Standard PVP Bonus


Here's a script that I wrote that will tell you every item that you can use for rollover bonus PVP Fights, while in a pathed "Standard" type ascension.

It's designed for the Softcore user, but can be used in HC (but it's pretty worthless in HC)

It will give you a printout of all the items you currently have in your inventory, and storage, and how many pulls you have remaining. It will also tell you how many bonus fights you will receive from said item.

It will take into account your current muscle, mysticality & moxie, and won't tell you that you can use an item that you can not equip yet.

If you have 0 pulls left, it will just advise you as to what you have on-hand to equip.

I took the base of my Standard-Rollover-Bonus script, and modified it for PVP.

svn checkout
Release V 3.0 Another major rewrite. The output display is much more user friendly. It will only show an item onhand or in
storage if it is better than what you currently are wearing. It does this for all equipment slots. Thanks to HeeHeeHee for the inspiration.
Release V 2.1 minor change to speed up script.
Release V 2.0 Rewrote main part of script. Thanks to ckb, and AlbinoRhino for help, and advice.
The script now works for all types of ascesions, although written for SOFTCORE players.
Release V 1.1 Fixed bug where script wasn't properly checking for Maids in your campground dwelling
Release V 1.0 Initial script released into the world.