Version 13.3.1


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link. Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason. If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 7359
Add rusty metal greaves and slime-covered greaves

Revision: 7360
Changed "update" CLI command to "update data", to make it clearer just what
it does. "update" alone now gives a pointer to the daily builds at
Handle rustification of antique greaves.

Revision: 7361
Added choice spoilers for the Wumpus Hunt. This doesn't automate the hunt,
or even generate a map, it just remembers what warnings you've seen for each
room - which should be enough info to find the Wumpus without having to take
notes, assuming that a risk-free solution exists.
Temporarily allow the Item Manager to display items with negative counts
(disabled since Revision 5866), to help find the cause of such items.
Stuffed Hodgman is not consumed on use.

Revision: 7362
When normalizing the value to which the battleAction preference is being set,
don't change strings starting with "custom" into "custom:<CCS filename>".
This is misleading (you couldn't specify a different CCS by changing the
filename), and causes problems because the resulting value doesn't exist in
the list of possible battle actions. Normalize to "custom combat script"

Revision: 7363
Add arena parameters for Baby Sandworm

Revision: 7364
More items, etc.

Revision: 7365
Added ASH function to_item(string, int), which behaves the same as
to_item(string) except that it will accept plural item names if the 2nd
parameter is greater than one. (It's impossible to reliably parse items that
might be plural without some external indication of quantity, due to "evil
golden arches" which is both singular and plural.)
mall_price() now ignores stores in the search results from which you've
already bought the full daily limit.
More slime & memories items.
Added a bunch of missing plural forms & outfit effects.

Revision: 7366
Item updates!
Give an error when attempting to consume an item with a level requirement you
don't meet.

Revision: 7367
Give each instance of the LocalRelayAgent thread a distinct name, to track
down possible concurrency problems (which turned out not to be the problem,
but this may be useful in the future).
Somewhat better logic for the Wumpus helper - it can now deduce definite
dangers, not just possibilities. Note that I'm seeing some randomly
undecorated pages, apparently due to clicking before the page is fully
loaded; that should now give a warning rather than completely losing your

Revision: 7368
Use commas in the prices shown by the "cheapest" & "expensive" commands.
When inquiring about effect modifiers that depend on the remaining turns of
the effect ('T' value in the modifier expression language), for an effect
that the player doesn't currently have, pretend that there is one turn of the
effect. This allows anything that scans the modifiers looking for particular
boosts (such as the Basement helper) to realize that such effects actually do
Added some missing effects, and the Slime Hates It modifier.
Added an override mechanism for modifiers: setting preference _userMods to a
modifier specification will include them in the player's modifiers whenever
they are recalculated. This can be used to get a correct display of a
modifier if there's some source that mafia doesn't know about yet, or doesn't
track. For example, if you know that there have been five gall bladder
squeezes in your current Slime Tube run, you can adjust the displayed ML
value via:
set _userMods = Monster Level: +100
Or better yet (since it would only apply in the Slime Tube):
set _userMods = Monster Level: [100*zone(slime)]
See src/data/modifiers.txt for examples of how modifier specifications are
written - note that they are case-sensitive, and require precise formatting.
Use "modref _userMods" to see exactly how your override was parsed.
Since this preference starts with an underscore, it will be cleared on the
first login of each day. This prevents forgotten-about changes from
persisting forever.

Revision: 7369
If you go "Thump", there is a pit in that room.
Defeating the wumpus orlogging in as a different character resets cave state
Add some items, descids, recipes, etc.

Revision: 7370
plurals and autosell prices

Revision: 7371
Fix parsing of "summon pastamancer ghost" in CCS.
Add Shamboozled effect.

Revision: 7372
Disambiguate the three flavors of Trippy Floating Head (in the Bad Trip), so
that a CCS or auto-olfaction can refer to them specifically. The names have
been changed to match those used on the Wiki (Casey Kasem, Grand Moff Tarkin,
Mona Lisa); this shouldn't cause any problems, since any scripts using the
old names were broken already.
Add "Boost Prime Stat" and "Boost Lowest Stat" options to the Violet Fog
choices, so you don't have to remember to reset it for each ascension. (The
setting may be relevant even if you don't intend to adventure there, due to
the possibility of astral flashbacks.)

Revision: 7373
When mood/HP/MP maintenance takes place after a relay browser combat, the
originally requested charpane update gets replaced by the most recent one
retrieved during the maintenance. This alternate path for delivering a KoL
page to the relay browser duplicated some of the post-processing done by the
normal path, but not all; specifically, it didn't modify image URLs to point
to the local cache if so configured, causing them all to be loaded from the
server. Fixed.
Some new options for the "burn" CLI command:
* "burn extra" - uses MP over your configured mana burning threshold to
extend buffs and cast breakfast skills. This was previously the only option.
* "burn *" - attempts to use ALL MP, useful if you're about to do something
that would completely replenish your MP supply. This and the options below
ignore your threshold.
* "burn <num>" - uses no more than the specified amount of MP.
* "burn -<num>" - uses all but the specified amount of MP, doing nothing if
that's less than your current amount.
* All forms can be followed by "mana" or "mp" if you'd like to make their
purpose clearer (or something like "houses" if you'd prefer to make them more
There are now two situations in which mafia will automatically burn MP:
* "nuns" CLI command, if it will restore MP, first burns down to your maximum
MP minus 1000.
* chugging a Dr. Lucifer will burn down to your maximum MP minus the
worst-case MP gain (9 * your HP), which is normally going to be zero. This
should be especially helpful with mpdrain tests in the Basement, you won't
have to switch away from the Basement helper page to use up existing MP
before using a Dr. L.
I'm sure somebody is going scream bloody murder about "waste of resources",
but really - these features are only using MP that would otherwise have been
completely wasted.
Also, some tweaks to the MP burning mechanism itself:
* No buff will be extended to more than twice the number of turns of any
other buff that was eligible to be extended, but couldn't be due to lack of
sufficient extra MP. The idea is that if you're generating MP at a very low
rate, it should be banked over several turns and used on the buff that's
going to run out first, rather than spending it all on 1000+ turns of your
cheapest buff.
* The MP burner is now more willing to multi-cast buffs when there is a lot
of MP to be burned. Previously, if all your buffs had roughly equal turns
remaining, they would be extended by at most 2 casts at a time; now that can
go as high as 1/10 of a maxcast.

Revision: 7374
Add an item and a status effect. Preselect elements in correct order.

Revision: 7375
If you have a Ruby Rod equipped, when a monster uses the appropriate element on
you, color the message with the appropriate color.

Revision: 7376
a few item/effect updates

Revision: 7377
Adds a bit of intelligence to the list of Basement-useful familiars: baby
sandworm is now listed if you have one, in which case the sombrero is
omitted; badger, pixie, and llama are only listed if they haven't yet dropped
all five items.

Revision: 7378
Emergency patch for server-side change that is preventing mafia from actually
using any HP/MP restorative items.
Details: such items were previously used from the skills page, presumably on
the grounds that the usage results page is much, much smaller than a main
inventory page. While you can still use restoratives from the skills page
in-game, the requests are no longer sent to skills.php, but rather
inv_use.php with a redirect back to skills.php. Instead of duplicating that
exactly, I'm now treating restoratives just like any other usable item, but
I'm setting ajax=1 on the load of inv_use.php, so that the results don't
actually include your inventory listing. This should greatly speed up item
use in general, although there may be problems if there are any special-case
items that don't support the ajax call.

Revision: 7379
Emergency patch, part 2: allow multi-use of restoratives, deduct restoratives
from inventory when used from the Skills page or quickskills menu.
Remaining known issue: automated llama gong usage doesn't work.
Untested: [use] links for restorative items that drop in combat.
When an ASH item object is created, always normalize the item name - even if
created from a known-good string. Otherwise, items with aliases (such as El
Vibrato punchcards) can have strange problems: it was possible to create two
ASH items, referring to the same KoL item, that would act as distinct keys in
a map.

Revision: 7380
Improvements to Hunt the Wumpus: when you step or charge into a room and find or
don't find the Wumpus, you can deduce things about that room for next time.

Revision: 7381
Add caustic slime nodule and its recipes.

Revision: 7382
Emergency fix, part 3 - gets llama gongs & items that produce a combat (such
as drum machines) working again. This was done by considering any page
loads, that consist solely of JavaScript code that sets the mainpane
location, as the moral equivalent of a HTTP redirect (which is how those
things were previously handled).
During automatic HP/MP restoration, if an item was purchased but ends up
actually reducing your points, give up on it and try something else. This
could happen if the purchase required an outfit change, which reduced your
maximum HP/MP below your current value.
Evil golden arches are multi-usable.

Revision: 7383
Added a developer command to check the zap groups against the Wiki. Used
this to update zapgroups.txt - there were over 80 items missing!
If "relay trims zap list" is turned on, add a note to that page indicating
what mafia has done (which seems to have confused some people recently). A
link is included to view the complete item list.

Revision: 7384
Bump to version 13.3.1