Soft green echo eyedrops question


New member
Hi all,

I'm in learning mode for scripting, and I think it's awesome.

I'm working on a basic turn-burning script that I want to streamline for gaining specific substats.

My question is: is there a way to use soft green echo eyedrops on specific effects? Or am I stuck with negative effects when I get them? (obviously, the point is to not have to stop the script to manually apply the eyedrops)
If you know what negative effects you might use, you could add them into your mood as unconditional triggers!
for cli scripts

uneffect effectname

will use shrug off where possible, anti-anti-antidote for poisoned, tiny house (or a skill) for beaten up uhh yeah, I'm sure there are other items/skill which are used instead of soft green echo whatevers but effectively kolmafia tries to remove the effect in the most efficient way possible.
Moods are good for this sort of thing, and auto-fill will hit all the various ways you can be poisoned in one go. You'll need to add Cunctuitis and Tetanus on your own, though.