Set clan title


I'm working on a script to auto-accept members, I would like to set the title, but I'm having trouble getting to the (new) member in question to set the title.

Could anyone help me with the matcher? (maybe that's not the best way to do it either, if you have a better suggestion that would be great)

	string ClanMembersPage= visit_url( "clan_members.php" );
	matcher MembersEntry = create_matcher( "who=(.+?)\">(.+?)</a></td><td>(.+?)</td><td>(.+?)</td>" , ClanMembersPage );

According to what I'm seeing that should get the player ID, Player Name, Player Rank, and Player Title. But it comes back blank.



I've monkeyed around with a bit of clan stuff, and something very similar is actually on my TO-DO list for my clan management script, so if no one is able to help earlier I'll look into it tonight after work. Feel free to hit me up in-game (same name) if you'd like (I'll be on around 8 EDT).


After StDoodle and I discussed this for a couple of hours, I realized that the key was that I don't need to parse the page, I just want to set the title. So, this became a lot simpler, I only need to send the new title to KOL, which I can do with a simple Visit_URL as shown below. I am using this to autoaccept members and set the title, so the ID of the person I'm accepting is in "" and then I set the title to the date that it accepted them:

visit_url("clan_members.php?pwd&action=modify&begin=1&pids[]=""&title""="+format_date_time("yyyyMMdd", today_to_string(), "MM/dd")+" Title??");

Thanks for the help StDoodle!