This script completes the Repair the Elves Shield Generator quest in Spaaaace (at least, in some--hopefully most--cases.
). It is my first ASH script and could be considerably improved if I had more time to spend on it.
Assumptions: (many)
- You can handle all combats with your current outfit/ccs.
- Furthermore, you can do so without your current off-hand.
- Even furthermore, you can do so without getting hit too many times.
- Others I do not realize.
Features: (not many)
- User-configurable options whether to use and/or buy transponders, and where to adventure for spooky little girl and EMU Unit.
- Will continue (I think) the quest if stopped partway through it.
View attachment generatorQuest.ash

Assumptions: (many)
- You can handle all combats with your current outfit/ccs.
- Furthermore, you can do so without your current off-hand.
- Even furthermore, you can do so without getting hit too many times.
- Others I do not realize.

Features: (not many)
- User-configurable options whether to use and/or buy transponders, and where to adventure for spooky little girl and EMU Unit.
- Will continue (I think) the quest if stopped partway through it.
View attachment generatorQuest.ash