Using mafia to bypass Websense?


New member
My work recently installed Websense, blocking access to an array of sites., and its various subdomains (forums., radio.) are all blocked under the "Games" category. Oddly enough, at least for the moment, I can connect to the game through mafia's relay browser and play normally without triggering Websense. That's good. But I can't access the forums, and that's bad.

I'm technologically-illiterate: I just know when stuff works and when it doesn't. Is there a way for a dummy like me to configure mafia to use the relay browser to hit up (and hell, if I can get my wishes granted, radio. as well)? Or is that a naive question, given what mafia is designed to do?
I don't think mafia can be used to do that. I mean the principle is sound that a program can do for the forums what mafia does for the game, but there's no way to configure mafia to do that without making changes to the program.

A possible solution (I'm not sure exactly how websense works), but can you use this link:
My school used Websense and I distinctly recall IP addresses being a usable workaround. Though it broke a lot of images, at least on the one web site I actually bothered trying.
Apparently schlurp last signed on to this forum 13 hours after my previous post. I'm guessing it worked out for him since he never asked for any additional help. Though I wish he'd told us.

billybobfred, thanks for sharing your own experience to confirm the likelihood of my guess.