Feature - Implemented Tracking additional Sea items - Seahorse, Literacy, and Dread scroll


Active member
Adding a bit of scripting to the sea and running into a few snag-type things.

It would save a server hit if we saved the Seahorse name, which is found in the Other Accomplishments on the Questlog. If mafia doesn't save it, I can check the page, but... figured I'd offer it as a way to avoid a server hit.

It would be great if mafia would track the Mer-literacy from using wordquizzes with cheatsheets. This doesn't appear to be visible anywhere, but after you've used 10, the wordquizzes/cheatsheets are no longer used up. If possible, I'd rather avoid wasting people's time and the server hits from repeated refresh inv calls to bring things back to reality.

If mafia would set the dread scroll bits as we find them, that would be nifty. Otherwise I can visit_url through the various pages and scrape them for the text. There are 2 combat messages (healscroll and killscroll), 1 use message (knucklebone), 3 from the same choiceadv through its 3-more options (based on literacy), one irregularly through a self-buff skill (deep dark visions), and one through consumption (worktea being used through sushi). If this is too complicated, I think I can take care of it with nasty scripting. :) If you want the specific messages, I can pull them out. Well, except the worktea... I always just skip that one and guess for it. :) I suppose I can actually check that once though. :D

Thank you.
Just a little bit more info on the dreadscroll. It's implemented as a two-part item. First, you use item 6353. That puts you into choiceadv703 which has 8 inputs, like so:
The 8 answers are found in the following locations:
#pro1 = LIBRARY (answer is in all caps)
#pro2 = healscroll
#pro3 = Deep Dark Visions
#pro4 = knucklebone
#pro5 = killscroll
#pro6 = library (one word with hyphenation possible, lowercase)
#pro7 = worktea
#pro8 = library (at least two words, lowercase)
Each of the choices goes from 1-4.
A note regarding initial implementation:
Veracity implemented tracking item 7, worktea consumption, in 12182 and 12183. The worktea clue is stored in the workteaClue per-ascension setting (implemented in 12182) and saves to your session log and prints to the gCLI (implemented in 12183).

This was noted here.
Had I realized this FR was here, I might have named the preference something else. But, I started the new Sea for the first time yesterday, so was intentionally not paying attention. Sorry!

When the rest of this gets implemented, that preference could presumably be renamed; any script which was using it would have to updated to have the new data.

I can also envision a CLI command to print the set of clues which have been discovered in order...
I noticed today that KoLmafia did not remove cheatsheets from inventory when successfully used on wordquizzes. We should not only remove them, when increasing Mer-kin literacy, but track the progress. Both require parsing the resultText from using a wordquiz, I expect.
I noticed today that KoLmafia did not remove cheatsheets from inventory when successfully used on wordquizzes. We should not only remove them, when increasing Mer-kin literacy, but track the progress. Both require parsing the resultText from using a wordquiz, I expect.
However, mafia removes the dreadscroll when it isn't used up. I haven't verified it, but the dreaded wiki seems to have the text for when it is burned up.
Mer-kin wordquizes and Mer-kin cheatsheets

Use of these two items will happen together or not at all.

When a Mer-kin wordquiz is used, it should only be removed from inventory if there is a Mer-kin cheatsheet in inventory and the Mer-Kin cheatsheet should also be removed from inventory.
When a Mer-kin wordquiz is used, it should only be removed from inventory if there is a Mer-kin cheatsheet in inventory and the Mer-Kin cheatsheet should also be removed from inventory.
What happens when you have 100% mastery? The Wiki says you get a special message: "You're pretty sure you've learned everything you're going to learn about the Mer-kin language from these quizzes." It says this happens whether or not you have a cheatsheet. It does not say if the wordquiz or cheatsheet is removed.

I suspect that neither is removed - and what we need to do is parse "(Your Mer-kin vocabulary mastery is now at X%)" from the responsetext - and save it - and remove both wordquiz and cheatsheet if we find it.
I can also envision a CLI command to print the set of clues which have been discovered in order...
I'm working on the dreadscroll. I would find it helpful if I had a list of the clues as they are displayed in the choice adventure. That can be picked out from the choice dropdowns you get when you "use" the dreadscroll. I'll be there again in a couple of days, but if someone gets there first, if you can get the HTML for the page (or the form, at least) and post it, I would appreciate it.

Hopefully one of these is what you were needing.
Just a little bit more info on the dreadscroll. It's implemented as a two-part item. First, you use item 6353. That puts you into choiceadv703 which has 8 inputs, like so:
The 8 answers are found in the following locations:
#pro1 = LIBRARY (answer is in all caps)
#pro2 = healscroll
#pro3 = Deep Dark Visions
#pro4 = knucklebone
#pro5 = killscroll
#pro6 = library (one word with hyphenation possible, lowercase)
#pro7 = worktea
#pro8 = library (at least two words, lowercase)
Each of the choices goes from 1-4.

When the <choice1> <choice2> is in the House of <choice3>,
and the <choice4> Current runs <choice5>,
when a <choice6> <choice7> births <choice8>,
the Elder shall awaken.

choice1: ( lonely | doubled | thrice-cursed | fourth )
choice2: ( starfish | moonfish | sunfish | planetfish )
choice3: ( Cards | Blues | Pancakes | Pain )
choice4: ( Northern | Southern | Eastern | Western )
choice5: ( as red as blood | as black as ink | as green as bile | as yellow as piss )
choice6: ( blind | giant | finless | two-headed )
choice7: ( eel | turtle | shark | whale )
choice8: ( one thousand squirming young | two and twenty stillborn spawn | conjoined triplets | a brand new dance craze )
Revision 12223 does a lot of this

- setting "merkinVocabularyMastery" is an integer from 0 to 100, corresponding to using from 0 to 10 wordquizzes with cheatsheets
- successfully using a wordquiz also removes a cheatsheet from inventory
- enable "grandma" as a permitted crafting method. In theory, once we track quest progress, we can do this only if you have rescued her, but for now, assumed to be always available. This fixes the problem with ingredients for stuff you trade to her not getting removed from inventory when you do the trade.
- all eight Mer-kin dreadscroll clues are now recognized when you obtain them.
- dreadScroll1 .. dreadScroll8 are the settings to track this. The value is an integer from 1 to 4, which is what you need to pass to the choice adventure you get when you use a dreadscroll. If the value is 0, you haven't found that clue.
- the "dreadscroll" command tells you what you found and where you found it (or, more usefully, what you have not yet found and what you need to do to find it) and also the text of the dreadscroll with the correct clues filled in. Here is what my test multi has after successfully learning all eight clues:

> dreadscroll

dreadScroll1 (Mer-kin Library 1): 4 (FOURTH)
dreadScroll2 (Mer-kin healscroll): 1 (starfish)
dreadScroll3 (Deep Dark Visions): 3 (The House of Pancakes)
dreadScroll4 (Mer-kin knucklebone): 3 (east)
dreadScroll5 (Mer-kin killscroll): 2 (black)
dreadScroll6 (Mer-kin Library 2): 2 (giant)
dreadScroll7 (Mer-kin worktea): 4 (a whale)
dreadScroll8 (Mer-kin Library 3): 3 (conjoined triplets)

When the fourth starfish is in the House of Pancakes,
and the Eastern Current runs as black as ink,
when a giant whale births conjoined triplets,
the Elder shall awaken.
Given this, it'd be easy enough to "spoil" the dreadscroll choice adventure similarly to Beer Pong or the Wine Cellar - preset the various dropdowns to the correct selections - and perhaps mark them with ->xxx<- like the wine bottles to indicate that they really are the correct choices, to allow you to see which ones are unknown, if you haven't learned all 8 clues.

Nothing for seahorse yet.
It would save a server hit if we saved the Seahorse name, which is found in the Other Accomplishments on the Questlog. If mafia doesn't save it, I can check the page, but... figured I'd offer it as a way to avoid a server hit.
We look at the questlog when you log in, so could easily parse seahorse name from there.

We could/should also recognize it when you tame the wild seahorse. I'd like to see the HTML of the last round when you use the sea lasso. Is it marked with a WINWINWIN, so we can look for the name in the normal "things we do at the end of a fight" processing? Or is it one of those "not a win, not a loss" ways to end a fight?

My current run has been slow, so I may not get to the Sea again tomorrow - but the next day, for sure, and I'll see what I can figure out then, if somebody doesn't give me the page HTML before then.
We look at the questlog when you log in, so could easily parse seahorse name from there.

We could/should also recognize it when you tame the wild seahorse. I'd like to see the HTML of the last round when you use the sea lasso. Is it marked with a WINWINWIN, so we can look for the name in the normal "things we do at the end of a fight" processing? Or is it one of those "not a win, not a loss" ways to end a fight?

Sadly, it is not marked as a win. Here's the HTML:

<img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='dragged'><div id='debug'></div><div class=contextmenu id='skillmenu'></div><div class=contextmenu id='itemsmenu'></div><div id=topbar><center><table class=actionbar cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tbody><tr class=label><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td>1</td><td>2</td><td>3</td><td>4</td><td>5</td><td>6</td><td>7</td><td>8</td><td>9</td><td>0</td><td>–</td><td>=</td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr class=blueback><td><a href='adventure.php?snarfblat=199'><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/plexpock.gif'></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/book3.gif' id='skills'></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button1'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button2'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button3'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button4'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button5'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button6'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button7'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button8'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button9'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button10'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button11'></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/blank.gif' id='button12'></td><td valign=center align=center class=page><a class=nounder href='javascript:pageup();'><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/otherimages/tinyup.gif' class=updown></a><br><span id='page_out'></span><br><a class=nounder href='javascript:pagedown();'><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/otherimages/tinydown.gif' class=updown></a></td><td class=spacer></td><td><img src='http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/backpack.gif' id='items'></td></tr><tr class=label><td>again</td><td></td><td>skills</td><td></td><td id='qty1'></td><td id='qty2'></td><td id='qty3'></td><td id='qty4'></td><td id='qty5'></td><td id='qty6'></td><td id='qty7'></td><td id='qty8'></td><td id='qty9'></td><td id='qty10'></td><td id='qty11'></td><td id='qty12'></td><td></td><td></td><td>items</td></tr></tbody></table></center></div><div class=content id='content_'><div id='effdiv' style='display: none'></div><div style='overflow: auto'><center><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Combat: Round 3!</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><table><tr><td><img id='monpic' src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/adventureimages/seahorse.gif" width=100 height=100></td><td valign=center>You're fighting <span id='monname'>a wild seahorse</span></td></tr></table><br><table><tr><td valign=top><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/cowbell.gif" width=30 height=30 alt="sea cowbell" title="sea cowbell"></td><td valign=center>You ring the cowbell, and the seahorse makes a cursory (though effective) effort to knock the cowbell out of your hands.  It is almost entirely subdued, at this point.</td></tr></table><table><tr><td valign=top><img src="http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/itemimages/lasso.gif" width=30 height=30 alt="sea lasso" title="sea lasso"></td><td valign=center><p></td></tr></table><p>You finally manage to subdue the seahorse completely.  It looks at you adoringly and nuzzles you.<p>I shall name you "Glitterswim," you say.  "How do you like that?"<p>Huh.  You didn't know seahorses could arch their eyebrows.<script>if (typeof state != 'undefined') state['fightover'] = true; window.fightover = true;</script><div id='fightform' class='hideform'><p><center><table><a name="end"><form name=attack action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="attack"><tr><td align=center><input id='tack' picurl=chefstaff9 onclick="return killforms(this)"  class=button type=submit value="Attack with your Staff of the Deepest Freeze"></td></tr></form></a><form name=chefstaffform action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="chefstaff"><tr><td align=center><input id='chefstaffbutton' picurl=squeastaff class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Jiggle your Staff of the Deepest Freeze"></td></tr></form><form name=summon action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="summon"><tr><td align=center><input id='summonbutton' picurl=dodecagram class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Summon Brock Spade the Level 3 Penne Dreadful"></td></tr></form><form name=useitem action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="useitem"><tr><td align=left><select name=whichitem><option value=0>(select an item)</option><option picurl=scroll2 value=547>334 scroll (1)</option><option picurl=scroll2 value=549>30669 scroll (15)</option><option picurl=scroll2 value=550>33398 scroll (10)</option><option picurl=poisoncup value=829>anti-anti-antidote (29)</option><option picurl=handmirror value=2092>antique hand mirror (1)</option><option picurl=trolldoll value=5433>blue raspberry troll doll (1)</option><option picurl=bubblebath value=1965>bottle of Monsieur Bubble (4)</option><option picurl=trolldoll value=5431>cinnamon troll doll (1)</option><option picurl=coily value=4118>Coily™ (1)</option><option picurl=crayonshavings value=5703>crayon shavings (57)</option><option picurl=cookbook value=536>dictionary (1)</option><option picurl=divblowout value=3120>divine blowout (7)</option><option picurl=divstring value=3119>divine can of silly string (5)</option><option picurl=divpopper value=3121>divine champagne popper (2)</option><option picurl=divcracker value=3122>divine cracker (1)</option><option picurl=divnoise value=3118>divine noisemaker (1)</option><option picurl=cookbook value=1316>facsimile dictionary (169)</option><option picurl=hairwad value=1922>gob of wet hair (59)</option><option picurl=trolldoll value=5432>grape troll doll (1)</option><option picurl=seltzer value=3697>high-pressure seltzer bottle (1)</option><option picurl=seltzer value=345>Knob Goblin superseltzer (3)</option><option picurl=jart value=4120>lawn dart (3)</option><option picurl=paraguy value=4628>little parachute guy (1)</option><option picurl=potion4 value=518>magical mystery juice (25)</option><option picurl=mem_ca value=4011>memory of a CA base pair (1)</option><option picurl=mem_cg value=4012>memory of a CG base pair (1)</option><option picurl=mem_ct value=4013>memory of a CT base pair (1)</option><option picurl=destroyobot value=3114>Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot (10)</option><option picurl=cloaca value=2437>New Cloaca-Cola (1)</option><option picurl=palmfan value=2606>palm-frond fan (3)</option><option picurl=pep_parasol value=5401>peppermint parasol (2)</option><option picurl=pixeltank value=5907>pixel energy tank (3)</option><option picurl=raindohbox value=5563>Rain-Doh black box (1)</option><option picurl=raindohballs value=5560>Rain-Doh blue balls (1)</option><option picurl=raindohcup value=5561>Rain-Doh indigo cup (1)</option><option picurl=raindohagent value=5557>Rain-Doh orange agent (1)</option><option picurl=redwagon value=4121>red wagon (1)</option><option picurl=unicycle2 value=4116>rickety old unicycle (1)</option><option picurl=lasso value=4198>sea lasso (1)</option><option picurl=scepter value=2678>spectre scepter (224)</option><option picurl=sputtysheet value=3665>Spooky Putty sheet (1)</option></select><br><select name=whichitem2><option value=0>(select an item)</option><option  value=547>334 scroll (1)</option><option  value=549>30669 scroll (15)</option><option  value=550>33398 scroll (10)</option><option  value=829>anti-anti-antidote (29)</option><option  value=2092>antique hand mirror (1)</option><option  value=5433>blue raspberry troll doll (1)</option><option  value=1965>bottle of Monsieur Bubble (4)</option><option  value=5431>cinnamon troll doll (1)</option><option  value=4118>Coily™ (1)</option><option  value=5703>crayon shavings (57)</option><option  value=536>dictionary (1)</option><option  value=3120>divine blowout (7)</option><option  value=3119>divine can of silly string (5)</option><option  value=3121>divine champagne popper (2)</option><option  value=3122>divine cracker (1)</option><option  value=3118>divine noisemaker (1)</option><option  value=1316>facsimile dictionary (169)</option><option  value=1922>gob of wet hair (59)</option><option  value=5432>grape troll doll (1)</option><option  value=3697>high-pressure seltzer bottle (1)</option><option  value=345>Knob Goblin superseltzer (3)</option><option  value=4120>lawn dart (3)</option><option  value=4628>little parachute guy (1)</option><option  value=518>magical mystery juice (25)</option><option  value=4011>memory of a CA base pair (1)</option><option  value=4012>memory of a CG base pair (1)</option><option  value=4013>memory of a CT base pair (1)</option><option  value=3114>Miniborg Destroy-O-Bot (10)</option><option  value=2437>New Cloaca-Cola (1)</option><option  value=2606>palm-frond fan (3)</option><option  value=5401>peppermint parasol (2)</option><option  value=5907>pixel energy tank (3)</option><option  value=5563>Rain-Doh black box (1)</option><option  value=5560>Rain-Doh blue balls (1)</option><option  value=5561>Rain-Doh indigo cup (1)</option><option  value=5557>Rain-Doh orange agent (1)</option><option  value=4121>red wagon (1)</option><option  value=4116>rickety old unicycle (1)</option><option selected value=4198>sea lasso (1)</option><option  value=2678>spectre scepter (224)</option><option  value=3665>Spooky Putty sheet (1)</option></select> <input class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Use Item(s)"></td></tr></form><form name=skill action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="skill"><tr><td align=center><select name=whichskill><option value='none'>(select a skill)</option><option value="2" picurl="fireball" >Chronic Indigestion (4 Mana Points)</option><option value="15" picurl="commacha" >CLEESH (9 Mana Points)</option><option value="19" picurl="snout" >Transcendent Olfaction (39 Mana Points)</option><option value="28" picurl="fire" >Awesome Balls of Fire (119 Mana Points)</option><option value="29" picurl="campfire" >Conjure Relaxing Campfire (29 Mana Points)</option><option value="30" picurl="cyclone" >Snowclone (119 Mana Points)</option><option value="31" picurl="snowflake" >Maximum Chill (29 Mana Points)</option><option value="37" picurl="wink" >Inappropriate Backrub (29 Mana Points)</option><option value="36" picurl="greasebolt" >Grease Lightning (119 Mana Points)</option><option value="32" picurl="egg" >Eggsplosion (119 Mana Points)</option><option value="33" picurl="blooddrops" >Mudbath (29 Mana Points)</option><option value="42" picurl="tombstone" >Raise Backup Dancer (119 Mana Points)</option><option value="43" picurl="creepysleepy" >Creepy Lullaby (29 Mana Points)</option><option value="55" picurl="volcmeteor" >Volcanometeor Showeruption (0 Mana Points)</option><option value="56" picurl="coffeecup" >Wassail (29 Mana Points)</option><option value="57" picurl="vortex" >Toynado (119 Mana Points)</option><option value="61" picurl="wink" >Offensive Joke (14 Mana Points)</option><option value="79" picurl="tattle" >Tattle (6 Mana Points)</option><option value="84" picurl="corclubcor" >Silent Slam (4 Mana Points)</option><option value="85" picurl="blooddrops" >Silent Squirt (9 Mana Points)</option><option value="86" picurl="soulknife" >Silent Slice (4 Mana Points)</option><option value="1022" picurl="clobber" >Clobber (1 Mana Point)</option><option value="1023" picurl="hookspear" >Harpoon! (29 Mana Points)</option><option value="1003" picurl="club" >Thrust-Smack (2 Mana Points)</option><option value="1005" picurl="cudgel" >Lunging Thrust-Smack (7 Mana Points)</option><option value="2022" picurl="ssnapper" >Spectral Snapper (19 Mana Points)</option><option value="2023" picurl="toss" >Toss (1 Mana Point)</option><option value="2024" picurl="leviatuga" >Summon Leviatuga (39 Mana Points)</option><option value="2003" picurl="headbutt" >Headbutt (2 Mana Points)</option><option value="2015" picurl="kneebutt" >Kneebutt (3 Mana Points)</option><option value="3019" picurl="fearfulfet" >Fearful Fettucini (23 Mana Points)</option><option value="3020" picurl="line" >Spaghetti Spear (0 Mana Points)</option><option value="3022" picurl="candypile" >Candyblast (5 Mana Points)</option><option value="3023" picurl="scharm" >Stringozzi Serpent (12 Mana Points)</option><option value="3003" picurl="ravshurikens" >Ravioli Shurikens (3 Mana Points)</option><option value="3004" picurl="entnoodles" >Entangling Noodles (2 Mana Points)</option><option value="3009" picurl="lasbandage" >Lasagna Bandages (5 Mana Points)</option><option value="3005" picurl="pastacannon" selected>Cannelloni Cannon (5 Mana Points)</option><option value="3007" picurl="stuffshell" >Stuffed Mortar Shell (12 Mana Points)</option><option value="3008" picurl="ironspoon" >Weapon of the Pastalord (23 Mana Points)</option><option value="4020" picurl="salsaball" >Salsaball (1 Mana Point)</option><option value="4022" picurl="icingsurge" >Surge of Icing (9 Mana Points)</option><option value="4023" picurl="cheesestorm" >Käsesoßesturm (9 Mana Points)</option><option value="4003" picurl="saucestream" >Stream of Sauce (2 Mana Points)</option><option value="4014" picurl="saucysalve" >Saucy Salve (3 Mana Points)</option><option value="4005" picurl="raincloud" >Saucestorm (9 Mana Points)</option><option value="4009" picurl="saucewave" >Wave of Sauce (15 Mana Points)</option><option value="4012" picurl="saucegeyser" >Saucegeyser (27 Mana Points)</option><option value="5019" picurl="terrortango" >Tango of Terror (7 Mana Points)</option><option value="5021" picurl="hernia" >Suckerpunch (1 Mana Point)</option><option value="5023" picurl="mistletoe" >Stealth Mistletoe (4 Mana Points)</option><option value="5003" picurl="eyepoke" >Disco Eye-Poke (2 Mana Points)</option><option value="5005" picurl="dance1" >Disco Dance of Doom (4 Mana Points)</option><option value="5008" picurl="dance2" >Disco Dance II: Electric Boogaloo (6 Mana Points)</option><option value="5012" picurl="facestab" >Disco Face Stab (9 Mana Points)</option><option value="6025" picurl="breath" >Sing (1 Mana Point)</option><option value="7074" picurl="burrowgrub" >Consume Burrowgrub (0 Mana Points)</option></select> <input class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Use Skill"></td></tr></form><form name=macro action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="macro"><input type="hidden" name="macrotext" value=""><tr><td align=center><select name=whichmacro><option value='0'>(select a macro)</option><option value="80723" picurl="grimglaive" >Spam Attack</option><option value="81441" picurl="vampirefangs" >Spam Infection</option><option value="18415" picurl="heboulder" >Yellow Ray</option></select> <input class=button type=submit onclick="return killforms(this);" value="Execute Macro"></td></tr></form><form name=runaway action=fight.php method=post><input type=hidden name=action value="runaway"><tr><td align=center><input class=button onclick="return killforms(this);" type=submit value="Run Away (100% chance of being free)"></td></tr></form></table></center></div><p>Being underwater makes it hard to move -- it's really slowing you down!<p><a name="end"></a><p><a href="adventure.php?snarfblat=199">Adventure Again (The Coral Corral)</a><p><a href="seafloor.php">Go back to The Sea Floor</a></center>
Revision 12231 saves the seahorse name in setting seahorseName. It parses it from the Quest Log when you log in (since we go to that page anyway) and also recognizes it from the fight round when you tame and name your seahorse.

I had a typo in my code - " wild seahorse", rather than "wild seahorse" - so it didn't recognize it when I tamed my seahorse this morning, but I fixed the typo and ran "test fight 1" on the saved HTML and saw "Round 2: Seahorse name: Glitterswim" in my gCLI & session log - and that name in the seahorsName setting of the character who ran the test, who previously didn't have that name saved - so I think it is working.

I think that completes this FR.
Awesome! Thanks, Veracity. I'll work to drop down several server hits for TheSea when I slowly make my way to testing again in another rollover or two. :)