Source Terminal GUI


What does it do?
Gives the Source Terminal a slightly easier to use interface.

How do I use it?
Install it by running this command in KoLmafia's graphical CLI:

svn checkout

Then visit your source terminal.

This script uses a choice override library I wrote, so installing it will replace choice.ash, if you're using that.


To update the script itself (or any script), run this command in the graphical CLI:

svn update

Contact me in-game: Ezandora (#1557284)
I'm not familiar with this definition of the word "slightly"...

Seriously, though, this is great. The only problem is that it exposes the Source Terminal as one of those "press button, receive thing" IOTMs. But I think we all knew that already.
I had a bit of a problem getting it to work for me, until I actually followed directions and ran the svn checkout for the choice override library linked above as well.
Just thought Id mention it here in case anyone else stumbles getting this going.
Looks great, thanks for another beauty of a script Ezandora !
If the choice library is a requirement, then Ezandora should consider adding it as a dependency for this script to run, so it just works. But... eh. :)
Well, other scripts install dependencies just fine, unless that's broken in mafia in general sometime within the past few weeks, so... :( What's different about your script or repository that makes it sad? *sniffs and hands out tissues*
Well, other scripts install dependencies just fine, unless that's broken in mafia in general sometime within the past few weeks, so... :( What's different about your script or repository that makes it sad? *sniffs and hands out tissues*

Well someone posted a failure of one of my scripts to install a dependency a few weeks ago. I looked and it might have been a CR, CR/LF issue in my dependencies file but no one else is using the script :-( so I don't know whether I fixed the problem. But I don't think it is correct to dismiss this as something that only happens to one repository although it may be reasonable to ignore it because of an absence of repeatable test cases.
Although buttons are nice, I think the Greatest Upgrade is the screensaver.

Tought I was losing my mind the first time :-D
Well someone posted a failure of one of my scripts to install a dependency a few weeks ago. I looked and it might have been a CR, CR/LF issue in my dependencies file but no one else is using the script :-( so I don't know whether I fixed the problem. But I don't think it is correct to dismiss this as something that only happens to one repository although it may be reasonable to ignore it because of an absence of repeatable test cases.

Hmm. Well, my dependencies don't have any line breaks, so... no clue. *shrugs*
Hmm. Well, my dependencies don't have any line breaks, so... no clue. *shrugs*

No clue either. I took a diff between my local copy of dependencies (that allegedly did not work) and a local copy from another script where the dependencies allegedly worked and the EOL was the only difference.

The file is being read by a Java BufferedReader. If the EOL of the file and the local line.separator property disagree it is possible that mafia is not reading the file right. I can construct configurations for SVN clients and the repository so that this would be possible but at the moment the un-repeatability makes this a low priority question.
Thanks for writing such awesome scripts Ezandora. It's really appreciated, especially since I'm just coming back to the game after a long hiatus. They make things so much easier!

I'm having an issue with this script though. Currently, my KoLmafia Daily Deeds panel will let me use 3 enhance buffs. My Source Terminal GUI will only let me use 2. It is also allowing me to extrude a CRAM chip, even though I already have one installed. I uninstalled and reinstalled the script in KoLmafia, restarted KoLmafia, but that didn't work. And just to make sure, I tried and can actually use all 3 enhance buffs without issue from the Daily Deeds panel.

I don't know what I did to make things so out of sync, but I was wondering if there's something I can do on my end to sync things up again.

source terminal issue.PNG