Bug Text display may become weird on different versions of Java


First Seen: 20716
Reproduce Steps: First can try updating Java to the latest, if that fails then set `swing.boldMetal` to true to force the issue.
Steps to Fix: Make sure `swing.boldMetal` is false.

On newer versions of Java, of which I had reproduced on Java 16. The text display will become weird with emboldened text and the like.
Strangely I'm not able to replicate it, after running my test build for a week. Previously I was on Java 8.

To fix this, it's as simple as

UIManager.put("swing.boldMetal", Boolean.FALSE);

Regardless that I wasn't able to replicate it again, there's no harm in implementing this fix as it enforces that the text style isn't emboldened.
I think this could be a global setting that other Java programs may have set?

To be clear, I don't think this is a preferences issue at all. The text would no longer fit in each line and would have the bottom part cut off. Input suffered from the same issue.


Staff member
If I understand this correctly, it’s about a default for the Metal LaF, which is the Swing default theme... except when it isn’t.

New themes are not using this because
A: they are not the Metal LaF
B: they don’t use “bold” by default.

I don’t think this is a big, but if it is, it’s a problem from 2004. I don’t know how many users used Metal before we added themes. At least on MacOS, it’s not our Default LAF.

I don’t think it’s a problem to add the fix, either. Seems harmless, just needs multi platform testing.