Unable to install scripts through SVN

Frank Sumatra

New member
I have the latest daily build for mafia, yet CLI displays prompts this error when I'm trying to install scripts from a repository;

> svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/mafia-harvest/code/

Starting Checkout...
Validating repo...
Repo validated.
svn: E200030: SQLite error
SVN ERROR during checkout operation. Aborting...
Requests complete.

Any idea on what might be causing it?
Me too.

> svn update

Updating all SVN projects...
svn: E200030: SQLite error
guyymafia-dreaddrunk is at HEAD (r123)
mafiachit is at HEAD (r109)
zlib is at HEAD (r17)
svn: E200030: SQLite error
Requests complete.

currently running r15324.

Possibly worth noting that I am running Java 1.6.0_29-b11 on this computer because an application at work requires it. (But who cares about security? It's only medical billing information...)
Looks like your DB file is locked for writing, for whatever reason. you can try doing

svn cleanup

but that won't work if your OS still has the file locked. You may need to restart your system.

As for what caused it: could be a number of things. Antivirus, external svn client, etc. Hard to say.
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Rebooting did not work, but removing the script that was causing the problem and reinstalling fixed the problem.

Unfortunately, I didn't see your suggestion until after I spent a half hour figuring out which db was being held open after the update command error. Next time I'll know to try svn cleanup first. Thanks!
I've repeatedly had mafia's SVN files get locked over the last few days. Fully closing mafia and restarting it makes it unlock and update the files properly.