Tattoo picker


New member

This script replaces the default tatto selection page with something a little more full-featured.

  • single-click tattoo selection
  • displays tattoo source (e.g. outfit, item, ascension, …)
  • sources linked to relevant pages on TheKolWiki
  • filter based on source or "sigil" name (e.g. "Crimbo tattoo kit" or "c18tat")
  • random tattoo selection


To install, open KoLmafia's gCLI and enter:

svn checkout


I have an "Unknown" tattoo

Whoops! That means my database is out of date. Feel free to open an issue requesting that I add your Unknown tattoos, and include how you got them (if you remember).

I have a "Mystery" tattoo

These are tattoos which I know exist, but have no other information about. Currently, there's only one of these — crimborgtat — and if you have information about how it was obtained, please let me know by opening an issue!
Very nice! Thanks for sharing!

Request: add a "Still Need" category, showing the tattoos you don't have yet (without the 'Select' button of course). They could also perhaps be dimmed out, to make it more obvious you don't have them yet.

Your name reminds me of my elementary school spelling bee nemesis: Bobby Blank. He was from some other school, and every year at the district spelling bee it came down to him and me. One year we went at it for over half an hour before he won with SHEER LUCK because he got some ridiculously easy word (it may have even been "carrot"). You could hear the groans from the audience. I shook my fist and said "Next year, Bobby Blank! Next year!" Such a great name for a nemesis, really; everyone should be so lucky.
Your name reminds me of my elementary school spelling bee nemesis: Bobby Blank. He was from some other school, and every year at the district spelling bee it came down to him and me. One year we went at it for over half an hour before he won with SHEER LUCK because he got some ridiculously easy word (it may have even been "carrot"). You could hear the groans from the audience. I shook my fist and said "Next year, Bobby Blank! Next year!" Such a great name for a nemesis, really; everyone should be so lucky.

You were...

*puts on sunglasses*

... Blanked out

(Note to self: forum is bad at emailing me when I get replies.)

Request: add a "Still Need" category, showing the tattoos you don't have yet (without the 'Select' button of course). They could also perhaps be dimmed out, to make it more obvious you don't have them yet.

Thanks for the feedback! This is definitely something I considered, but haven't yet coded up because (1) I figured cc_snapshot already had that covered and (2) it would mean either that the "Still Need" category would be cluttered with time-locked tattoos it's no longer possible to get or I would have to track down whether each of the 300-odd tattoos are still obtainable, which sounds like a colossal pain. :) I may still end up doing it, though.
Some of us don't use cc_snapsot, since we have no interest in publishing our accomplishments to the world, but might still care about going for tattoos we may not have heard about.

Haven't installed this yet, since, truth to tell, not focussed on tattoos - but I do have (I think) all of them, so being educated about how I am wrong would be useful. "I think I have all of them" is why I "haven't installed this yet."

Regarding which tattoos are permanently no longer available would require research, but would be a simple map from <tattoo> -> <boolean> to set up as a data structure. So, yes - a pain to track down, but it is one-time work.
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For those of us that don't use cc_snapshot, it would be nice. I do still use Planner, but it hasn't been updated in a while and your solution is nicely built in to KoL's interface.

@Erich: hahaha! *shakes fist*