set threshhold=X


I have a few scripts that use set_threshold=X for, if I understand correctly, the acceptable level of risk when fighting a mob. The default seems to be 3. I tried a search and while I got a zillion hits for threshold it dumps "set" as it is to few letters. How is the value calculated and is it a scale of 1-10 or...?

The value generally derived from the safetyThreshold config value. It is the number of points your moxie can be below the value at which only critical hits will hit you. It is usually used to either determine what to set your MCD to, or to determine if you should do certain actions in combat based on how likely you are to take damage from the monster (for instance, only slinging noodles when the monster is likely to hit you, or only summoning your pastamancer ghost when it isn't).

It is primarily used in scripts written by zarqon, although a few other script writers have adapted it for their use.
An excellent explanation. I would add:

This is not a mafia setting. Mafia does not use this setting for anything. I originally made the setting since I was using that concept as a variable in so many scripts and wanted to be able to change the variable across scripts, and per-character.

As far as values, 3 (the previous default; I bumped it to 4 quite a while back) is quite a safe value. 0 is perfectly safe (only critical hits would hit you). 7 or higher means you'll get hit most of the time. You may want to change this as you go, depending on your character's skills, initiative modifier, and combat strategy.