Banana Lord
I know there must be a better way of doing this, but I'm not really sure what I'm doing.
if(my_primestat() == $stat[muscle])
if(item_amount($item[corpsedriver]) == 0)
if(my_inebriety() < 6)
take_storage(2, $item[corpsedriver]);
if(my_inebriety() > 5 && my_inebriety() < 15)
take_storage(1, $item[corpsedriver]);
if(item_amount($item[corpsedriver]) == 1 && my_inebriety() < 6)
take_storage(1, $item[corpsedriver]);
if(my_primestat() == $stat[mysticality])
if(item_amount($item[corpse on the beach]) == 0)
if(my_inebriety() < 6)
take_storage(2, $item[corpse on the beach]);
if(my_inebriety() > 5 && my_inebriety() < 15)
take_storage(1, $item[corpse on the beach]);
if(item_amount($item[corpse on the beach]) == 1 && my_inebriety() < 6)
take_storage(1, $item[corpse on the beach]);
if(my_primestat()== $stat[moxie])
if(item_amount($item[corpsetini]) == 0)
if(my_inebriety() < 6)
take_storage(2, $item[corpsetini]);
if(my_inebriety() > 5 && my_inebriety() < 15)
take_storage(1, $item[corpsetini]);
if(item_amount($item[corpsetini]) == 1 && my_inebriety() < 6)
take_storage(1, $item[corpsetini]);