Version 15.5


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link. Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason. If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 11371
Add a short description of what reagnimated gnome items do.
Remove a valuable trinket from inventory when banishing chatty pirates at the Chatterboxing choice adventure.

Revision: 11372
You need beach access to access the monster level device as a gnomad moon sign, not as a moxie moon sign

Revision: 11373
cursed PVP items are free pulls. Upgrade to jarbundler 2.2.0

Revision: 11374
fork maximizer behavior to treat -osity weight as a maximum score, and allow partials to contribute to the score (with a weight of 1 per 1 -osity).
This means that "maximize 7 raveosity -tie" will suggest/equip pieces up to the requested score, even if the score cannot be fully attained.

Revision: 11375
bump MaximizerFrame width a bit to account for wider fonts on *nix

Revision: 11376
Older versions of OSX don't have the -a flag on cp, update to use the equivalent flags

Revision: 11377
Fix commit of revision number

Revision: 11378
Only auto-update for daily target

Revision: 11379
When displaying speculative modifiers on a Use Link, use FLOAT_FORMAT.
Include a Universal JavaApplicationStub in Mac OS X app built by jarbundler

Revision: 11380
Move Hatorade from General Store to Huggler Lunch Counter
Move dingy planks from the Hermit to General Store

Revision: 11381
Make sure that all pages have basics.js and basics.css

Revision: 11382
advance trapper quest to step3 when you figure out there's some stairs there.

Revision: 11383
checkitems and checkeffects check the image for items/effects

Revision: 11384
checkitems and checkeffects now check images. Fix a bunch of effect and item
images. A couple of items are now combat items.

Revision: 11385
fix hatchling for reagnimated gnome

Revision: 11386
Disallow reserved words as key variable names in a foreach, just as they are
disallowed as variable names everywhere else.

Revision: 11387
the for loop also cannot use reserved words as index variables

Revision: 11388
At startup, correctly deduce the Spooky Forest choice adventure setting from the current preferences. Thanks to AtlanteanScion @

Revision: 11389
Correctly handle multi-using peppermint sprouts

Revision: 11390
Wrap Drops section of Daily Deeds when many things are listed there

Revision: 11391
Improve logging for disco and rave combos

Revision: 11392
Allow familiars to equip specific familiar equipment containing HTML entities

Revision: 11393
When executing a macro, update previous round's response text before moving to
next macro round.

Revision: 11394
Initial support for Zombie Slayer Challange Path

Revision: 11395
Parse current Horde for Zombie Masters from compact or expanded charpane and
from api.php. Display Horde: xxx in green side pane, rather than MP: xxx/yyy

Revision: 11396
Add some brains and Chowed Down status effect

Revision: 11397
Zombies get +5 fullness from Insatiable Hunger

Revision: 11398
Read size of Horde from charsheet
(Temporarily) disable reading mp/maxmp from api.php, when in Zombiecore; a KoL
bug makes it inaccurate, sometimes.
Pre-emptively create a zombiePoints setting.
Add Scavengers Scavenging status effect.

Revision: 11399
If you are in Zombiecore, you cannot use the Plunger to obviate meat paste,
Innabox to make simple smithing recipes adventure-free, or the Knoll Muscle Gym.

Revision: 11400
The zombified Untinker says different things.

Revision: 11401
You don't need a worthless item to visit the Hermit and see what he has.
In ZOmbiecore, you cannot buy anything from the Hermit, althugh you can
visit his cave.

Revision: 11402
Hunter's Spirit should be Hunter's Sprint
Add skill category for Zombie Master skills

Revision: 11403
Jill-O-Lantern is a stat familiar. Fix adventure gains for decent and good
brains. Include stat gains for crappy and decent brains.

Revision: 11404
Recognize failure to eat non-brains in Zombiecore and don't adjust fullness or
inventory. Give an error message.

Revision: 11405
Operation Patriot Shield gives the same bonus for a Zombie Slayer as it does for a Seal Clubber

Revision: 11406
initial message for accepting Untinker quest in Zombiecore so we can add a
"visit the Knoll" link.

Revision: 11407
When you finish a Zombie Slayer ascension, you get zombie points
Lure Minion and Summon Minion are choice adventures with option specific costs

Revision: 11408
Zombie Slayer changes: Recognize your shadow. Don't provide a link to get a new skill when you gain a level. You don't need a wand or a starfish.

Revision: 11409
Autosell Reagnimated Gnome familiar equipment before ascending

Revision: 11410
Alphabetize (by shopid) NPC stores. Disable store purchases from the eight NPC
stores that are not available in Zombiecore.

Revision: 11411
New official list of unremovable effects

Revision: 11412
If you are in Zombiecore, the Food panel shows only brains and the steel
lasagna, unless you have a Gluttonous Green Ghost equipped.

Revision: 11413
Add "pull all"

Revision: 11414
Zomg WTF effect

Revision: 11415
Zombiecore allows Stomach of Steel

Revision: 11416
talkative skull, Hovering Skull, shiny gold fronts

Revision: 11417
Update snarfblats for the Goatlet and the Ninja Snowmen in AdventurePool.

Revision: 11418
Outskirts combat rate, Disquiet Riot, Waking the Dead, Thwaitgold maggot statuette

Revision: 11419
Reset class-specific things after a zombie run

Revision: 11420
You REALLY don't need a starfish for the tower

Revision: 11421
Add effect <-> skill translations for some Zombie skills

Revision: 11422
When deciding which spoiler to show for the "Welcome to the Footlocker" choice adventure, also check if parts of the knob elite uniform are equipped.

Revision: 11423
Update Palm-frond cloak modifiers.

Revision: 11424
the use link when obtaining the dingy plans buys some dingy planks from the general store if appropriate.

Revision: 11425
Goofball Withdrawal is less harsh

Revision: 11426
no NPE when searching for 0-length items. thanks
add some generics.

Revision: 11427
Do not skip the introductory choice adventures for Zombie runs or for any future path

Revision: 11428
You don't need a starfish to get the star key, but you do need a familiar

Revision: 11429
Fix automating complex multi-step choice adventures

Revision: 11430
Add Meat Shielded. Fix some effect numbers.

Revision: 11431
Canonicalize line breaks so that patches can be applied successfully.

Revision: 11432
Redo "access" field in tradeitems.txt to have 4 KoL flags: quest, gift,
tradeable, and discardable. Thanks to Catch-22.

Revision: 11433
don't try to retrieve antidotes before adventuring in zombiecore.

Revision: 11434
allow resting in your campground in zombiecore when you're beaten up, regardless of your hp/mp.

Revision: 11435
Update drops for The eXtreme Slope monsters.

Revision: 11436
Don't parse skills gained at the start of a Zombie run as items

Revision: 11437
Trade items are "gifteable" too. Add some comments to tradeitems.txt.

Revision: 11438
Revert use of gift flag to previous interpretation: KoL has the item marked as
a "Gift Item". Instead, change isGiftable() - which is also used by the ASH
is_giftable() function - to allow either the "tradeable" or "gift" flags.
Fix the proxy field to return the value of the gift flag, rather than
being a synonym for is_giftable().

Revision: 11439
Devour Minion can be used in and out of combat. Meat Shield and Zombie Maestro are combat skills.

Revision: 11440
Add SkillPool. Zombie Slayer skills don't have a meat training cost.

Revision: 11441
CSA discount card is multiusable. Add keel-haulin' knife and soft green echo eyedrop antidote martini.

Revision: 11442
You can't access Chez Snootee, the Microbrewery, or gamble at the Casino as a Zombie Master

Revision: 11443
Don't match the ore type when you hand your ore in to the Trapper. Update the Trapper quest status when the quest is finished as a Zombie Master.

Revision: 11444
Add a link to visit Yossarian after acquiring a molybdenum item

Revision: 11445
When using the ASH use_skill() function out of combat, do not use fight.php to cast skills marked as combat/noncombat.

Revision: 11446
Disable mana burning in Zombie Slayer runs since there is no maximum "mana"

Revision: 11447
Add Tales of the Word Realms skills. Add box of bear arms. When you ascend, box up your bear arms if you have both arms and don't already have a box.

Revision: 11448
Make the left bear arm equippable

Revision: 11449
Recognize mayfly bait summoning in Haiku or Anapests. Raise the upper limit in IntegerPool to cover new skills. Update status immediately and provide feedback when folding equipped loathing legion gear in place.

Revision: 11450
Always print environment information to console when loading KoLmafia

Revision: 11451
Code cleanup - remove unused imports, fix static method access, fix Java 5 vararg warnings

Revision: 11452
Making a request in KoLmafia doesn't depend on the type of UI being used, so declare the method as static and invoke that instead

Revision: 11453
Making purchases does not depend on the type of UI being used, so declare the method as static

Revision: 11454
Resetting session data does not depend on the type of UI being used, so declare the method as static

Revision: 11455
An end of run sale is part of store management, not the type of UI being used, so move the method to store management

Revision: 11456
Garbage collection is currently only done via the UI, so add a way to do it from the CLI as well

Revision: 11457
Some CLI behavior depends on whether the 'default shell' is being executed rather than a wrapper shell, so make those checks explicit

Revision: 11458
Have the CLI itself update preferences rather than have the login request do it

Revision: 11459
Time in requests don't depend on the type of UI being used, so declare the method as static

Revision: 11460
Extracting a list of contacts is a function of the contact manager, not the type of UI being used, so move the logic to the contact manager

Revision: 11461
Smarter handling of what happens if someone only sets headless to true without setting --CLI mode explicitly

Revision: 11462
Deleting data overrides does not depend on the type of UI, so make the method static

Revision: 11463
Showing HTML doesn't usually depend on the type of UI being used (just whether the UI is present or not), so declare the method as static

Revision: 11464
Since there are no more references to StaticEntity.getClient(), remove the methods which set and unset those values

Revision: 11465
Also remove the static variable pointing to a 'kolmafia' object and the constructor for the KoLmafia object

Revision: 11466
Fix ancient ice cream scoop image and update mallprices.txt

Revision: 11467
Bump version to 15.5
In case anyone reading this is unsure what just happened, I'll spell it out. Responsibility for spinning a new official version has been handed off to lostcalpolydude. Barring any change in that fact, you can expect version 15.6 to also be released by lostcalpolydude. Lostcalpolydude has also been made a Project Manager for KoLmafia on Sourceforge.
Last edited:
Responsibility for spinning a new official version has been handed off to lostcalpolydude. Barring any change in that fact, you can expect version 15.6 to also be released by lostcalpolydude.

Not that I mind, but if I may ask, why? I figured lostcalpolydude was just filling in for Veracity temporarily. Is V winding down a bit on the project?
Veracity has been officially trying to wind down for a bit over a year now. :) She's just starting to get the new team trained up to where they can start to take over more... visible parts of the project...