Feature Treat configurable items like foldable in Maximizer


Staff member
The Maximiser will not fold items during maximization if "maximizerFoldables" is false.
'Foldable' items are items that can be 'folded' to create other items with other enchantments.

There are a few 'configurable' items that can be 'configured' (with no limits) to create the same item with different enchantments. This includes items [The Crown of Ed the Undying] and [unwrapped knock-off retro superhero cape]. There may be others, but I can't think of any at the time of this writing. These are similar to foldables, but they do not create new items.

The maximizer will now change the configuration and enchantment of these items when maximizing. I am proposing that the Maximizer treat these like foldables, and not change the configuration if "maximizerFoldables" is false.