Spaaaace Quest 9


I've been working on this script for the Pork Elves in Spaaaace quest. So far it looks like it works, but for some reason it stops responding after the wait(5) has been executed. Can anyone debug that for me? Another thing I'm wondering, how do you trigger this quest so that your quest log actually tracks it? I can't seem to get the quest data to show up in mine. What is the code that allows Mafia to check the step of the quest you're on, as I think I'll rewrite this thing to use that instead of checking the log directly.

PS: Ignore the line about Wumpii, I forgot to delete that. :/
Scanning the script, I think it stops after wait(5) because of this line (and the one like it):
 while (available_amount($item[map to safety shelter ronald prime]) < available_amount($item[E.M.U. rocket thrusters]) + available_amount($item[E.M.U. joystick]))
If the quest hasn't been started yet, the player should have zero of all three; you're never going to actually get into the actions needed. Your script won't actually adventure to get any maps to get the EMU parts.
Scanning the script, I think it stops after wait(5) because of this line (and the one like it):
 while (available_amount($item[map to safety shelter ronald prime]) < available_amount($item[E.M.U. rocket thrusters]) + available_amount($item[E.M.U. joystick]))
If the quest hasn't been started yet, the player should have zero of all three; you're never going to actually get into the actions needed. Your script won't actually adventure to get any maps to get the EMU parts.

Oh duh! I see exactly what you mean, there's supposed to be a == 0 there that somehow didn't copy/paste. I'll fix that toute-suite.