requeuing food and booze after a consumption failure, take into account
helper items and successful consumption of part of the consumed item.

Revision: 12756
Add support for tabbed chat using a patch from heeheehee

Revision: 12757
The Fun House -> The "Fun" House

Revision: 12758
Recognize using a ten-leaf clover in the Orcish Frat House

Revision: 12759
Very basic Reanimated Reanimator support (action in Throne, recognises item and equipment). Basic Fury support (recognises fury level from character pane in relay browser only, accounts for it in modifiers). Support during non relay browser waiting on api.php update.

Revision: 12760
create image directory sooner

Revision: 12761
Make chatBeep work for new chat like it works for older chat

Revision: 12762
The jack-in-the-box no longer gives consistent +item or +stats

Revision: 12763
Fix "take all from store"

Revision: 12764
When calculating adjusted drop rates in Location Details, the tiny black hole allows you to pickpocket

Revision: 12765
Do a much better job of detecting that a familiar sucks at particular contest
in the Cake Shaped Arena and giving up on that contest after the first try
when learning arena parameters for a familiar.
Log the suckage message in the session log.

Revision: 12766
When logging the results of familiar training in the session log, include all
of the "special" lines, whether for your familiar or for the opponent.

Revision: 12767
Fix access flags of maps you get from Big Brother

Revision: 12768
We attempt to deduce the character's gender from the name of the avatar's
image file when we look at the charsheet. For some avatars, we can't tell.
In that case, preemptively look at vinyl boots to deduce it, rather than
waiting to do that when a modifier that depends on gender is fetched, which
can happen while refreshing the pulveization panel in the swing event thread.

Revision: 12769
On Combat Action Bar don't display Noodles as standard if Seal Clubber, but do display Club Foot as standard if you have it. Only enable Fury requiring combat skills on Combat Action Bar if you have Fury (untested).
On Custom Combat Panel, autoTangle refers to Club Foot if Seal Clubber, rather than Entangling Noodles. Text updates appropriately, but preference name doesn't change for backward compatibility. Interface tested, but not combat action.

Revision: 12770
Fix new location links for Degrassi Knoll to go to the knoll container

Revision: 12771
Add my_fury() ash command (untested).

Revision: 12772
Added my_maxfury() ash command

Revision: 12773
StaticEntity.openRequestFrame has a bunch of code to create various finds of
RequestFrame. The ONLY code that is currently used is the small portion which
makes a DescriptionFrame. Replace openRequestFrame with openDescriptionFrame.
KoLmafia never calls charpane.php any more. RequestFrames that have a sidebar
refresh it whenever charpane.php is refreshed - which happens only in the
relay browser. That is obviously broken - and remains unfixed - but remove all
calls elsewhere in KoLmafia which tell the RequestFrame to refresh whenever
(supposedly) charpane.php would have changed, since that never happens as
result of internal requests any more.

Revision: 12774
Add support for a planted Beer Garden

Revision: 12775
Give a useful link when you acquire items from a Beer Garden

Revision: 12776
Fix for Combat Action Bar. Removes dynamic buttons which match built in buttons. Also now allows removing of buttons when there aren't more than can be displayed.

Revision: 12777
Renamed setAstralConsumables to setVariableConsumables, and added Spaghetti Breakfast to it. Cold One is probably the same, but not added as there is zero spading below level 11.

Revision: 12778
Add restoration links to HP and MP in charpane more reliably.
New setting - lastColosseumRoundWon - track the last round won in Mer-kin
Colosseum (duh).
Listing last events n the Relay Browser is not a "complex" feature, since it
does not require Javascript

Revision: 12779
Add lastColosseumRoundWon to defaults.txt

Revision: 12780
When you are about to fight a round in the Mer-kin Colosseum without the
correct weapon equipped and you have the weapon in inventory, give a nag
screen the offers to let you go in anyway, equip the weapon, or closet it so
you don't get nagged again.

Revision: 12781
The 12 possible Choice Adventures in the Mer-Kin temple each have only a
single decision

Revision: 12782
Create virtual attribute, VirtualItems for things that cannot be in inventory but otherwise act as items. Fix is_displayable() so it doesn't claim virtual items can be transferred to the DC.

Revision: 12783
Recognize the Beer Garden on the ascension reminder list

Revision: 12784
Recognize the Beer Garden when it is empty

Revision: 12785
Restore spaghetti breakfast support inadvertently lost with Revision 12782

Revision: 12786
Arena parameters for Feral Kobold, Steam-Powered Cheerleader, and Reanimated

Revision: 12787
Track progress of Mer-kin quest in merkinQuestPath:
"none" - not yet locked in to a path
"scholar" or "gladiator" - you are High Priest or Colosseum Champion
"done" - you have defeated the final boss and collected your prize.
Location for hobo glyph is The "Fun" House
Clean up virtual items

Revision: 12788
hot dogs are turn-free

Revision: 12789
Check for turn-free concoctions now allows anything with no itemId through -
hot dogs, sushi, etc. - since such things are consume-upon-creation and
do not require turns to create.
When examine hot dog stand, after registering available dogs, refresh
concoctions so they appear in the correct place on the Food panel
When refreshing concoctions, if "forced", remember, even if refreshing is

Revision: 12790
Fix Beer Garden crafting

Revision: 12791
Add support for Wink at [familiarname]. Thrust-Smack and Lunging Thrust-Smack no longer require a melee weapon.

Revision: 12792
Display how many hot wings you have when one drops

Revision: 12793
Add links to use Hidden City spheres when they drop

Revision: 12794
Be a little more efficient about adding and removing hot dogs to usables list.
If you have relayShowsSpoilers turned off, do not turn barrel.php into a
blank page.

Revision: 12795
Attempt to not return null if cannot download a familiar icon

Revision: 12796
Do not ever return null as a familiar icon.

Revision: 12797
Don't show Gnomads booze in the Item Manager in KOLHS

Revision: 12798
If a fancy hotdog is queued, other fancy hotdogs are not available to queue

Revision: 12799
Parse demon names from the Quest Log and save the ones whose preference is currently empty.
Thanks to PeKaJe @

Revision: 12800
Fix use links for hidden city spheres

Revision: 12801
Removed Baiowolf from questionable data list as the stats have been proven correct.

Revision: 12802
Added Baiowolf init and phylum.

Revision: 12803
The Arrrboretum is outdoors

Revision: 12804
Updated many sea items to pulverise to sea salt crystal, and IotM items set to not pulverisable.
Fixed Baiowulf.

Revision: 12805
Don't show box of sunshine in maximiser in ronin / hardcore.

Revision: 12806
Compare string to string when comparing adventureIds

Revision: 12807
Detect the GamePro Dungeon boss' special power. Untested

Revision: 12808
Fix choice-goal for Violet Fog

Revision: 12809
When registering encounter, entityEncode the string

Revision: 12810
In Item Manager, storage panels now have a "refresh" button which refreshes
storage, and an "empty" button which empties it.
closet panel "refresh" button refreshes closet.
panels that show ConcotionDatabase.usables or createables have a "refresh"
button which does ConcoctionDatabase.refreshConcoctions.
CreateItemRequest has a method which takes a request, looks at the URL,
and determines how many turns will be consumed while making an item. This
takes box servants, Innabox, and Inigo's into account. It does not take
Sauceror 3 times yield for reagent potions into account yet.

Revision: 12811
Fix modifiers for moon-amber necklace

Revision: 12812
Do not autosell items which cannot be discarded

Revision: 12813
common pulled taffies are a zap group

Revision: 12814
Arrrboretum => The Arrrboretum

Revision: 12815
No NPE if simply visit Mer-Kin Deepcity

Revision: 12816
When you break your hippy stone, immediately mark it as broken.
When checking number turns a CreateItemRequest will take, do it by examining
the URL and calculating, rather than simply using the quantity from the
instance variable.
Split the Gear Changer into two tabs: one for equipment, and one for
customizable items: crown of thrones, stickers, card sleeve, (and folders,
by and by). Put fake hands on the second tab. Only stickers actually have
code to back them up, currently.
Alice's Army cards are now of type "card" and have modifiers associated
with them.

Revision: 12817
Teach DebugDatabase about use type "card".
On GearChanger, add modifierLabel relative to confirm button, rather than in

Revision: 12818
Update the display when mafia is unable to connect to kol during login

Revision: 12819
Temporary fix for parsing of cardsleeve slot

Revision: 12820
Revert 12818

Revision: 12821
Fix parsing card sleeve from api.php

Revision: 12822
unbreak crafting

Revision: 12823
locked doesn;t mean what I thought it did

Revision: 12824
Fix displaying modifiers for both tabs of Gear Changer
Fix modifiers for Alice's Army cards

Revision: 12825
Add folders as pseudo equipment slots. Add them to the Customizable tab of the
Gear Changer - although actually manipulating them is not implemented yet.

Revision: 12826
Add support for Reanimated Reanimator - Get number of parts when you equip it, track adding of parts after combat, account appropriately for meat/item drops, new preferences reanimatorArms, reanimatorLegs, reanimatorSkulls, reanimatorWeirdParts, reanimatorWings hold the counts.
Add Hacienda Manager, gives spoiler text for Hacienda (AT Nemesis quest) that update as you learn more about the Hacienda. New preference haciendaLayout stores known and inferred layout.

Revision: 12827
Add slot names to EquipmentRequest.

Revision: 12828
Fix comment. Add blank diary

Revision: 12829
The Old Landfill

Revision: 12830
Another Beer Garden drink

Revision: 12831
Added more support for The Old Landfill

Revision: 12832
Fix drop for Doctor Oh

Revision: 12833
Added The Old Landfill non-combat choice adventure spoilers.

Revision: 12834
Add the Worse Homes and Gardens shop

Revision: 12835
Added Worse Homes and Gardens drop to all junksprites (all can drop it).
McClusky File (complete) is now removed when you defeat Protector Spirit in Hidden Office, not when you first meet it.

Revision: 12836
Correct a couple of items, add adventure and stat gains for junkyard food and booze.

Revision: 12837
Update folders in the folder holder whenever they change

Revision: 12838
Updated familiar effects for Pants on Fancypants Scarecrow, based on wiki spading (also added to wiki spading). Have assumed 1x where wiki is vague. Didn't put Ghoul for places where only MP or HP is returned, but didn't remove it where people had previously.

Revision: 12839
Updated familiar effects for Hats on Mad Hatrack, based on wiki spading (also added to wiki spading). Have assumed 1x where wiki is vague.

Revision: 12840
Fix Hidden Park Choice Automation.

Revision: 12841
Added / corrected Hallowed Halls drop rates

Revision: 12842
Seething of the Snow Leopard gives +2xFury Weapon Damage.

Revision: 12843
Added hatrack effect for gold crown.

Revision: 12844
Initial support for fake hands in the Gear Changer

Revision: 12845
Minor data file fixes

Revision: 12846
Get ingredients if needed before Beer Garden or Junk Magazine crafting

Revision: 12847
Address an issue where the "default" location of files were being shown in some SVN dialogs in lieu of the "rebased" (ie actual) location of said files.

Revision: 12848
On liberating king, reset hermit knowledge, as items available may have changed (especially number of clovers available, and when coming out of a Zombie path). Unverified.

Revision: 12849
Stats for Mer-kin gladiators now available, based on current Round.

Revision: 12850
Lunge-smack is again obtainable, so don't exclude it in list of purchasable skills in valhalla decorator.

Revision: 12851
ChooseEquipmentSlot changed parameters but not all callers updated to reflect
the change. Do so now.
Remove excess spaces and obsolete credits from monsters.txt

Revision: 12852
Lunge-Smack is now called Lunge Smack

Revision: 12853
Tongue of the Otter is no longer an option for healing

Revision: 12854
Add tracking for Daily Dungeon progress, last room completed tracked as _lastDailyDungeonRoom.

Revision: 12855
When adventuring at the Mer-kin Colosseum and win a fight, don't advance
round counter unless you beat a gladiator. Wandering monsters need not apply.

Revision: 12856
Stats for The Master of Thieves

Revision: 12857
Support Crown of Thrones on Customizable tab of Gear Changer

Revision: 12858
Fix "take one" and "take all" from store

Revision: 12859
Fix entry for The Master of Thieves

Revision: 12860
Fix entry for The Old Landfill

Revision: 12861
When calculating current modifiers, take card in card sleeve, folders in
folder holder, and fake hands into account.

Revision: 12862
Fix folder modifiers

Revision: 12863
Initial patch to add Maximizer support for over-the-shoulder folder holder. It is known not to support folder (Ex-Files), +5 Combat Rate, not all folders tested. It is not planned to support suggesting changing folders.

Revision: 12864
Rusty metal key not usable.

Revision: 12865
Fix PvP Fights folder mod in modifiers.txt

Revision: 12866
Clean up calculating modifiers for equipment

Revision: 12867
Initial support for configuing card sleeve via Gear Changer.
When you change fake hands in the Relay Browser, Gear Changer notices
Darzil's patch to make Maximizer consider (currently equipped) card sleeve
if appropriate.

Revision: 12868
fix for issue in ItemFinder where a given string matches multiple untradable items (and no tradable items)

Revision: 12869
Probaperly log sliding cards into and out of the card sleeve, either via the
Gear Changer or in the Relay Browser.

Revision: 12870
remove debug loogging.

Revision: 12871
Add plural "handfuls of salt"

Revision: 12872
Experimental: on the Mall Purchase frame, if you are in Harcore or Ronin, add
a line showing your inventory Meat (black) and storage Meat (blue). When you
do a mall search, if you are in Hardcore or Ronin, display any results from
PC stores in blue (like the storage Meat value) to indicate that these items
will be purchased from using Meat from storage.
I suspect that we do not actually let you make the purchase, yet.

Revision: 12873
improve display for PurchaseRequests when they are highlighted

Revision: 12874
Fix some bogus generated HTML

Revision: 12875
When inventory Meat or storage Meat changes, update label on Mall Search Frame
that displays those.

Revision: 12876
Fix logging of Worse Homes and Gardens crafting

Revision: 12877
When you free the king, update the Mall Search Frame
Add zap group for fancy beers
Fancy cans of beer have secondary usage of "usable"

Revision: 12878
You can buy stuff in the Mall even if you are in Hardcore or Ronin, using
Meat from storage, with the purchases ending up in storage.

Revision: 12879
If you do a mall search for an item available in NPC stores, do not skip
the mall search in Hardcore or Ronin, since you can still buy it and have it
end up in storage.
Do not give use links in the Relay Browser for items acquired from the mall
in Hardcore or Ronin, since they ended up in storage.

Revision: 12880
When you use a food or drink item via the Food or Drink panels, force a
CONSUME_EAT or CONSUME_DRINK, rather than always using a CONSUME_USE, in case
the item has a secondary usage that is accessed via CONSUME_USE

Revision: 12881
Remove Groar's fur when you get a fuzzy object

Revision: 12882
same thing, different trigger

Revision: 12883
Add lost's support for maipulating folders in the folder holder

Revision: 12884
moon-amber necklace mysticality boost tied to Grimacite darkness, according to
heeheehee. He better be right this time.

Revision: 12885
Fix code for updating stickers and folders via the Gear Changer

Revision: 12886
TransferItemRequests take arrays of AdventureResults, not of Objects

Revision: 12887
Handle removing items from your store that ended up going into Hagnk's

Revision: 12888
More AdventureResult array munging

Revision: 12889
AdventureResultArray to simplify toArray into AdventureResult[]

Revision: 12890
moon-amber necklace is single equip

Revision: 12891
HOA zombie eyes is single equip

Revision: 12892
Add getSelectedItems to ShowDescriptionTable

Revision: 12893
Recognize when items are added to your mall store via backoffice.php.
Recognize when items are taken from Hagnk's storage and put into your store.
"shop take N item" will take N of the item from your mall store.

Revision: 12894
Fix pygmy janitor relocation choice.

Revision: 12895
When consuming queued items, if creation is required, remember the requested
consumption type. I.e., sue CONSUME_DRINK for booze, even if you have to
make it.

Revision: 12896
Munge to /images as the very last thing before
generating the byte array to send down to the Browser, rather than doing it
before handing the responseText off to a relay script. This allows relay
scripts to use either or /images and KoLmafia's
image caching will still kick in.

Revision: 12897
If there are a ton of svn-updated files, truncate the warning dialog (as it's mostly redundant info)

Revision: 12898
The "use", "eat", and "drink" commands (and "overdrink" and "eatsilent" )
pass in the actual consumption type corresponding to the command, rather than

Revision: 12899
Register adding and removing items from store via backoffice.php.
When remove items from store, tell how many were removed.

Revision: 12900
Implement tracking for castle unlock (untested) and Haggis Socks are single equip.

Revision: 12901
AutoMallRequest now moves things into your store using ajax

Revision: 12902
Add "put in mall" buttons to various storage panels in the Item Manager

Revision: 12903
Don't throw an NPE if making a hedge puzzle requets that takes a turn
(retrieving the key or opening the gate) is prevented because of an expiring

Revision: 12904
Split the Additions tab of the Store Manager into a tabbed pane: Inventory
and Storage.
The "use" command uses the form of UseItemRequest.getInstance that does not
specify the consumption type, as before, so that things can be multiused

Revision: 12905
ASH changes:
take_shop( item ) -> "shop take all item"
take_shop( num, item ) -> "shop take num item

Revision: 12906
Add shop_price() and resresh_shop(), per heeheehee

Revision: 12907
When you acquire a folder, add it as potential equipment to all five folder
If you cannot eat, do not consider Spaghetti Breakfast as a breakfast summon.
If you cannot drink, do not consider Grab a Cold One as a breakfast summon
KOLHS is considered to be a "can't drink" path for the purpose of breakfast.
Add plurals to a bunch of KOLHS items.

Revision: 12908
Give folders a secondary access of "usable" so Item Manager will "use" them.
UseItemRequest wants GenericRequest to follow redirects for it.
Handle a Javascript redirect just like an HTTP redirect, in that result
processing is not called on it.
"using" a folder in the item manager limits you to 0 (if there are no free
folder slots) or 1 (if there is at least one free slot).
Give use links to folders in the Relay Browser.

Revision: 12909
Fix the "refresh" buttons on the Additions panel of the StoreManageFrame

Revision: 12910
Rather than having ItemManagePanel and ItemTableManagePanel have lots and
lots of duplicated methods which need to be kept up to date in parallel, make
ItemManagePanel have all the duplicated code and ItemListManagePanel and
ItemTableManagePanel subclass off of it.

Revision: 12911
change message that starts a debug log to clarify that it is the G-D thread
that you are not to post logs in.

Revision: 12912
Mesmereyes contact lenses are single equip. Navel ring damage reduction scales with level.

Revision: 12913
Bugbear Pens => The Bugbear Pen, and it is now an indoor location.

Revision: 12914
Fix "skeleton" command to take the desired choice.
When you use a skeleton get a buff, remove the skeleton from inventory.
Add +yearbookCameraTarget to track today's monster of choice. Set this when
you look at the item description or when you get the assignment at the
yearbook club.
ItemManagePanel is abstract, since only the subclasses know how to get the
selected values from the scroll component.

Revision: 12915
Fix pattern for getting camera target when visiting club

Revision: 12916
Only remove the skeleton from inventory if you didn't say "Never Mind"
When UseItemRequest ends up in a choice, let ChoiceManager automate it.

Revision: 12917
When you use a universal key in the Sorceress's entryway, recognize which key
it morphs into

Revision: 12918
Possible fix for key identification regex.

Revision: 12919
Initial Space Odyssey Discotheque support.

Revision: 12920
Unconscious Collective Dream Jars are multiusable. So are disco horoscopes.

Revision: 12921
Move various locations from "Town" to "Events".

Revision: 12922
Fix detection of Giant's Castle Ground Floor unlock, untested.

Revision: 12923
Choice #803 goes in Events, not Town

Revision: 12924
Move maximizer help text out of String constants in the source code into

Revision: 12925
Day two support for Space Odyssey Discotheque. Added discocktail, monsters are limited to 3000 ML.

Revision: 12926
Discocktail effect lasts 30 turns per drink, not 10.

Revision: 12927
Recognise getting the jump on seahorse. Untested.

Revision: 12928
Disco dancer cocktail drops are conditional. (don't drop from yellow ray, rave steal or pickpocket)

Revision: 12929
When refreshing session, set turns used this run, rather than incrementing
disco horoscopes are a zap group

Revision: 12930

Revision: 12931
The Bugbear Pens -> The Bugbear Pen

Revision: 12932
Initial Disco Bandit update support. Added skills, costs, modifiers, effects, free rests fixed, removed disco power nap as a restorer, added Disco Momentum, available in ash from my_discomomentum().

Revision: 12933
You can only cast Advanced Cocktailcrafting once per day now

Revision: 12934
Add missing tab to The Sagittarian's leisure pants. Add The Sagittarian.

Revision: 12935
Only use Disco Combat Helper for Rave combos.

Revision: 12936
Don't show Noodles in combat action bar if you're a Disco Bandit.

Revision: 12937
Pigsticker of Violence is a melee weapon now

Revision: 12938
Disco Nap removes various effects (those Disco Power Nap used to remove) if you also have Adventurer of Leisure.

Revision: 12939
Brought Disco Nap removals in line with old Disco Power Nap (not poisons), added sharpened spoon.

Revision: 12940
Fixes Disco Nap uneffects if Adventurer of Leisure known or learned (learned untested). Fix expected HP restore from Disco Nap if Adventurer of Leisure known. Tongue of the Otter no longer uneffects as it doesn't exist.

Revision: 12941
Add steal button to Combat Action Bar if Tiny Black Hole equipped (untested) and simplify code to check KoLCharacter.canPickpocket rather than have local checks.

Revision: 12942
When looking at what the universal key turned into, look for "You acquire" in
the response text, not the URL.

Revision: 12943
Changed availableConditionalSkills code to availableCombatSkills and it now picks up all skills on the fight page, not just 7xxx ones. Only add 7xxx skills as CAB buttons, rather than availableConditionalSkills. CAB buttons now grey out if combat skills aren't available (which could be not enough MP, or once per combat, or other reason), so we don't need to handle more complex checking.
ie. Handle all once per combat skills, and naturally support things like Rat Kings and Mariachi's which become a new combat without mafia knowing. Noodles now enables against a Rat King!

Revision: 12944
If you have a Knife, and Tricky Knifework, and your Moxie > Muscle, treat it as a Moxie weapon.

Revision: 12945
Fix Sharpened Spoon

Revision: 12946
Disco bandit summoned knives pulverize to useless powder.

Revision: 12947
Added two more summoned disco bandit knives.

Revision: 12948
Add broken beer bottle. Yes, non-passive non-combat skills can have an MP
cost of 0

Revision: 12949
Neither Hibernate nor That's Not a Knife require MP to cast

Revision: 12950
simplfy UseSkillRequest.getInstance. If you cannot afford an item from an NPC
store, color it grey, just as we do if you cannot afford an item from the mall
or from a Coinmaster.

Revision: 12951
Another disco bandit knife that pulverizes into useless powder

Revision: 12952
Disco Fever costs 10 MP

Revision: 12953
Track disco knife summoning.

Revision: 12954
fix for store manager issue: limit changes not applied to correct item when non-default sort applied.
JXTable overrides the getValueAt method explicitly in order to account for model/view index mapping differences, so use that.

Revision: 12955
Add Expression as a type of skill, of which you can only have one. Added Songs and Expressions skill types in the Skill Casting filter.

Revision: 12956
Update mall prices

Revision: 12957
Bump version to 16.1

Revision: 12958
bump svn.revision.base, too