Ultra Rare Hunter


New member
This is my first script. Please do not insult it (too) harshly.

This script adventures in the Haunted Billiards Room with 2 second breaks in-between each adventure. It also determines what is the best (easily acquirable) healing item, and uses it at low HP. It also stops adventuring when you reach 40 adventures remaining, giving room for bounties.


1.0: Basic support for Billiards Room adventuring, acquires Herbs (if possible and optimal) or Doc Galaktik's Ailment Ointments.
1.01: Percent recovery was causing problems, so I switched to a finite <30HP trigger.

Known Bugs / Shortcomings:

-Doesn't bounty hunt (yet)
-Has some weirdness when beaten up
-No input of where to adventure (yet)

If you want more features, then K-mail me (adven7urer, pagb0y or stup0rman) in-game, or reply here.


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First thing I noticed is that your healing is completely outside the loop that adventures, so it won't have any effect. You could simply use recover_hp(0) and recover_mp(0) to trigger Mafia's recovery options. In combination with Bale's recovery script, it would recover for you without having to re-write your own healing logic.

Also, I'd consider bounty hunting first before your semi-rare farming, just in case your bounty hunt runs longer than 40 adventures. Here again you can save yourself some coding by getting Zarqon's bounty script and importing it.

Here's an example (the import line goes at the top of your script, the hunt_bounty line wherever you want to do the hunting).
#import <bounty.ash>
