Feature - Implemented Track fights won with Xiblaxian holo-wrist-puter


Track Xiblaxian holo-wrist-puter charges

This is going to be a common HC accessory now that the wrist-puter/5d printer are guaranteed day 1/day 2 items from the transmission from planet XI. And it's important to know when the next drop is due so that you can be in the right location (underground/indoor/outdoors). But it's a pain to track manually because it works on number of combats won with the item equipped, not straight adventures.

There's a formula in the wiki:
Anomalous materials drop after n*(5*n + 17)/2 = 11, 27, 48, 74, ... successful combats (see talk page for edge cases) per day. This counter does not appear to be reset on ascension.
The edge cases in the talk page are just verifying that it counts won combats, regardless of whether they take turns.
So, much like the way the bonus PvP fights from the goth kid (or bonus adventures from the hare, or turns until the Jung Man drops the jar) are tracked, I'd like to have the number of fights won with the Xiblaxian holo-wrist-puter. Spading strongly suggests that the drops occur on a predictable schedule, and I'd like to be able to use that to make better use of my Eudora.
I have code written on this, which I will commit as soon as sourceforge cooperates.

I think there's another thread around here that this can be merged with.