Feature Track mother hellseal parts in relay


Active member
Use link for mother hellseal parts in relay

Since the SCs got their revamp, this just seems like an opportune time to request this. When hunting seal parts during your nemesis quest, it's be nice to have a prompt to return to the hut when you're finished so you can make your disguise. Or even a shortcut to get your disguise and immediately go to the cave.
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Isn't this something that a relay script can easily do for you? There's really no additional tracking needed, because the parts are in your inventory already.
I'm probably using the wrong words. I meant a relay decoration, like when you get all your goat cheese, it gives you a link to the trapper, that kind of thing. Not to mention we're talking about fight.ash. Just thought it was a nifty idea.
The term is "use link". Your suggestion reasonable, in my opinion, although I doubt that I will ever do the Nemesis quest again.
Use link, thank you. And while you may not do it for a while, there's gonna be plenty of people hitting SC runs to test it out for you ^^

And yes, I consider forever to be a while :p