Version 15.8


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia.

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. That can be found here. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 11553
More monster updates from Monster Manuel, courtesy of Crowther

Revision: 11554
Distinguish between the various stages of your Nemesis based on image

Revision: 11555
Add monster.raw_attack, monster.raw_defense, and monster.raw_hp to return the
unmodified stats from monsters.txt.
Fix various monsters based on the Manuel

Revision: 11556
Undo some previous monster edits when the old values were, in fact, compatible
with what Monster Manuel reports.

Revision: 11557
More Monster Manuel fixes, thanks to Crowther

Revision: 11558
More Monster Manuel fixes

Revision: 11559
More Monster Manuel fixes, thanks to Erich

Revision: 11560
More Monster Manuel fixes thanks to charred

Revision: 11561
Fix some monsters from Monster Manuel, courtesy of charred
Add monster image_to_monster( string ) ASH function for looking up monster by
image file name.
Add monster.image proxy field for going the other way.
Add images to a variety of monsters that we disambiguate by image

Revision: 11562
Add a few monster images

Revision: 11563
Add CVS committers to authors.txt in case cvsimport is ever used again

Revision: 11564
Do not include your password hash when using visit_url() for non-KoL sites

Revision: 11565
Fix more monster stats, courtesy of Farflier

Revision: 11566
It's The Master of Ceremonies. Recognize when you try to go to the Worm Wood
not Absinthe Minded and don't count it as an encounter. Add a link to use
another absinthe in that case.

Revision: 11567
It is now "Staff of the Scummy Sink", not "Staff of The Scummy Sink"

Revision: 11568
When you catch sight of part of a wispy message, record in gCLI and session log

Revision: 11569
Add soul monocle. Fix fog regexp to detect letters in any color.

Revision: 11570
silent records

Revision: 11571
soul items

Revision: 11572
Fix monster image file names for Inner Sanctum Nemesi

Revision: 11573
don't throw NPE on $location[none]. credit to catch22

Revision: 11574
warn before using +PvP consumables if you haven't yet broken your stone. Thanks

Revision: 11575
Change encounter, stat, zodiac, weapon type, book type, element, and phylum to enum. Change "heat" to "hot" for monster properties for consistency.

Revision: 11576
If you have sharePriceData enabled, at login, you fetch price data from, and at logout, you submit price data there. If the script at that
site happens to be inaccessible, you can sit at login with a grey GUI.
Fetch price data in a separate thread at login so you can proceed with other

Revision: 11577
Add silent skills

Revision: 11578
Fix comparison of $stat[], $phylum[], and $element[] types

Revision: 11579
Add Solstice Shield, Indefatigable effect, and records of silence (used)

Revision: 11580
Forging at the anvil near the fog consumes mime soul fragments

Revision: 11581
Create a counter to track when the next Silent Invasion noncombat will show up. Do not log mime fight text as an event clue.

Revision: 11582
api.php now includes spleen

Revision: 11583
Evil paper umbrellas are not fancy ingredients

Revision: 11584
Add hashCode() where needed

Revision: 11585
Fix error in previous commit

Revision: 11586
address concurrency issues in AdventureSelectPanel

Revision: 11587
Fix a few monsters in combat.txt to agree with monsters.txt. Add silent beret

Revision: 11588
Nanorhino stuff

Revision: 11589
Simplify BrowserLauncher logic using BareBonesBrowserLaunch code from centerkey as a base while also allowing for non-default browser to load.

Revision: 11590
Finish switch to BareBonesBrowserLaunch

Revision: 11591
Disallow script changing of preferredWebBrowser. Fix an item name in Bits o' Honey outfit.

Revision: 11592
Fix Black Tongue +meat value. Do not load dolphin whistle use results inline.

Revision: 11593
For Windows users, do not open two browser windows when preferredWebBrowser is set

Revision: 11594
Move LINE_BREAK constant to utility constants so that it can be reused by non-KoLmafia classes.
Simplify code for license display to use an if-else based on file name instead of a switch statement using an arbitrarily computed license type.

Revision: 11595
Switch back to using KoLConstants when a constant also exists in UtilityConstants rather than referring directly at UtilityConstants so that the code looks more consistent.

Revision: 11596
Proper fix for double-loading of web browsers when a preferred web browser is set on Windows

Revision: 11597
In the event that an exception gets thrown while trying to use the java.awt.Desktop to launch the default browser, don't try to reuse it the next time to avoid the minor performance penalty

Revision: 11598
Don't try to use java.awt.Desktop.browse( on Linux in case there's a strange problem. All the other fallback commands should be able to capture the correct browser anyway, since they use the *-open commands.

Revision: 11599
Add gvfs-open to list of Unix browser launchers

Revision: 11600
Print a stack trace to the console when an unexpected error occurs, just in case someone is running KoLmafia with a console available. That way, any weird errors can be captured.

Revision: 11601
Add 'netscape' to the list of browsers to try on Unix.
In the event that 'which' isn't available on the system, or in case it never tells you that the command is possible, brute force the known options until one doesn't throw an IOException due to a missing process name and returns an exit value of 0 (normal termination).

Revision: 11602
Use environment variables combined with "dir /b /s" instead of iterating over all drives in order to determine what browser to use if the user does not provide an absolute path. Also cache the result of the lookup.

Revision: 11603
Move sensible-browser to the end of the Unix browser list, in case people haven't configured that value but have configured their default browser in some other way.
On Windows, rather than search for the executable, the "start" command will do the searching for you, so use that instead.

Revision: 11604
Rollback Revision 11598 and add additional console logging for attempts to load the default browser using java.awt.Desktop

Revision: 11605
On Windows, if the preferred browser name contains a space or a percent sign (the latter indicating expansion of environment variables), wrap it in quotes to ensure that spaces are properly handled by start

Revision: 11606
Nanorhino skill and effects, Lazybones resting effect, and Cunctatitis

Revision: 11607
Update css file to use element names instead of numbers

Revision: 11608
Remove runInParallel() from postAscension() call for ascending into Zombie Slayer

Revision: 11609
Fix check for Summon Hobo Underling.

Revision: 11610
restore ability of item manager tables (and other places that use ShowDescriptionTable) to jump to items when the user types a partial name. Like filtering behavior, but just jump-to instead of filter-out-non-matches. This was natively provided by JList, but needs to be hacked in for table-based components.
For the record there are now three ways to search: type in the filter field, type outside of the filter field, and ctrl-f (which brings up a dialog box).

Revision: 11611
You cannot buy raffle tickets as a zombie. When attempting to buy raffle tickets, check for success rather than a single type of failure.

Revision: 11612
only do jump-to searching for item tables when the item name column is selected

Revision: 11613
workaround for mac issue: meta+keypress generates keyTyped events

Revision: 11614
add lastPlusSignUnlock

Revision: 11615
reset breakfastCompleted on breaking prism

Revision: 11616
eating at chez snootee clears distention pill status

Revision: 11617
"relay nobrowser" starts the relay server without opening a browser window.

Revision: 11618
Change names of Basement monsters to conform with names in Monster Manuel:
Beast with X Ears
Beast with X Eyes
X Stone Golem
X-headed Hydra
Ghost of Fernswarthy's Grandfather
X Bottles of Beer on a Golem
X-dimensional Horror

Revision: 11619
Pull cursed pony keg and microwave when you ascend. Use them with reusable items during breakfast. Remove extra clan lounge visit when ascending.

Revision: 11620
Track the nanorhino-banished monster

Revision: 11621
Fix get_path_variables()

Revision: 11622
Remove extra "The" from monster names. Tower monster HP is unaffected by +ML.

Revision: 11623
Fix two typos in nanorhino familiar data

Revision: 11624
Recognize monsters whose names appear to start with "The " when it isn't actually part of the monster's name

Revision: 11625
Level 9 revamp items and zones

Revision: 11626
More level 9 items

Revision: 11627
Recognize Class Act path

Revision: 11628
More Class Act support

Revision: 11629
Oily Woim

Revision: 11630
Some Level 9 quest handling

Revision: 11631
Level 9 monsters

Revision: 11632
Class Act thwaitgold item. Refresh skills when you finish a path that limits your skills.

Revision: 11633
Critical Hit chance multipliers no longer exist

Revision: 11634
Fix modifier calculations

Revision: 11635
A-Boo clue is consumed when you get a noncombat, not by using it

Revision: 11636
loadstone and CoT familiar effects

Revision: 11637
add some plurals

Revision: 11638
Adjust a wumpus regex to work on devster accounts.
Add a comment in modifiers.txt for frigidalmatian.

Revision: 11639
fix skulldozer enthrone modifier

Revision: 11640
food from chez snootee and drinks from the microbrewery should be visible with the "turn-free" filter

Revision: 11641
fix intermediate trapper quest step

Revision: 11642
Exclude Feast of Boris fullness paths from Class Act, as well as any unknown paths

Revision: 11643
Fix tower monster recognition

Revision: 11644
"Oh, There Have it Gone" is a semi-rare encounter.
Add the "Your Interest is Peaked" effect, logging axe and death blossom.

Revision: 11645
"Synecdoche, Twin Peak" and "It's a Gas Gas Gas" are semirare encounters.

Revision: 11646
Fix Excounter name for "Oh There Have It Gone"
Arena parameters for Oily Woim
Fix some monster stats from Manuel

Revision: 11647
Gray goo monsters

Revision: 11648
Allow the actions for mood triggers that are updated via the CLI to contain commas.

Revision: 11649
Manuel macro predicates

Revision: 11650
Make chasmBridgeProgress available to scripts

Revision: 11651
El and La are not usually part of a monster's name. Another Manuel potion.

Revision: 11652
Skip lines that start with "note" when macrofying a CCS.

Revision: 11653
Remove bridge parts as the are used to build the bridge. Fix El Dia monster hp. Oily Woim +initiative.

Revision: 11654
Log purchase attempts from stores that ignore you. Untested.

Revision: 11655
when "no-summon" is ticked, do show on-hand copies of the item.

Revision: 11656
Plurals, skeleton quiche stats, Twin Peak phyla. Oil pan allows casting sauceror buffs.

Revision: 11657
Monster attack and defense can be negative

Revision: 11658
Add fireclutch and (some of) Ginger Fightis; there is a KoL bug re the latter.
Add Charity's choker and Beginning at home.
Fix Solstice Shield
Fix Your Interest is Peaked

Revision: 11659
smut orc sunglasses

Revision: 11660
lost key support

Revision: 11661
Hooray! KoL generated an id for Ginger Fightis

Revision: 11662
/clannies does not provide <font> tags unless the person is on your friends list

Revision: 11663
Some quest log updates for new L09 quest.
L09 preference is now questL09Topping, old orc chasm quest is now a miscellaneous quest handled by questM15Lol.

Revision: 11664
update the proper L09 preference internally

Revision: 11665
Remove 90% factor for monster defense

Revision: 11666
Initial support for Thinknerd's Grimoire of Geeky Gifts

Revision: 11667
More Geeky Gifts

Revision: 11668
Geeky Gifts and crimbo stuff

Revision: 11669
Fix churro entry

Revision: 11670
More Geeky Gifts content

Revision: 11671
KoL Con 9 item, crimbo monster stats

Revision: 11672
try an alternate method of parsing council text so that multiple quests can be set from one visit.

Revision: 11673
questM15Lol handling
attempt #2 on "chez snootee creations are turn-free"

Revision: 11674
tripples: totally tradable

Revision: 11675
teddybear backpack is now back equipment

Revision: 11676
Added some goals for the highlands locations

Revision: 11677
Updated the item names for taco dan's taco stand items

Revision: 11678
Taco crimbo elves have names. Add experimental Taco Elf window counters

Revision: 11679
powdered candy sushi set

Revision: 11680
make maximizer somewhat more knowledgeable about when trivia master is available

Revision: 11681
taco fliers are not a 100% drop

Revision: 11682
badge of authority is single equip

Revision: 11683
tripples can be used to uneffect beaten up

Revision: 11684
Update crimbo monster stats. Palm-frond cloak no longer requires torso to make.

Revision: 11685
questG03Ego intermediate steps, thanks Nifft

Revision: 11686

Revision: 11687
use taco stand flier in breakfast if you've got one, you lucky person you

Revision: 11688
correct some fullness ranges, variable modifiers
clean up some formatting

Revision: 11689
Some effects and crimbo consumables

Revision: 11690
When maximizing equipment, do not consider requirement failures (which are a
global constraint) when comparing individual items.
Show scores for clownosity and raveosity in a more consistent manner.

Revision: 11691
Add consumption data, update mallprices, and fix Space Tours Tripple

Revision: 11692
Bump version to 15.8